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I finished Birthright.. post chapter 23... things got really emotional.

But now I have some few questions.

The 5 character i picked carries over? How? If i picked my main character does he get deployed as a visiting hero-ish character?

Would I need to extensively use "Boo's camp" map to maximize levelling?

Why was it hard to watch the scene you pick Nohr over Hoshido despite what happened earlier in Chapter 5ish?

Any suggested pairings to maximize character offspring recruitment?

Any other tips?

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The characters you picked go in your logbook, which you can then recruit them from on future runs. They also carry over all skills you've learned, and you can buy those skills onto future characters. For example, I beat the game with a corrin that has Deathblow. I add him to my logbook. I then make a new save file and start playing through Conquest. Once I get to chapter 6, I can go to my logbook and buy deathblow on the new corrin, even if he couldn't learn it any other way.

If you want to cap out every available class on all characters, the short answer is yes. you can use the purchased battles from Birthright/Revelations, but it will take forever, not the least of which because eternal seals are 12,000gp a pop. I would use Boo camp/Ghostly gold.

As far as offspring go, I would simply plan it out ahead of time based on what classes and caps you want on them. Use https://inheritance-planner.herokuapp.com/ and the wiki if you need to. Other than that, i would try and recruit all the ones you want to use in seriousness before chapter 26, since that will give them enough levels to fully reclass if you need/want them to. You can use whichever ones you want, but Ophelia in particular is one you really, really want.

As before, use tonics and food as necessary. Keep in mind that grinding isn't an option outside of DLC, so plan accordingly. Spend your gold wisely. Odin is fantastic as a nosferatu drain tank, and he carried my lunatic playthrough of Conquest for a long time. My personal recommendation (others may disagree) is to try and use laslow at least long enough to get Xander an A+ friendship with him, so you can get shurikenbreaker on him. It is amazingly useful on chapter 25. As always, have fun. Conquest is a blast, so I hope you enjoy it.

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Personally, I'd avoid Arthur and Charlotte like the plague. They're both... not very good, to put it lightly.

Also, Elise gets sick and is rendered unusable in one chapter (specifically, chapter 12, which has pots and Ryoma as the boss).

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Personally, I'd avoid Arthur and Charlotte like the plague. They're both... not very good, to put it lightly.

Note that this man is heavily biased against Arthur.

Arthur has great growths, but he just has a very shakey hit rate early on. If you want to use him, remove Gamble and give him a Bronze Axe as soon as possible. His good Strength should offset the Axe's low might for a while.

After a few levels, his 70% Skill growth should be enough to where he can reliably hit with something besides the Bronze Axe.

I do agree with Charlotte being trash. She's a great Pair-Up bot though. Slap her onto any physical unit, and she'll be being used to her maximum potential.

Would I need to extensively use "Boo's camp" map to maximize levelling?

You do need it to max everyone out, but you definitely don't need it to beat the game. There's enough exp for a group of 16 units (A full party for the final chapter) to reach almost max by the end.

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If you're not completely averse to (ab)using the My Castle features, you can always make ANY character quite usable by simply getting Aptitude on everyone...

Likewise, it can be a much easier way to get the right 'breaker' skill on certain characters in order to cover their main weakness/s

For example, Tomebreaker on Charlotte/Arthur means they'll no longer get completely destroyed by every single enemy mage in existence!

And yeah, I definitely second the idea of planning out ALL your pairings & buddy seals ahead of time - it'll save you soooooo many headaches.

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Note that this man is heavily biased against Arthur.

Arthur has great growths, but he just has a very shakey hit rate early on. If you want to use him, remove Gamble and give him a Bronze Axe as soon as possible. His good Strength should offset the Axe's low might for a while.

After a few levels, his 70% Skill growth should be enough to where he can reliably hit with something besides the Bronze Axe.

I do agree with Charlotte being trash. She's a great Pair-Up bot though. Slap her onto any physical unit, and she'll be being used to her maximum potential.

Well, Arthur's shit tier personal skill does NOT sit well with me - it only really serves to make him a liability.

Also worth noting: Boo Camp is the only way to grind for EXP on Conquest.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Well, Arthur's shit tier personal skill does NOT sit well with me - it only really serves to make him a liability.

Still you being biased against low luck. Don't get me wrong, by endgame he'll probably get hit by a crit or five per chapter. I just don't think it matters when he has 70% HP and 50% Defense. He can take a crit or seven.

His PS actually works great when he's together with Percy. They make a great duo.

