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Does anyone else have a hard time swallowing pills?


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I swallowed a pill without water for the very first time ever yesterday \o/

with water I generally do fine because my mind is like "this is just a liquid so I shall drink it" but when I try to swallow a pill alone my mouth just starts to refuse to function

It just thinks "what is this foreign object I do not want this inside of me"

but I tried without water for probably the fifth time ever yesterday and succeeded, though granted it was a very easy pill to swallow~ Just like how depending on the pill sometimes I have trouble even with water

but I'll continue practicing the muscle motions, maybe someday I'll have it down!!

it's pretty much just practicing putting contact lenses on all over again, make my body the humble and tell it that yes these foreign objects are fine and you will accept them

Edited by Freohr Datia
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It's extremely easy for me, but then if I start thinking too much about it then it's hard to take.

Also when I got my wisdom teeth out (&other surgeries), they give me some big ass painkiller meds.. And those were kinda difficult at first.

Edit: Fixed a typo.

Edited by ♯Jin
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I've been swallowing pills with water for so many years that it comes naturally. I never do it without water though because what.

Although lately I can't swallow four pills at once anymore for some odd reason so there's that.

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It kinda depends on the size and shape of the pill. If it's something relatively small, then I can usually get those down no problem, but those big ol' gel caplets, like what's used for pill-based cold medicine and such, can be a little bit difficult to swallow. Those sometimes take a few tries.

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when i was a kid, i couldn't swallow pills, so my dad had to crush them and make me swallow the powder with water. even though i hated the taste of the powder, i dealt with it bc pills were worse to me. now though, i can usually swallow them dry.

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i dry swallow caffeine pills in front of my friends like a barbarian sometimes. its not that bad, but i dont think i could do it if my throat is really dry. like in the morning or hours after drinking. though i probably wouldnt take any bills after drinking alcohol

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I had a hard time as a kid and it didn't help that my dad was forcing me to take some dumb pills that were suppose to help my type 1 diabetes (they didn't do any good, tasted horrid and made me throw up), but now I can take a pill as long as I have a glass of water to drink it down with. I am just glad that my mom finally said no more on the pills my dad thought were so good because even 20 years later I still remember how bad they tasted.

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I had a really difficult time up until recently. Basically I'd just throw it in and take a drink, ensuring that the pill's caught in the liquid then swallow it really quickly. Putting it in the cup never worked for me because it'd sink to the bottom and never emerge.

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