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Luna+ Unit Suggestion?


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I just recently finished my Awakening Lunatic run, and I'm planning on playing Lunatic+.

I'm not sure who to use, since when I first played Lunatic I just kind of picked units that had worked for me before, and it ended up working pretty well.

Any suggestions on good characters to use?

I'm planning on having a +def -lck MU, unsure of which class yet.

I'm planning on marrying Cordelia.

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Units that can get Sol relatively easily.

I remember Interceptor using Gregor.

Yeah, I was looking at that walkthrough, but also wanted some outside opinions.

I'm assuming Donnel takes too much time and isn't very viable in Lunatic+, since he wasn't in Lunatic either.

Gregor starts out with good bases and has good growths, so Gregor has good possibility.

Maybe Inigo if I end up getting Olivia married.

And Severa will be good as my daughter.

Edited by CWGameplay
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I honestly don't recommend Inigo on Lunatic+, his chapter is kinda a pain, and Olivia's base stats are so garbage that Inigo will be having to rely on most of his stats coming from the father.

Usually in Lunatic I don't recommend going over 8, but in terms of pairings I guess I'd go like this:

Robin x Cordelia - Get Severa Veteran instead of any other skill. It will be potentially more helpful than other skills Robin could pass.

Chrom x Sumia - This is just plain the best pairing you can have for Chrom IMO if you're not going with female Robin. It also ensures that if speed starts acting up a bit with Chrom that you can keep him paired up.

Nowi x Gregor - Gregor is fine at base, and Nowi grows into a pretty strong unit.

If you need a healer, go with Maribelle on the account that she has the best movement and in conjunction with that, she has a skill that helps with evasion. Those would be my top picks, although it's not a terrible idea to have Lon'Qu x Miriel for a Laurent that comes with Vantage. You can then reclass him immediately into Dark Mage to be a Nosferatu tank.

Edited by Augestein
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I honestly don't recommend Inigo on Lunatic+, his chapter is kinda a pain, and Olivia's base stats are so garbage that Inigo will be having to rely on most of his stats coming from the father.

Usually in Lunatic I don't recommend going over 8, but in terms of pairings I guess I'd go like this:

Robin x Cordelia - Get Severa Veteran instead of any other skill. It will be potentially more helpful than other skills Robin could pass.

Chrom x Sumia - This is just plain the best pairing you can have for Chrom IMO if you're not going with female Robin. It also ensures that if speed starts acting up a bit with Chrom that you can keep him paired up.

Nowi x Gregor - Gregor is fine at base, and Nowi grows into a pretty strong unit.

If you need a healer, go with Maribelle on the account that she has the best movement and in conjunction with that, she has a skill that helps with evasion. Those would be my top picks, although it's not a terrible idea to have Lon'Qu x Miriel for a Laurent that comes with Vantage. You can then reclass him immediately into Dark Mage to be a Nosferatu tank.

Yeah, I remember having trouble on Lunatic with Inigo's paralogue, although he did end up to be a god once I got him.

I was planning on passing down Veteran, because Veteran seemed to be on of the most useful skills in the game that you can easily get.

In my Lunatic run I did Sumia x Chrom and Cynthia was a god as a Paladin, literally destroying everything with Aether.

I did Nowi x Gregor in my Lunatic as well, and Nowi is just amazing in general, so I'm sure I'll be fine.

I've never tried using Miriel on Lunatic, because of how squishy she is and how much enemy phase matters in Lunatic, but I did use Lon Qu (who I married)

So if I really need a good magic user I'll consider LonQu!Laurent.

Thank you!

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One thing to note if you run Maribelle as your primary healer is that her Mag starts low and then there's several desert chapters that really wreck her Move. Libra is a really, really good drop-in healer (especially since he can face tank for a while if the need arises) and Anna is an equally good supplement. What's pretty commonly done is to use Lissa until Libra shows up, then use them both until Anna is recruited and then bench Lissa. That said, you will have plenty of open slots since 3-5 combat pairs is recommend, often leaving 4+ support slots (staffers, Olivia, ralliers), so if you want to go crazy with Rescue abuse (which is very strong in Awakening), it's not a bad option to consider bringing Libra, Anna, Lissa and Maribelle.

A word of caution with Nowi: she's a very Knight-like concrete tank and she's often in danger of being doubled by enemies. This makes Luna+ a very scary ability to see and it hinders her ability to tank since her Avoid isn't great (there's also Counter, which is slightly more scary for her than anyone else because she does big, single-hit damage... on the other hand, Manakete has strong 2 range). If you've already got a couple tanks lined up who have both good Avoid and Def (Robin should be one of them), she's probably safe as a tertiary, but I wouldn't lean on her as a primary tank.

It's also worth noting that Interceptor used Gregor!Laurent and had great success with him. Nostanking + Sol is a very strong combination. Miriel also provides safe chip against Counter units at a time when 2-range weapons are pretty limited for anyone who isn't Robin, Miriel or Virion.

And yes, Donnel is very much not worth it here. While it's possible for someone determined to raise him, he also has his weird growth spread turned against him. His Str keeps up very closely with his HP and he's likely to be melee-locked after he bails on Villager. This is important because, sooner or later, a given tank is going to have to fight in melee against Counter (usually to keep the squishies safe). Due to this skewing, Donnel is exceptionally good at screwing himself over by exploding his own face.

Sully is another character who has good enough bases and availability to maybe consider. However, since you're already using Sumia, it'd have to be a choice between Sully and Miriel. There's just not enough EXP for more than three units (with Robin being the third) in the early game.

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Thank you all for your advice!

I've taken all your opinions into consideration, and I have started my run.

I just finished the Prologue (unfortunately I don't have my DS with me to read my exact stats).

My MU is level 5, Chrom is level 2 (maybe 3), and Lissa is level 2.

Finished after 44 turns, using the water trick to exp grind MU.

Not sure what to expect with the next chapter, but this is the point where I have to decide between Mirel or Sully, because I'd rather start getting Sully experience as soon as I get her if I'm going to use her.

Edited by CWGameplay
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