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Gatrie: Guns Blazing

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We see our heroes, the Unholy Trinity, living happily in Serenes Forest. After months of traveling, they finally feel at peace........not only that but the many people there have taken them in. Things are going great now and its obvious that peace will be consistent.....or is it???????????????????????

Next time:

Chapter 1: DANDY THE ELF

Edited by Gatrie: Guns of Black Ice
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This can only end well... right? Though I do feel that I have been somewhat exaggerated, not to mention the fact that I cannot be killed via physical means, making your story incorrect. Oh, and I am writing a fanfic myself, so... you kind of got it wrong twice.

Good start though... I always thought I would make a fantastic villain. Oh I could be just like Shakespeare's Richard III.

Edited by Shuuda
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Gatrie...seriously, please calm down, I would hate for you to be in trouble....

i only did it because i respect his knowledge on fan fics

knowledge i wish i had....

lol ill remove it.

my bads peoples

Edited by Gatrie: Guns Blazing
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{Serenes Forest | Fireman's Tavern | 10:00 pm | Present Day}

Narrator: We find our heroes enjoying a drink or two at Fireman's Tavern.....


TLS: DRINKS ALL AROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fireman: ............................................................this is madness....but....oh well DRINKS ALL AROUND!!!

Firekitty: mew.....meow....

Fireman: i know.....time to go buy tylenol and water.......*exits*

Gatrie: ............this is rather not fun....

MaSu: indeed....you and I are the only sober ones here.....

Mathew: *shakes maracas and screams like a mexican mariachi*

Metal Arc: *grabs Gatrie's ass* hey good lookin!! *hiccup*

Gatrie: *roundhouse kicks Metal Arc* FUCKING MODS!!!!!


Gatrie: ......damn i wanted blood.......

FEFL: i didnt even know this song was on the juke box.....

Gatrie: its not supposed to be but ever since SOMEBODY GOT DRUNK AND STARTED HUMPING IT the song magically appeared. *looks at Lyle humping the juke box*

TLS: brother!!! *hiccup* wont you join us?


Candy: fools...little do they know that every time they get drunk, a puppy dies.

TLS: *instantly sobers* HEY WHAT THE.......

Matthew: *instantly sobers* now i feel sad....*gets hangover* STOP YELLING AT ME!!!!!

Candy: works every time.

Fireman: *enters soaking wet and hiding a bloody knife* ....i got the tylenol and water....

TLS: HOLY SHIT...ITS RAINING!! i never noticed it.....

Mathew: its been raining for a whole day.....

*with a thunder clap and flash of lightning a figure mysteriously appears in the doorway*


man: hello......i am a simple traveler....looking to whet my whistle.....

Firekitty: hsssssssssssss!!! hssssssssss!!! pbth!! pbthhhhhhhthththtthhh!!!

Fireman: *strokes firekitty* what will it be o' traveler?

man: *looks around* ..........water *sudden thunder clap*

{music ends}

Everyone in room: GASP!!!!!!!!

Mathew: why dont you just stand outside? its raining dogs and Waterkitties.

Firekitty: !!!!! BROTHER???? BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs outside*

man: *ignoring firekitty* ahhh......Mathew....i have been looking for you...and you two as well! *looks at Gatrie and TLS*

TLS: you know our names?????????? WHO ARE YOU, O' TRAVELER????

man: im Dandy the Elf!!!!


MaSu: this guy gives me the heebeejeebies...

Dandy the Elf: :lol:

TLS: :huh:

Dandy the Elf: ;)

TLS: <_<

Dandy the Elf: :P

TLS: :blink:

Dandy the Elf: :rolleyes:

TLS: i like this guy.

Gatrie: you said you were looking for us?

Dandy the Elf: ah yes! as you can see im not as strong as you guys and I was wondering if you could pick up my crates of joy essence that i dropped and put them back on my cart? You see I ran over a pot hole and the crates just BLOOMP!!! fell off!

Mathew: i dunno....its kinda happy hour.....

Dandy the Elf: but...but.....if I dont deliver my crates of joy essence.....I will be raped and crucified by my people!!

Mathew: in that case....we better help you...cmon guys!!!!

MaSu: i dont like this.....

Metal Arc: i love you Athena........

Gatrie: yeah....we better get outta here....

Candy: Ill be waiting!.......GATRIE!!!

Gatrie: *stunned* whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?

Candy:*a grim look on her face*.....i love you.....

Gatrie: lol yeah...i love you too.

