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Fire emblem 4 Portrait Insertion help


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So i read Lamia's guide on insertion and followed it to a T, however for the life of me i can't figure out why the compressor doesn't seem to want to...well, compress it. No matter what i do to the image i made, i can't seem to get it to stay under 51A bytes (Previous mess ups had it at 600 and stuff like that, but that was my own fault as i had gone over the color limit)

After fixing that, i've inserted it fine enough following that (Just for the sake of trying it), but due to it going a bit over the size allotted for portraits, it pretty much just wrecks the game as it overwrites Noish's portrait which the game doesn't like. It must be something with the Picture but i can't figure it out. Its correctly 16 colors now, sized and cut up correctly, It's saved as a Bmp, (The one that seemed the closest to working was saving it through Usenti, in which its saved as a 128 x 32 @ 8 bit depth 256 color)

The only other thing i can think of is i'm messing something up in Tile layer Pro...I'm using tile layer pro 11, 4bpp, import bitmap. The palette changes (as it should) but otherwise everything looks fine. It's only until i go to compress it that it for some reason keeps going over the limit...(5FF bytes or so...) I've tried Tile molester but for whatever reason it likes to reduce the palette on my imported sprite from 16 down to something like 8 and most of the guides out there aren't very clear on how to prevent that...YY-chr has the same result as TLP 11, as in, it still winds up being 5FF bytes or so which goes over the hex limit of 51A...

Thanks, any help is greatly appreciated!


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