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Marth117's and ODST's wonderful walk home filled with discussion


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So we were walking home and I started talking to him about PoR because I just got it yesterday.

M (Me), O (ODST)

M: So I get to chapter 11 and I placed Ike somewhere, so that when the enemies turn came and the black knight appeared, he raped me that turn

O: Ha

M: Also I have to state that I was having Soren go over there and use wind magic on them cause there was two waverns

O: Go Soren, go blow on them

M: Yeah that failed horendously

O: I bet

M: So on chapter eight you only have eight characters and you are fighting a bunch of Knights and soldiers so Ike's shit for part of this level.

O: Yeah I bet

M: But there was a mage I could recurit, a thunder maged called Ilyana. So I get her and you know what I noticed from the first fight

O: She's rape tastic (Hax)

M: No that her skirt is so incredibly small

O: Is it smaller than the school dress code

M: It's smaller than Hooters dress code

O: I want this game

M: And I don't even want to see her when she promotes.

O: I bet

M: Because I think the term female mage in tellius means hooker.

There was some talk about someone should hack a GBA FE and put a rocket truck in from AWs

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Why don't you talk about something more constructive?


Is it possible to be a ****head, an ***hat and a *****mouth all at once, and if so, is your body severly deformed?

If 2 + 2 = 4, then why do people say "So I put 2 and 2 together..." and follow it up with something other than 4?

Do penguins have knees?

And many more...

I didn't put the "If a Tree Falls In The Forest And No One's Around To Hear It" question because that's been resolved as a no... really!

What we call sound is simply an interpretation of vibrations in the air by our ears, so sound doesn't exist outside our ears.

Therefore, since the tree isn't near us, the vibrations don't reach us and it DOESN't make a sound!


You can thank me for the lesson later!

NOTE: Ok so only the Tree thing is constructive... but the stuff I said is better anyway!

Edited by Xixiel
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