Dandy the Elf: i dont have all night.......

TLS: ok ok were coming!!

*Mathew and Gatrie step outside the tavern just to fall into a time warp hole.*

Mathew: ...balls...


TLS: woah...that sucks....*turns around to re-enter tavern but Dandy the Elf pushes him in time warp* THIS ISNT REAL LEARNIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG------------

{end music}

Dandy the Elf: that was rather easy.....now to wipe everyones minds............


{??? | 9:00 am | 20 years after present day}

TLS: *waking up* urgh.....ahhh.......wahh??? DANDY YOU TRAI----HOLY FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK...

*TLS looks around to see skyscrapers everywhere...he then sees a road sign that says: WELCOME TO SERENES CITY*

TLS: but...but the trees....


{??? | 9:00 am | 30 years after present day}

Mathew: *waking up* snort...monkey...monkey...MONKEY WITH A KNIFE HA WHO WHA!!!!....that cant be good......

*looks to see the sky covered in brown clouds and destroyed skyscrapers everywhere...he then sees a bullet hole covered road sign that says: WE-OME -O SE-ENE- C-TY*

Mathew: what happened to all the trees?


{??? | 9:00 am | 40 years after present day}

Gatrie: *waking up* ...haha....stop...that tickles....no....no....hahaha...stop it...WHA---...hm...this is odd...

*looks to see destroyed skyscrapers on fire and a charred road sign that says: W---O-E -O -E-EN-- C--Y

Gatrie: but....where did all the trees go?


Narrator: and thus the Unholy Trinity is seperated across time...however are they still in Serenes forest? Or have they been warped across space as well? All that can be said is that the place has a rather disturbing resemblence to Serenes Forest.....and the lack of trees makes our heroes just want to sit back and cry across time:

TLS, Mathew, Gatrie: No More Walks in the Wood.....

{note: chapter ends after song is finished}

to be continued

next time:

Chapter 2

--Serenes City--

Edited by Gatrie: Guns Blazing
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Chapter 2

--Serenes City--

{Serenes City | 9:00 am | 20 years after present day}

TLS: …….How did I even get here….? Oh yeah…..Dandy…..WHO THE FUCK WAS THE THAT LITTLE PIECE OF SHITOLA!!!....oh well….im not going to get anywhere talking to myself….i should investigate this place.


{Main Street | 9:30 am}

TLS: ……….damn the chicks are hot here…..can this really be Serenes? If so….then I guess things cant be that bad….lalalalalalalalalala…..ohhhh!! Look!!!! An armory????

*runs up to shop window*

TLS: that’s no killing edge….and that’s so silver blade either!!!!! *looks at sign* “Beam Katana”, huh? Sounds badass……its too bad I cant afford it….

{10:00 am}

TLS: who would have thought that robbing an armory could be so easy? *looks at beam katana* I think ill name you….blood berry….yeah that’s awesome!!! Now blood berry…lets go “shop” for some new clothes….

Blood Berry: whatever you wish milord.

{end music}


{Serenes City | 9:00 am | 30 years after present day}

Mathew: *dodging explosions* GAH!!! CAN THIS REALLY BE SERENES FOREST??? IT SURE HAS CHANGED!!! Gasp…..gasp….what is this….a war zone? But….SF was always so peaceful…….and why did the dude….Dandy lie to us like that…in fact…..THAT FOOL WASN’T EVEN AN ELF!!! WHAT THE FUCK????


Mathew: WHAT THE HELL!? AHHHHHHHH!! *squeals and runs away*

{12:00 noon | Destroyed jail cell Z}

Mathew: I should be safe here……what was that…that thing????

Man: lol….*in a gruff voice* It looks like you found yourself a worme, stranger…


Man:…….now….WAIT!! HA! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! YOU’RE A FUNNY ONE!! Are you saying that….you never fought a worme before? In this day and age? HAHAHAHAHAHAA!!

Mathew: ……*looks at man*….you creep me out….who are you? *looks closer*!!!! And why do you look exactly like me????????

Man: I was hoping you would know the answer to the last one…wait a moment….hey buddy…why don’t you take this armor and pose as me for a while? Yknow…so I can take a nap over yonder?

Mathew: *looks at gun on his holster* sure, what the hell?

Man: thanks pal *takes off clothes and runs off* HAHAA!! SUCKER!!!!

Mathew: …….am I in hell?....oh well…*puts on clothes* these suit me…..

Soldier: *looking around and spots Mathew* HAY!! HAY YOU!!!

