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FE3 endgame stats.


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I've once had a Marth with all stats capped sans RES. I also had Linde with maxed STR and a very high DEF. But that was mostly due to stat boosters and RNG/Save state abuse.

Semi-bragging aside, I think you're good for the endgame. It isn't particularly hard, especially with the Again Staff.

Edited by Levin's Scarf
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I've once had a Marth with all stats capped sans RES. I also had Linde with maxed STR and a very high DEF. But that was mostly due to stat boosters and RNG/Save state abuse.

Semi-bragging aside, I think you're good for the endgame. It isn't particularly hard, especially with the Again Staff.

I remember getting Navarre and Oguma's stats maxed out except for resistance and Linda's stats maxed out with very high defense by I think Chapter 12 or so. Star Shards are super OP in this game. But yeah, as long as you have the Again staff, the endgame shouldn't be a problem. As long as Marth has high enough stats to easily kill Medeus, which he does.

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I'm saving all again staff uses for the map with Medeus, I really don't want to deal with the earth dragons. Will I need it for the other two endgame maps?

In Part 1 it's useful after opening the door if you don't want to deal with what's in the room but otherwise there aren't really any good places until Medeus.

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Everything went excellent. Medeus and Gharnef went down without a hinch, and I got the perfect ending chronology. Other than it glitching out and not showing off the rest of it, it feels great.

Speaking of which, when is FE3 going to finally get the same treatment bookofholsety gave FE4, with complete retranslations and an epilogue that actually works?

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Speaking of which, when is FE3 going to finally get the same treatment bookofholsety gave FE4, with complete retranslations and an epilogue that actually works?

Ohhh man that would be awesome. Doesn't thracia also have a pretty terrible English patch?

Edited by Vaikanfu
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Ohhh man that would be awesome. Doesn't thracia also have a pretty terrible English patch?

It actually has two. One is a terrible patch translating all of the dialogue and such, but not the menus, and another is a patch that just translates the menus. If I remember correctly, Thracia is also being worked on under Project Naga, but that's probably a ways off, considering the FE4 patch is still technically in open beta.

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It actually has two. One is a terrible patch translating all of the dialogue and such, but not the menus, and another is a patch that just translates the menus. If I remember correctly, Thracia is also being worked on under Project Naga, but that's probably a ways off, considering the FE4 patch is still technically in open beta.

How long has he been working on the new FE4 patch?

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A long time. The first beta came out in May (on the 20th anniversary of FE4) and it's been in all forms of development for a while before that. Development hell was involved.

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How long has he been working on the new FE4 patch?

I actually started a discussion thread that lasted from July last year to when V1 of the beta came out in May, and even then the patch had been in development for a long long time. I've actually just now gotten around to playing it, and it is incredibly well written.

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I actually started a discussion thread that lasted from July last year to when V1 of the beta came out in May, and even then the patch had been in development for a long long time. I've actually just now gotten around to playing it, and it is incredibly well written.

I'm making my way through FE9 and after that FE7, so I've yet to get to the new FE4 patch outside of downloading it for when the time comes but I've heard nothing but praise. Makes me wish FE3 got this kind of love.

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