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So let´s see if i do this right


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So my user name is Green_Lord because my favorite color is green and well, fire emblem lords are cool, but my real name is gabriel and i began playing fire emblem back in 2013 with awakening first which actually shocked me with how cool a strategy game could be but also it's characters, of which they're so varied its amazing, this is my second time making an account to a forum (the other is gamefaqs) which actually shows most of the time i do this because i mostly want help playing and most especially when building something (in this case the myriad options awakening and fates propose to all units), i don´t know if I will be able to help someone but i do plan to begin playing other games in the series (currently replaying awakening, playing fates and started a ROM of fire emblem shadow dragon, i wish one day to play seisen no keifu but the japanese only bugs me a lot but ill see if i can play other games of the series, other than that i do like to watch anime and mostly play rpgs, which are my favorite genre, this i think can do for a good introduction and last but not least favorite hoshido sibling is takubro(as i call him) and favorite nohr sibling is camilla. thanks everyone!

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