Edited by TrueEm
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Op make sure you don't use azura her defence sucks and she can't take a hit

Arthur is more of a support-oriented unit. He gives useful pair-up boosts, especially to Effie, and his skill gives him synergy with Odin and Selena. If you're really paranoid about crits he can wear a Bronze Axe.

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Op make sure you don't use azura her defence sucks and she can't take a hit

Arthur is more of a support-oriented unit. He gives useful pair-up boosts, especially to Effie, and his skill gives him synergy with Odin and Selena. If you're really paranoid about crits he can wear a Bronze Axe.

You mean the synergy that largely doesn't exist because enemies tend to have shit crit evade for the most part, especially when they blow up what little crit evade they have with Silver weapons? Also, News Flash: crits aren't very useful for the player.

Still you being biased against low luck. Don't get me wrong, by endgame he'll probably get hit by a crit or five per chapter. I just don't think it matters when he has 70% HP and 50% Defense. He can take a crit or seven.

His PS actually works great when he's together with Percy. They make a great duo.

Yeah, it matters when it makes his durability subpar in practice, because crits are very potent in enemy hands.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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If you're Levant Mir Celestia [Arthur] can wear a Bronze Axe.

Fixed it for you.

Sorry bad joke.

Op make sure you don't use azura her defence sucks and she can't take a hit

Arthur is more of a support-oriented unit. He gives useful pair-up boosts, especially to Effie, and his skill gives him synergy with Odin and Selena. If you're really paranoid about crits he can wear a Bronze Axe.

Er, that's a very... shallow point of view. Azura may be fragile, but her singing is pretty much invaluable, and once she gets to Level 10, it even gives buffs.

She's actually not bad offensively either, assuming you reclass her early on. 50% base Str growth, 60% base Skill and Speed growths.

Just keep her out of the front lines. Heck, even the mid-lines can be scary for her sometimes.

Also they've already played Birthright they should already know how Azura is in battle.

As for Arthur, again it's really up to preference. Yes, Berserker is a great Pair-Up bot class, but for Arthur you have to train him up a bit, while Charlotte can promote right away, making her a much better pair-up bot.

Yeah, it matters when it makes his durability subpar in my personal experience.

That's how you say that correctly.

Seriously, what part of RNG do we not understand?

Edited by TrueEm
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What part of "crits are more powerful in enemy hands than in player hands" did you fail to grasp? All of it?

That saying makes sense, that's not the point.

also you never actually said that, so you can't phrase it like that kek

Honestly, if you're worried about criticals, it says more about your playing style than the unit. Arthur isn't really a tank, he's a massive powerhouse with trouble on enemy phase thanks to his PS and low luck. How good he is really depends on how you play, like literally (almost) every other unit in Fire Emblem. For example, if you're playing with the mindset of completing the chapter as quick as possible, then Hector is going to suck ass thanks to his awful movement, while Eliwood could actually be decent thanks to his high movement upon promotion. For someone who's unlucky with RNG (Or at least is very paranoid about it), cough cough you cough cough, then units like Arthur and Rinkah are gonna suck, especially if you use them for reasons beyond their stats (Like using Rinkah to kill things besides low Res units and Spear Masters). However, for someone who plays more slowly and cautiously, cough cough me cough cough, units like Arthur and Rinkah are amazing for filling the niches that they do, but some chapters are going to cause trouble (CQ 12 namely).

TL;DR, A unit's worth depends on your playstyle.

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You have many more tools at your disposal than the AI does, it's easy to control the situation so that Arthur has 0 CoD while increasing your own units' crit.

@true Em

It's a little known fact that in Conquest, Azura's chance of successfully refreshing a unit is def% instead of 100% like in Birthright.

Personally, I think Arthur is a better pair-up bot because Charlotte's skill is more situational and he has more time to build supports. Though she's perfectly OK in that role.

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Personally, I think Arthur is a better pair-up bot because Charlotte's skill is more situational and he has more time to build supports. Though she's perfectly OK in that role.

I don't see how their PS has anything to do with their usefulness as a pair-up bot. Unless Arthur's actually works while in pair-up, which I was under the impression it doesn't, but if I'm wrong I'll probably agree with you to some extent.

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You have many more tools at your disposal than the AI does, it's easy to control the situation so that Arthur has 0 CoD while increasing your own units' crit.

Personally, I think Arthur is a better pair-up bot because Charlotte's skill is more situational and he has more time to build supports. Though she's perfectly OK in that role.

