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The Almighty Lute

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I have played Sacred Stones off and on for a few months usually stopping shorty after getting L'Arachel but this time I stuck through and over leveled and by god is Lute an absolute beast I knew she was good but 2HKO to Morva on chapter 20 as a Mage Knight is still kinda crazy to me. Not to mention she's perfect for attacking and support due to how she can hold staves and max out her magic way before she reaches level 10 promoted. I knew I loved her for a reason.

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She has an awesome Luck+Speed combo, so she also dodges everything. It's amazing, you can even put her in the frontline, no problems.

Also hard to not like a character that's like 90% of the internet, but with purple hair :^_^:

Edited by Ken Masters
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  • 2 months later...

She's had an amazing showing on both of my first runs, and is the only non-peg knight to make it onto both top five lists.

She's also been the cornerstone of my girls-only run, her and the pegs. Despite this, Neimi still somehow claimed first promotion.

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