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Fire Emblem Thracia 776 Save Files


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Could someone possible send me some 776 save files? .srm. I'm trying to get all the menus done and the terrain tiles but only have Ch1, final, 22 and 17. Anything in between would be great and don't really want to play through the whole game yet to get to certain menus.

thanks in advance

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hanhnn here is some more detail.

So if you start Chapter 20 Child of Light the intro text reads this image below which is an overlap from the previous Chapter last line of text. Obviously this is the wrong text that should be displayed.


This text you see is at offset 0x15754

That is why the game dialogue breaks at that point (at least in each chapter intro going forward). But normally I would have to just change a pointer and then all would be fixed except I can't find the pointer. 0x15754 in snes language 82:D754. I reverse the bits and searched for 54D7 and found no pointer tables.

Now what I mean by control codes is what tells the text to move to the next line. I tried replacing the text in the next chapter and didnt have enough room and it started overlapping each other in the game. It appears 4F is a space.

I "think" 0805 means end of text for that chapter. 0804 I believe clears whats on the screen and moves to the next block of text. (There is an 05 after this command and not sure what it means) 02 in hex moves to the 2nd line.

Am I missing something here? because I keep getting text to overlap and partial words sometimes

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I'm not sure if we both using the same patch/rom version, I tried ReyVGM's save file and started Chapter 20 Child of Light, but that glitch didn't occur.

0x15754 in snes language 82:D754. I reverse the bits and searched for 54D7 and found no pointer tables

If yours is a rom + header, you should subtract 0x200 to the address

0x15754 in snes language 82:D554 --> search for 54D5

You should also try to search by using HiRom address, 5457 or 5455.

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Alright, I made these. Let me know if these work for you.

SRM saves:


Movie files:


edit: lol posted this in both threads...whatever.

Edited by Mekkah
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