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Favorite Fire Emblem quote


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Agreed about Shadow Dragon. The interactions between Marth and Malledus are some of the finest in the whole series. I was really pleased with how they lifted Malledus after he was so inconsequential in the older games.

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​Off the top of my head, I think Libra's cut-in line 'I am your omega!' is one of the best. What a badass oneliner haha.

I know there are some other good cut-in lines in that game, but I'm hard-pressed to remember most of them. Gaius' 'so long, sucker' and the various laughs are pretty good as well.

"In which case, you may pursue a new career opportunity in food services." ~Tiki to Anna in their A support.

The un-subtle euphemism there is just perfect! Also, poetic justice for Anna's greed.

The fact it's followed up with "I understand you're a job-killing socialist..." made it even better!

ahhh I love that one. That's right, put that greedy betch in her place, my queen.

I also like her Hotspring Scramble convo with Aversa when she says 'Are you trying to scar me for life? I have a very long life, you know!'

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Can't remember all of them (and some were posted already, like Joshua vs Caelach, and Marth's "I am a prince before I am a brother"), but those are the ones on my mind right now:

“Do you challenge me? You humans are so inconstant. You’ve forgotten what it is to fear me.”

- Lyon, Sacred Stones

“I am Valter, the Moonstone, Grado’s finest general! And you’re just a corpse who does not know he is dead.”

People: “Prince Ephraim! Princess Eirika! The king has returned! Our king! Glory to Renais! Long live King Ephraim!”

Ephraim: “……”

Seth: “…They’re not cheering for you. They cheer because Orson’s misrule is at an end. They cheer the possibility of a better tomorrow, not the deeds we did today. But how will the hearts of the people move tomorrow and the next day? That is for you to decide.”

Ephraim: “I will not let their hopes and dreams be shattered again. I will be king. Like my father before me, I will dedicate myself to their happiness.”

Eirika: “And I will do all I can to help, Ephraim.”

It's strange how I like Sacred Stones' quotes even though it's on a low tier on my list.

Petrine vs Soren

Petrine: You… That mark on your brow… That’s not a charm of the dead, is it? You’re no Spirit Charmer! Hmph! You may be able to fool others with that, but not me. It’s because we’re the same, see?

Soren: …The same? Don’t be ridiculous. I’m nothing like you. You kill for sport, and hide your fear behind a wall of bravado. Now let me show you true fear!

Naesala vs Yuma

Yuma: Black-winged demon, eater of carrion! Prepare to receive the goddess’s judgment!
Naesala: Hmm…how colorful.

Good... I'm glad. B-but words are still important, too, so lemme try those, too: I love you, Nah!

I love you, too!

...Yeah, that's gonna take a while to get used to. But it feels good! So, um, did Naga have anything to say about all this?

Hold on, I'll ask. ...... ...She said to get a room.

Ha! I'd say that counts as giving us her blessing!

I would say so!

Spoilers are for the longest ones.

[spoiler=Ashnard vs Reyson]

Ashnard vs Reyson

Reyson: If the dark god is awakened, the world will once again be flooded. And this time, even our continent will fall. You will not survive that event… Do you truly desire such an end?

Ashnard: I do. Oh, how I do… It’s true. The world may be destroyed by the coming of the dark god. Then again, it may not. I question the way in which our society is designed. No matter what strength a person has, it is the station he is born into that controls his destiny. And you cannot control where you will be born. Do you believe that a person of low birth should simply endure the curse of his station? I think not. If you are stronger than those around you, you should benefit from your strength. This is why I will use my strength to remake this world. Class and rank will not matter. Human and sub-human will not matter. The strong will possess everything. The weak will submit to their will. Is this not the meaning of peace?

Reyson: Are you saying that the lives of those without strength have no value?

Ashnard: That is the natural order. The only way for the weak to survive is to cling to the strong. Our discussion is over. Tell me, frail little bird who cannot fight; which do you choose? Submission? Or death?

Reyson: …Life proffered to me by your hand is something I would never accept!

Ashnard: Very well… Then I will give you the alternative! You will be a weight around my neck no more!

[spoiler=Ashnard vs Tauroneo]

Ashnard vs Tauroneo

Ashnard vs Tauroneo

Ashnard: Is that you, Tauroneo? As I thought… You betrayed me after all.

