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Games with satisfying boss death animations.


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My favorite one I can think off the top of my head is from Devil Kings (which is the first Sengoku Basara, I believe). Also, it's been a long while since I've played this game, so I might be remembering the scene wrong.

When you go to fight the Devil King at the top of Honnouji Castle, you fight in a room set ablaze. When you defeat him, a cutscene occurs where he is repelled back by your final hit. He staggers backwards, injured, all the while laugh manically. In his final moments, he stretches open his arms and tilts backwards, still laughing until he hits the ground, dead. After this, the words "Devil King is DEAD!" appears on the screen and you win the stage.

I wish I could find footage of it, because it was over the top and awesome.

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It hardly gets better than DooM 2016 over the top deaths, especially on bosses like the Cyberdemon. All of the bosses die in extremely badass and gory ways, though. Mostly because you're playing as a badass.

Edited by Ken Masters
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Honestly I'm enjoying the death animations (or "animations") in Bloodborne.

Usually they fade into ash before exploding into gallons of blood, but damn I feel good when I see the words:


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While I wouldn't call them bosses, the breakdowns in Ace Attorney can be very satisfying.

In particular,

Seeing Dahlia Hawthorne recieve her just desserts in in the trial of Bridge to the Turnabout is extremely satisfying.

And in the most recent game, Spirit of Justice, the breakdown of Roger Regnitz is one of the best in the series, if not the best.

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