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Why is it that female cavaliers/generals wear no pants?


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Because Nohr is poor and not wearing practical armor is seen as a Nohrian strategy.



Nohr also doesn't have Oboro. They have Forrest but he wants to give everyone cute pink berets instead and unfortunately no one wants that.

Definitely is!

Garon: Give me my booty. Go kill the Hoshidian couple that makes ladies pants.

Bandit: But... I like wearing pants....

Garon: DO IT.... JUST... DO IT.

And that's the story of Oboro's hatred towards Nohr. The end.

Garon: Now give our zombies BDSM gears!

Edited by Thunderstar
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Yeah but it was never stated that he was chasing for the booty.

Leo said they were all coming to him because he was handsome and badass so he is an actual lady's man and not man's ladies like Laslow.

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In the case of the Great Knight there is some cloth on their back that makes it difficult to see the hole but you still get a clear view from the front. The Paladins simply do it the other way around, having some cloth at the front while leaving the rear completely exposed.

At least this shows that IS listens to user feedback. I recall at least a few people stating how irritated they were at the finale of Awakening when they were suddenly mooned by their dismounted Great Knight avatar. So IS fixed that problem by adding this cape thingy to hide the crotch hole, kinda like how NoA covered Tharja's butt by putting a curtain over it.

I really hope they listen to MY feedback this time around and keep the butt windows.

I still don't understand why they put a curtain over it, wasn't it better just not including the CG altogether? If the purpose is to deliver fanservice they should do it the proper way. All they do is to produce two angry reactions: the ones who now demand more "unsavory" content to be removed since it's never enough, and those who were looking forward to it. Goes to show one should never half-ass anything you do.

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Well you see in traditional warfare when one wears armour, it is most honorable to only attack the shiny parts. Thus for units that wear armour, areas that would be most uncomfortable if they were covered in excessive amounts of clothing and armour can easily remove such pesky materials. This also includes materials that would clearly bunch up or pinch or not allow proper ventilation or circulation in various areas. Since enemies will only attack the shiny parts our warriors can tread the battlefield in relative comfort. Progressive and honorable battlefields for the win.

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It is indeed true. I bet it is what inspired Sophie's fighting style of disrobing her foes.

Come to think of it the deeprealm children never knew of Garon in their world yet Sophie wears no pants. That way indeed just be Corrin who want to pet his units all day. So yeah #BlameKamui

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