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Am I the only one who likes the Awakening characters more than the Fates ones?


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I mean, I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because I can relate to most of the characters more than I can in Fates. Maybe because all the flawed things in Awakening flows into the characters themselves, most characters being mostly ok but having a few memorable moments that just make me love them. Or heck, maybe it's the fact that the dialogue (In the localisation, at least; I'm not sure about the Japanese original) is much more colorful than in Fates, making the cast stand out more. I don't have a clear clue.

Not saying I don't like Fates cast, but the story and how many of the characters there are in the first place in Awakening just feel.. better. Like a large family. I think it's also that most of the characters in Awakening are all diverse in whence they came from and how they interacted to each other with their conflicting cultures. You can't do much with only two kingdoms, some weird fever dream land that has next to no reason of being in a Fire Emblem game, and some subtribes that have only one or two people from it.

I'm just thinking outloud, and should probably stop here before this becomes too long.

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I like more characters in Awakening than in Fates. That being said, the ones I like in Fates I tend to like more, while the ones I dislike I outright can't stand. The best supports in Fates tend to be better, while the worst ones tend to be far, far worse than those in Awakening.

I'll take more Kellams over more Camillas and Xanders any day though.

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awakening cast is flat and one dimensional with little to define them besides some quirk or interest (this is called flanderization btw), and all of their writing and dialogue comes from said quirk i.e gaius having diabetes and lon'qu being a wuss

fates seems a bit better in that regard I think. hard to tell sometimes, but it's generally easier to tell that some people have an actual personality

so yeah I prefer fartes I think

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I do prefer the Awakening cast over the Fates cast, I believe this is mainly because of the supports. I feel like a lot of the Fates' supports involve characters creating unnecessary conflict between each other, with usually means out of character actions and insults.

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I like more characters in Awakening than in Fates. That being said, the ones I like in Fates I tend to like more, while the ones I dislike I outright can't stand. The best supports in Fates tend to be better, while the worst ones tend to be far, far worse than those in Awakening.

I'll take more Kellams over more Camillas and Xanders any day though.

Yeah, this is how I feel as well. I love some characters from Fates and there are more to name compared to Awakening, but some other characters (not naming names because I don't want a mob of angry, salty people for my heads) I almost loath while in Awakening I like everyone. I guess it's just middle ground in this game.

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You're not alone, I do prefer the characters of Awakening than the ones of Fates for reasons stated here or in the other thread, specially Hoshido has more boring characters for me and i personally like more the designs of the Awakening characters.

After playing Fates since it's release in Japan, I've been replaying Awakening and some of the older games and enjoy all better since I do care more about characters and story rather than gameplay.

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fates haphazardly attempts to have a story that's full of moral ambiguity and complexity which you would think would lend itself to better characterization than awakening's, but a lot of the characters end up feeling phoned in or completely unbearable.

awakening's characters do rely on being defined by hackneyed tropes, but that didn't mean you couldn't enjoy the characters and especially how they interact with each other.

i'm still pretty critical of awakening and "my era" is probably tellius, but fates was imo a wrong direction in characters/story from there (conquest's maps looks awesome though).

Edited by Radiant head
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Though a lot of them are one-note tropes, I think that Fates has more that feel human (insofar as support interactions at least- character consistency in plot gets thrown out the window for the most part).

With the exception of disliking Tharja, Awakening's cast is one big flatline for me. With Fates, there's several characters I like and several I don't. The sheer fact that I like a few of 'em cements Fates' cast over Awakenings for me.

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If you feel the need to start a topic with "Am I the only one who...", then you probably aren't the only one.

I personally don't have any preferences when it comes to Awakening and Fates's characters and like both casts just about equally.

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Fates doesn't have characters like Chrom (I don't blame Robin & Lucina overshadowing him), Sumia, Female Morgan and or Cordelia/Tharja (or at least the shit I hate about them), their for Fates wins by default. At least Kana's potential fathers are nothing like Walhart.

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Both sides have some good and bad characters, as to be expected.

Awakening has the better overall cast imo, since more of them are likable.

