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Best Azura Support Conversations?


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I don't like Azura. However, I very much want to like her since she is such a strong force in the Fates storyline.

So, I ask for the best Azura supports in the hope that they will make her more tolerable for me.

I am looking for the best conversations. Not the best pairing with Azura in order to get a good Shigure - I haven't unlocked any of the children in my Fates file.

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I as well, don't like her very much. Although her S-support with Kamui in revelation

(which I obtained for the irony) seams to be a reference to the female Robin

and Chrom supports and was a bit laughable and disturbing at the same time.

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- All her sisters' are fantastic and show how she acts when she's with someone she trusts. Ditto for Corrin.

- Takumi and Ryoma are kinda of like the above, but it's how she acts when she wants to grow closer to her brothers rather than already being close.

- Saizo, Subaki, Leo and Arthur are good backstory supports. Arthur especially.

- Keaton, Niles and Azama delve into her social anxiety and the issues it's given her.

- Laslow is just a really nice chain okay, dancers bonding over dancing.

- Shigure ofc goes more into her pendant and how she acts as a mom.

She actually has very few "pie" supports, I think the only one is Xander and maybe Kaden. Everything else offers some characterization, and most of them are pretty strong.

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i heard her Arthur one is super good, as the Laslow one. i never got those ones myself but i hear they're amazing. Kaze too.

my favorite is Kaden personally, but it's just…cute lmfao. If you want a deeper support then maybe others are better.

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Her support with Odin goes a bit more into both of their pasts. Odin's is a nice reference, and Azura's shows some interesting. . .possibilities, were she never kidnapped.

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I advocate Arthur above most due to my Arthur bias the support delving into their childhoods a bit more. We get a glimpse as to why Arthur is the Lawful justice seeker that he is. We also get a smaller glimpse of Azura's unpleasant treatment while in Nohr, as well as a possible reason for her reserved nature. The S rank is quite endearing as well, what with the sweet attempt Arthur makes in trying to propose to Azura.

Her support with Jakob is of mentioning, because it is one of few where Jakob isn't acting like a complete tool. We also get a little bit of background about Jakob, his childhood and why he is so loyal towards Corrin/Kamui. The S rank is decent, but a bit of a stretch, in my opinion. But the same can be said about all of he S rank supports outside of a couple.

The support with Odin is cute as well. By the A rank, she isn't as closed off and withdrawn as she normally is. It also has Odin's shenanigans included, so it is bound to be entertaining. I'm not a fan of the S rank, but that's mostly because I prefer when the other person is more accepting of Odin's eccentricity like Kagerou's the true OTP.

But, yeah, I pretty much agree with everyone else.

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Azura's support with Laslow is good since they can relate to one another as performers.

Her support with Jakob is also good, but more on his end than hers as his backstory is explored more.

Her support with Kaze is sweet, and she actually gets pretty emotional for once!

However, her conversation string with Arthur is hands down my favorite in the game. As others have said, it gives more depth and insight into both of their characters and is just really sweet. S-support made me tear up, but I'm kind of a sap for that kind of stuff, so...

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I really like her supports with Sakura. She acts really sweet with her horror stories and it's nice to see her not uptight 24/7.

I also like her supports with Kaden and Keaton as seeing Kaden and Keaton helping her out is funny to see, since theyre so mismatched.

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I really like her supports with Sakura. She acts really sweet with her horror stories and it's nice to see her not uptight 24/7.

I also like her supports with Kaden and Keaton as seeing Kaden and Keaton helping her out is funny to see, since theyre so mismatched.

I never really though of her Sakura supports that way. You make a very good point!

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I agree with all of the Arthur support love, it gives us some insight to her life in Nohr and it humanizes Arthur as well.

I like her supports with Hinoka and Sakura as well.

The Corrin x Azura pairing continues this series trend of shitty canon pairings.

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I liked Azura's supports with Hinata. It starts out pretty funny in the C Support, especially when she comments on Hinata's shopping behavior: "I suppose if your wallet's full and your head's empty, that's exactly what I do." I had a good laugh because of how savage it was. The B Support then gives some small but more exploration into Azura's life growing up in Nohr when we learn the girl Hinata bought the vegetables from was one of the people that bullied her back then. The A Support was pretty nice because we see how Hinata learns from his mistake, and I like how the two speak words of comfort with each other as they reflect on how that incident with the Ruffian girl affected them.

Azura's supports with Arthur were truly great, especially for the backstory we learn from both of them. Hinoka and Sakura's supports with her were pretty good too because you see how well she bonds with them.

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Likewise with others, I shall endorse Arthur x Azura as one of the best supports - not just for either Azura or Arthur, but one of the best in the entire game. I would also recommend Elise/Azura as a good example of sisters bonding over trust.

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