Boosting your units' crit scores would be worth mentioning... that is, if most enemy units actually had any real crit evade scores to speak of, which, sadly, doesn't tend to be the case, like, ever, especially lategame - thanks, Silver! (I'm not "ooh"ing or "aah"ing over being about 5% more likely to crit some poor loser that happpened to get within two spaces of Arthur) Looking at CQ Hard chapter 27, for instance:

Swordmaster: 5 Cev (11 Cev for the paired up duo)

Spear Master: 12 Cev (17 Cev for the paired up duo)

Berserker: 0 Cev

Sniper: 2 Cev

Master Ninja: 7 Cev

Sorcerer: 3 Cev

Lancer: 2 Cev

Merchant: 5 Cev

Garon: 25 Cev

The only units who take any real Cev drop are Garon, the paired units, and the Spear Masters, all of whom are themselves worrisome on the crit front. Endgame's more of the same.

Also, skills like Malefic Aura don't work if the unit with them is in the back of a pair up.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Any preferrable pairings?

like any for Mozu and etc?

Felicia + Arthur good pairing?

Whats your recommended pairings for CONQUEST

I used SilasxMozu sophie, and it was spectacular, not necessarily because of the combination itself, but because of how early you can unlock it, which gets you extra XP before the tougher missions and more time to make use of Aptitude growths. As others have said, selena is a valid option for Xander in place of friending Laslow to get Shurikenbreaker, but I personally go with the tried and true CharlottexXander, since you can simply turn her into a berserker and pair her up with him forever, no other investment needed.

Arthur x Felicia seems very iffy to me, the only thing arthur and percy get out of it really is Tomebreaker, which is good, but not THAT good, especially in light of Percy's strength and defenses taking a hit.

Here's my list from my recent Conquest playthrough (keep in mind some of these are for optimization purposes, some are for grinding skills)

MU x Odin (Ophelia with Dragon Fang and lightning takes no prisoners.)

Keaton x Azura (The strength/speed/skill on here was insane)

Jakob x Elise (useful because it can be ground out quite early, completed in one turn, and gets you a bunch of staves)

Silas x Mozu (early availabilty, aptitude, has access to shurikenbreaker)

Kaze x Camilla

Xander x Charlotte (low maintanence)

Leo x Nyx (didn't use during main campaign)

Arthur x Beruka (didn't use during main campaign)

Laslow x Selena (unlocks pegasus knight tree for Soleil and Laslow for excellent rallies)

Niles x Felicia (didn't use)

Benny x Effie (didn't use)

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I used SilasxMozu sophie, and it was spectacular, not necessarily because of the combination itself, but because of how early you can unlock it, which gets you extra XP before the tougher missions and more time to make use of Aptitude growths. As others have said, selena is a valid option for Xander in place of friending Laslow to get Shurikenbreaker, but I personally go with the tried and true CharlottexXander, since you can simply turn her into a berserker and pair her up with him forever, no other investment needed.

Arthur x Felicia seems very iffy to me, the only thing arthur and percy get out of it really is Tomebreaker, which is good, but not THAT good, especially in light of Percy's strength and defenses taking a hit.

Here's my list from my recent Conquest playthrough (keep in mind some of these are for optimization purposes, some are for grinding skills)

MU x Odin (Ophelia with Dragon Fang and lightning takes no prisoners.)

Keaton x Azura (The strength/speed/skill on here was insane)

Jakob x Elise (useful because it can be ground out quite early, completed in one turn, and gets you a bunch of staves)

Silas x Mozu (early availabilty, aptitude, has access to shurikenbreaker)

Kaze x Camilla

Xander x Charlotte (low maintanence)

Leo x Nyx (didn't use during main campaign)

Arthur x Beruka (didn't use during main campaign)

Laslow x Selena (unlocks pegasus knight tree for Soleil and Laslow for excellent rallies)

Niles x Felicia (didn't use)

Benny x Effie (didn't use)

Main Character with what?

Im a male :o

I mean Birthright Playthrough I had Ryoma x Azura

Corrin x Scarlet

Im thinking deeply with Conquest pairing for main unit @ A@

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Unless you're doing some sort of optimized Lunatic run (if it's your first time doing Conquest, DON'T DO THIS), pairings aren't super-vital. You can make something like Arthur x Nyx work (don't do this either, unless you really want Malig Knight Percy). So figure out which of the cast you like, and just run with it!

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