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Fire Emblem and Pokemon

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Roy: Litleo

Lyn: Scyther, Ponyta (she's from Sacae)

Eliwood: Charizard, Keldeo

Hector: Haxorus, Rhydon (high Attk and Def, low Spd and Sp. Def)

Erika: Minum

Ephraim: Plusle

Ike: Lucario Settle it in Smash

Micaiah: Jiraichi (can learn Healing Wish, Future Sight and Flash Canon/Doom Desire, two light based attacks)

Chrom: Aegislash

Robin: Pikachu, Hydreigon

Azura: Moloetta, Jigglypuff, Oricorio

Kamui: Xerneas or Arceus (Dragon Plate)

I can see Lyn with a Bisharp or a Shiftry.

Seeing how Lyn was chosen by the Mani Katti for her pure heart, I don't think dark types would suit her.

Edited by NekoKnight
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Seeing how Lyn was chosen by the Mani Katti for her pure heart, I don't think dark types would suit her.

Well, I was more referencing the blade and quickness parts. Scyther seems like a good fit, too.

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I've seen at least one other person say they'd give Ike a Riolu/Lucario, and it's an okay idea, but I don't see how it fits better than Braviary.

Braviary literally fights for its friends! Ike also likes birds according to the PoR memorial book. Their color schemes are fairly similar too. Ike's whole team should be birds, imo:

Braviary is his ace. Then he'd also have Talonflame, Swanna, Rowlet line, Zapdos, and Skarmory. This way, he also has the Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, and Steel types on his team as well as Flying!

Edited by Anacybele
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Litleo and Pyroar fit Roy and Eliwood respectively.

Aegislash fits like every sword user.

Aegislash would fit Zephiel or the Black Knight very nicely, but for Lords would fit FE13 Avatar the best. it's a bit too evil-ish for most Lord characters.

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Honestly I can see Roy and Eliwood owning an Eevee and an evolution of it. I can't explain why, it just feels... right.

Hector with a Garchomp. I can imagine Mist with a big friendly dog, so she gets an Arcanine. Shigure or Azura with Altaria.

After all, it does learn Perish Song...

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I've seen at least one other person say they'd give Ike a Riolu/Lucario, and it's an okay idea, but I don't see how it fits better than Braviary.

Braviary literally fights for its friends! Ike also likes birds according to the PoR memorial book. Their color schemes are fairly similar too. Ike's whole team should be birds, imo:

Because "fight for my friends" is a Smash meme and Ike liking birds is never mentioned anywhere in his games.

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Because "fight for my friends" is a Smash meme and Ike liking birds is never mentioned anywhere in his games.

He still basically mentions in RD that he fights for his friends, and the official PoR memorial book DOES mention the birds thing, like I said.

I really don't see anything in Lucario that makes him a good fit for Ike. They simply just wouldn't make a terrible duo in general.

Edited by Anacybele
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Braviary literally fights for its friends! Ike also likes birds according to the PoR memorial book. Their color schemes are fairly similar too. Ike's whole team should be birds, imo:

Braviary is his ace. Then he'd also have Talonflame, Swanna, Rowlet line, Zapdos, and Skarmory. This way, he also has the Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, and Steel types on his team as well as Flying!

Back off, an all-birds team is my gimmick

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Roy would probably get a Litleo because of his title as 'young lion'

I think an Altaria would fit Shigure pretty well. Its blue, it flies and it sings so it shares some things in common with Shigure.

Muk would be the obvious choice for 'Garon'

Henry and the Murkrow line

Perhaps a Leavanny for Forrest? I believe its mentioned that the pokemon likes to make clothes for others and the name Forrest fits well with a grass pokemon. It could also work with Oboro.

I always thought a Hydreigon would fit very well with Camilla designwise, but personality wise it would probably be a more motherly pokemon.

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I always thought a Hydreigon would fit very well with Camilla designwise, but personality wise it would probably be a more motherly pokemon.

Probably a Gardevoir, but Hydreigon could represent Camilla's ruthlessness and violence, as well as her dragon.

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Decided to make a list for all the retainers/royals in Fire Emblem Fates.


Saizo: Typhlosion

Kagerou: Smeargle
Ryoma: Thundurus
Setsuna: Snorlax
Azama: Medicham
Hinoka: Togekiss
Oboro: Furfou
Hinata: Hitmontop
Takumi: Latios
Hana: Scyther
Subaki: Staraptor
Sakura: Lilligant
Mikoto: Reshiram

Xander: Cobalion
Laslow: Oricorio
Peri: Banette
Camilla: Hydreigon
Selena: Meowstic (F)
Beruka: Mawile
Leo: Darkrai
Odin: Aegislash
Niles: Chandelure
Elise: Sylveon
Effie: Conkeldure
Arthur: Braviary
Garon: Zekrom

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The ninjas all need to have Ninjask and Greninja, yo.

Aye, I only gave them those pokemon because I thought it would be overdone and it would be cool to give them pokemon to fit their personas. Although if I included Kaze I would have given him Accelgor.

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I think Altaria would be more fitting. Even if only for the Manakete tribe she belongs to. (And that's the only Dragon/Fairy Pokémon I can think of.)

Green hair and red dress though. Works better with Flygon's scales and eyes.

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