Tauroneo: …In my father’s time, there was a man who was one of the Four Steadfast Riders. That man grew old and useless, and retired from the front lines. How does his story end, you ask? Come, let us write it together.

Tauroneo: Oh, my king… In all of Daein’s history, perhaps no other ruler has used the talents at his command to the degree you have… But all the same, no other king has chosen a path so incredibly stupid.

Ashnard: Heh heh heh… Will history judge me to be just or evil? We will not know until all of this is finished.

Tauroneo: …Now that I’ve confronted you and traded words with you, I have come to a decision. Throughout Daein, I, Tauroneo, will be known as the king killer. Come! Let me earn my name!

[spoiler=Jill vs Shiharam]


Jill...is that you?

Why...Why are you doing this terrible thing? You must close the floodgates now! The fields will be lost, but there may be time to save the homes.

I cannot...


If you wish to stop the water, you must defeat your father. That is...the...only way...

What is it? There has to be a reason! I know that an act like this cannot be what you desire.

...Jill, you must leave. Please! If you can't do that, then slay me! There's no more time!

...Very well! In that case, I will fight with you.

What did you say?

Not as a soldier of Daein, but as one of your soldiers. I will fight.

Jill, calm yourself. You mustn't get caught up in the emotions of the moment and lose your way.

Joining the Crimean army opened my eyes. For the first time, I was able to think about what I fight for. Until that moment, I only did as I was ordered...It was all for fame and glory. Now I finally understand. I fight for those I wish to protect. Father, I want to fight for you.

Even if you come to regret it?

Yes. I'm prepared for that. I...Jill Fizzart, hereby return myself to the command of General Shiharam. What are your orders, sir?

[spoiler=FE10 endgame spoilers]

Sothe vs Sephiran

Sothe: Here goes…
Sephiran: Hello, child… I’m a little surprised to see an ordinary boy like you, fighting for the world. This day is full of surprises!
Sothe: No one’s more surprised than me. I can’t read people’s feelings like Micaiah… I’m not invincible in battle like Ike… Between all these laguz kings and great beorc heroes, I don’t really belong here.
Sephiran: Then why are you here?
Sothe: Because there’s one thing I can’t afford to lose. Micaiah. I’ve come all this way just to protect her… I won’t lose her now.
Sephiran: The depth of your feelings… Might I ask your name?
Sothe: Sothe. Now if you want to stand in our way, I’m prepared to cut you down.

Edited by Rapier
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Here's this, from Hector's and Lyn's A Support. I definitely like it when Hector's getting philosophical here. Not to mention, Lyn's surprise and gratitude, and Hector's response to said gratitude.

Hector: Lyn. Why are we together now?

Lyn: Well...

Hector: Because we're friends, right? Say if you were much stronger than I was... Would that make me useless to you?

Lyn: No... Of course not.

Hector: Fighting isn't everything on this journey, you know. If fighting was everything, what use would we have of Merlinus?

Lyn: Well, I suppose...

Hector: You are strong. I can vouch for that. Just, I was stronger.

Lyn: Hah!

Hector: W-What!?

Lyn: You're too much-- Saying that kind of things with a straight face.

Hector: You gotta problem with my face? I've just gotta be me, you know...

Lyn: Yes, I know. ...Thanks. I didnt think you cared so much about how I felt. Or is Hector gentler at heart than Hector looks? You've certainly done much for my courage today.

Hector: Hmph... I'm not this way to just anyone, you know...

And of course, the other quote that I can think of off-hand at the moment is this line. Which is basically Hector's confession of love to Lyn during their conversation in Ostia.

Hector: I can't smack a woman I've lost my heart to.

Edited by Just call me AL
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"Yeowsa it's an enemy!" - Marth. I love that line because Gordin is just like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Afterward.

"Hector don't make me angry!" - Eliwood

"Maybe I should tell Mist he's dead." - Ike when Volke tried to charge him outrageous sums for eating dinner with everyone else.

"Bearer of Sothe's children." - Like I did not expect Micaiah to say that, and that's when you realize, Micaiah's a pretty deadpan character.

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4 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

''Tell me I'm good! Scratch my ears! Hehehe snuggle tiiime!'' 

this. this is why Selkie is a f*cking treasure

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