I think the only character I don't really like would be Cordelia (ironic, since she was my favorite a few weeks ago). also i really dont understand why people hate sumia but thats for a different thread

Fates has some good characters as well, and some of my favorites (Granted 3 of my top 5 or so from Fates are also from Awakening), but it has some lower lows too. Namely Azama.

They also managed to make the villains even less explained and threatening than Grima or Validar, which is definitely something I didn't think was possible.

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I can relate to Awakening's cast more, I actually feel like Owain,Inigo and Severa are representations of me.

In Fates I literally find it hard to relate to anyone besides Siegbert,Forrest and the Lil' cheese of Hoshido a.k.a (Shiro).

While Awakening made there "Quirks" a little bit to obvious I feel like Awakening had the better chracters that were all unique unlike Fates where the gimmick is oh ho gotta go save CornCob and show him love Oh yea I hate Nohrians oh well I hate Hoshidans Oh Ho.

I can actually go on and on about the unique characters in Awakening but just to name a few :

Miriel ( Over analyzes things)

Henry ( A super sadistic guy who is creepy but funny)

Cynthia and Sumia ( Their terrible luck)

and finally Owain ( The character who is an accurate representation of part of ME)

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It's a question I find pretty difficult to answer actually.

FE13 had lots of onedimensional characters but they were made to identify with them easily. But it also applied to 14 in most cases.

There weren't many interesting characters in FE14 tbh. The most memorable characters were Beruka and Elise.

Beruka's backstory was very interesting.

Elise is the only one of the Nohrian royals I do like because in BR she was the only one who saw Garon's true intention and turned back on him. Her tragic death was the saddest moment in FE14 (besides Scarlet's). She seems to be the typical loli: young, blond, noble and cheerful but at least BR made her a arisen and smart character. It was one of very characters I could see such character development. Opposite examples were Siegfried and Takumi who were naive enough to justify their acts till the bitter end.

(tbf I can't judge very well since I haven't unlocked all characters and supports yet)

I know I haven't really answered the question but it's kinda hard to answer to for myself since I don't like both casts.

Most characters have become too onedimensional to me in the latest parts.

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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I think its a difficult question to answer.

Fates doesn't have a character that ever reached the charm level of the Morgan's or produced a breakout character like Lucina. The bottom of Fates is also much lower because cloning Cordelia, Tharja and for (some reason) Gauis is inherently cynical and off putting. You could argue the Awakening trio's presence is cynical too but I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

The middle area of Fates characters crushes that of Awakening quite easily however. There is a much clearer balance between characters that focus on gimmicks and which ones do not. You got Arthur and Percy who are defined by their superhero gimmicks but for every Arthur you have a Saizo, Siegbert, Takumi or a Beruka who are actually characters. In Awakening such characters were much harder to come by.

The gimmicks of Fates also speak to me more. Arthur may be more gimmick than character but his superhero gimmick is amazing. Niles never really leaves his comfort zone either but the result is a character Fire emblem has never had before. Maybe its because Awakenings gimmick were more by the book while those of Fates are more over the top. Ricken was a completely ordinary shota boy, Severa a completely by the book Tsundere and Miriel a pretty standard professor.

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Fates has some good characters as well, and some of my favorites (Granted 3 of my top 5 or so from Fates are also from Awakening), but it has some lower lows too. Namely Azama.

They also managed to make the villains even less explained and threatening than Grima or Validar, which is definitely something I didn't think was possible.

I'm going to have to disagree there, not that Fates villains are at all great, but they're not that bad.

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I prefer Awakening's cast too.

There's only a few Fates characters I'm particularly fond of (Beruka, Hinata, Mitama, Setsuna, Arthur, and Yukimura) while the rest are just kinda... there to me. I have a fondness for almost every Awakening character and they feel a little more three-dimensional with a few exceptions.

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Even though I do like some Fates characters, I do agree that Awakening has better ones.

I totally dislike the idea of re-using THAT many children units. Only changing colors on them isn't enough if you ask me. Just plain cheap.

Also, some characters are mend to be like ones in FE:A. Nyx is like Tharja and Elise is like Lisa...

Overal the stories are okay up until a certain point, but it still feels cheap.

Its just like when FE6 copied like everything from FE1. But I liked FE6 so much better, so don't care as much.

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