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Whats become evident is... [Spoiler alert]


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...From playing Birthright and now in Conquest

it feels like Conquest has more informational content than Birthright

in which Conquest offers more look on Valla, and some quite unique character development which Birthright didnt offer

Birthright is a straight story

whereas Conquest seems to branch slightly while on the straight route

I dont know...

what do you all think?

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Conquest shows a bit more of what the real enemy is, it throw you to one Valla chapter and it shows that Anankos is possessing people, and Birthright doesn't show Valla and is never really explained what happened with Takumi, but it talks a lot more about the song (Conquest didn't talk about it) ... And still, Conquest throw Valla info with no explanation, it show you stuffs, but it never explain anything...

So yeah, I think the same about Conquest showing more about the real enemy but not provide a good explanation about Valla and Birthright just left everything in "there was something more, but no one know what it is (except Azura but she can't say anything)" , haha what a way to sell us the third route! But that was the premise of the games if I remember well, something about Hoshido being more straight forward story and Conquest being a more complex one

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This is partly why I recommend playing Birthright first, and not just because of the difficulty. Birthright made it seem as if Valla was never a thing and it shouldn't have been a thing in the first place and Azura's story left me with much less questions about her than in Conquest, save for probably Leo's chapter.

As for Takumi's possession in Birthright, wasn't it revealed that Iago was the one possessing him unlike in Conquest? Chapter 25 showed how Iago can fully control him and used him as a spy throughout the story if I recall correctly.

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In Conquest its shown more that something weird is up. We are shown that Valla exist and Garon being manipulated is the plot twist of the later half of the story. In Birthright its different, only at the very last moment do we get an inkling that the war didn't start just because Garon and Norh are so evil.

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As for Takumi's possession in Birthright, wasn't it revealed that Iago was the one possessing him unlike in Conquest? Chapter 25 showed how Iago can fully control him and used him as a spy throughout the story if I recall correctly.

Takumi was possessed by Anankos in chapter 10 after, he fell on the bottomless canyon and landed on Valla (we can assume that the same happened in Conquest). Iago controlled him in Chapter 23, but the game try to imply that Iago was allowed to do that only because there was still some influence of Anankos on Takumi

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I think that in chapter 10 when Azura sings for Takumi, it heals him of Anankos's control and prevents him from going rogue(like in Conquest), but there is still some resentment or remainder of the curse/ possession left, and Iago was able to tap into that and control Takumi.

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Takumi was possessed by Anankos in chapter 10 after, he fell on the bottomless canyon and landed on Valla (we can assume that the same happened in Conquest). Iago controlled him in Chapter 23, but the game try to imply that Iago was allowed to do that only because there was still some influence of Anankos on Takumi

seems in most recent games of FE

theres always that one creepy mage guy thats evil

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Yeah, FE never really has been a paradigm of great villains. Evil conspiring mages are practically a staple of the series, almost as much as mad kings and evil dragons are. Why can't we get more villains like Gangrel at least, who make fart jokes about the heroes? At least there's some entertainment to be had there.

Also yes, BR is supposed to be a more straightforward story. It's basically your typical FE story, except with a few additional bells and whistles. And CQ isn't really supposed to be the big revealer story or "complicated" as much as it is the "edgy" story, I guess. Or the "grey" story, except... not really. But let's not beat the dead maggots on the dead horse with a discussion that's deader than dead. Both paths are meant to hint at the hidden truths, but neither are supposed to reveal a significant portion. Information is omitted in both paths, and each has their own exclusive plot pieces. I personally get the feeling you're meant to play BR first, but that's only because it's how I did it (and because it's decidedly the easiest route of them all). Many bought CQ first and probably don't share this feeling. I wouldn't know.

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Yeah man, let us pretend that Gharnef, Nergal, Manfroy, and a whole swath of older villians don't exist and act like Validar created the archetype. Also, why do you type the way you do? Do you always press the Enter button while typing your sentence halfway?

I make it easier on the eyes

listing downwards instead

easier for those whose eyes is too lazy to scroll sideways all the way to ---------> that way

so why not read downwards

like what most asian countries do with texts.

-is asian-

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... and typing your sentences like that looks more cringeworthy than helpful.

Well, it's leagues better than a hundred-line wall of text with no paragraph breaks at all. Though yeah, it isn't particularly the most helpful, either.

To Darizuka: Usually you're supposed to paragraph break after a sentence or two (or a few, depending). Doing it mid-sentence just seems broken and confusing. You don't need to have it be eight lines long, but most adolescents and adults are easily capable of reading all the way from left to right. Only time this isn't the case is if the person is very tired, but in that case, they really shouldn't be surfing the web in the first place. Not that it'll stop me.

If you're doing it because it's how Asia does it (which is obviously a contested fact given the previous post, but I'll humor you since I literally have no clue), then that's just a case of the right intentions gone wrong. From what I know about Asian languages, they can typically express a whole word or concept with a single character, so they need much less characters than we in the West do in order to express a full sentence. So they can get away with doing it because it doesn't break the flow of the reading process. In essence, English is a more drawn-out language visually than Japanese, Chinese, or Korean are.

Edited by Ertrick36
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I make it easier on the eyes

listing downwards instead

easier for those whose eyes is too lazy to scroll sideways all the way to ---------> that way

so why not read downwards

like what most asian countries do with texts.

-is asian-

Umm... As a native English speaker, I can't say I know anyone who prefers reading text like this as opposed to simply typing it out normally. I'm not terribly familiar with how typing differs with Asian languages, but this being a predominately English speaking Forum, I'm not sure if posts like this are the best approach to take. If you honestly cannot communicate without typing like this, then sure, keep going with it. However, with the frequency you post new topics on this Board, I do recommend at least trying to type your messages more normally. I can't speak for everyone, but the majority of your posts that I read end up looking more like Poems or Haiku's than actual sentences.

Edited by Avalanche
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I make it easier on the eyes

listing downwards instead

easier for those whose eyes is too lazy to scroll sideways all the way to ---------> that way

so why not read downwards

like what most asian countries do with texts.

-is asian-

You're either:

A. trying too hard

B. reading too many of those old-fashioned wall scrolls

C. both

Nowadays, lines of text involving Asian languages like Chinese or Japanese is written, typed, and read from left to right then from top to bottom much like many other languages such as English and Spanish. This is true in both written documents and the Internet. This is coming from an Asian myself.

Regarding the topic, the ultimate point of creating branching storylines for Fates was to attempt to triple sales, especially since Fates uses Awakening's game engine and several of its game mechanics. Not sure how well that worked due to criticism on the story and characters, which have been already beaten to death months ago. However, Fire Emblem overall isn't exactly known for having the best stories (they can be fun and engaging, sure, but they're not literary masterpieces).

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