Mathew: !!...me?


Mathew: Marcus…Fenix…but im Mathew O’ Connell…

Soldier: oho yeah…right…like I never heard that one before *grabs Mathew and shoves him out the cell door…*

{end music}


{Serenes City | 9:00 am | 40 years after present day}

{everything is deadly quiet}

Gatrie: everything is aflame……how did this happen….This cannot be the Serenes that I love……if it weren’t for the flames…it would be dead quiet…

*sees a huge pillar of flame in the distance*

voice: gatrie……………………

Gatrie: WHA…who said that?

Voice: gatrie…………come…………i await you at the Flame Spear……

Gatrie: Who are you? Show yourself!!!

Voice: all will be made clear…at the Flame Spear……

Gatrie:……I hate walking……

To Be Continued

Next time:

Chapter 3

--Secret Encounters--

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LOLOLOL @ both chapters!

You sure do have the drunk thing down in chapter 1...my friend was drunk once and he was like "Dude, I would never hurt you, I love you too much." You can only imagine my facial expression (Since I'm sober 24/7 XDXD).

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Chapter 3

--Secret Encounters--

{Serenes City | 11:00 am | 20 years after present day}

*TLS walks out of a beautiful hotel--it is snowing outside*



TLS: ahhhhh...its amazing how you can get everything you want just by applying a little brute force...i have everything right now!!!!!

Blood Berry: actually sir, you haven’t “bought” EVERYTHING, according to my charts...*bop beep boop waggle fraggle ding* You have only “bought”: me, a night at a 5 star hotel, 3 strippers, ice cream, cookies, some new clothes, a giant panda, a life time supply of ramen, spa treatment, room service, and...an island???????


Blood Berry: indeed...well...shall I make a request, sir?

TLS: shoot.

Blood Berry: I received an email from a rather enigmatic woman last night when you were.......having fun with your strippers and your giant panda...all it says is this: Meet me at the “Drop Point”. I suggest we meet this woman.

TLS: do I owe her money?

Blood Berry: no sir.

TLS: is she a tele-marketer?

Blood Berry: improbably.

TLS: is she hot?

Blood Berry: without a doubt.

TLS: ......LETS GO THEN!!!!

Blood Berry: you say it as if I have legs...im only a hand-held weapon with a cybernetic brain you know...

TLS: lol wut?

Blood Berry: exactly...

{end music}


{The Sons of the Lord HQ | 1:00 pm | 30 years after present day}

*there is a group of soldiers playing the theme of the Sons of the Lord...they look familiar to Matt...*

{Theme of the Sons of the Lord}


Soldier: GAH...you sure are out of it, Fenix! What happened? Did a magget latch on to your head and suck on your brain?


Soldier: heh….everythings wrong nowadays....*sigh*...I remember the good old days…the days when trees covered this entire landscape.........but ever since that elf came......and took away Gatrie, TLS, and your father: Mathew O’ Connel....things just got bad.....

Mathew:.....you remember the forest?

Soldier: indeed......i used to be insane there....now this war...this war had a reverse affect on me....*sigh* oh man do I miss my crazy self.....i remember how I used to fawn over super heroes....but look at things now....heroes don’t exist...that is the only explanation...


Soldier: yeah that’s my name...don’t wear it out, Marcus.


Hanz:....i may not be a Mod anymore...but you really are getting on my nerves with this...here maybe you need a long talk with General G.

Mathew: General G?

Hanz: ok THAT’S IT!! THIS’LL TEACH YA FOR PLAYING DUMB LIKE A FUCKING PRICK!!! *they walk up to a door that says: General G’s office. Hanz then throws Mathew inside...*

{end music}


{Hell’s Highway | 8:00 pm | 40 years after present day}

{no music}

{note: it is deadly quiet}

Gatrie: the Flame Spear....almost....almost....almost there....WAIT.....WHY AM I DOING THIS? IT’S PROBABLY ANOTHER TRAP SET BY DANDY THE ELF!!

Voice: but its not....

Gatrie: ....you again....

Voice: your almost there...can you see me yet?

Gatrie: where---

Voice: …I decided to make it easy for you and meet you half-way. Im here...on that roof top.

Gatrie: that doesn’t really narrow it down...


Gatrie: oh! There you are!....wait...*sees a man cloaked in a red (er) cloak with blue spots*

Voice: I see you found me...

To Be Continued

Next time:

Chapter 4

--Binded By Destiny--

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