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I've lurked as a non member but here i am now


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i'm leo + im a newer fan to the games - i've only played fe 13 / 14 all the way through and ive started fe 7 / 9. i roleplay on tumblr over on leo as my main account, but i do have several others that i promote on my main. i have rp blogs for marx, syalla, chrom and several others.

i'm 19 + a bisexual polyamorous transman with three partners + my friend sylv recommended that i join the forums if i like forum settings, and i hope to meet other people in the community.

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Yo~! Sorry, it's a bit of a storm, with the current American election and all. Ahem. . .don't forget to read the Code of Conduct, and feel free to PM a mod if you have any questions~! Also, I'd advise staying out of Serious Discussion for now - no telling what's gonna happen over the next while.

(end generic greeting)

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Why would anyone go into serious discussion, ever?

Anyway, welcome. Join a draft, stop playing it halfway through like everyone else, publically lament and bond with people over it. Have a look at the RP section. Shitpost with everyone else in fftf, and don't forget to join a fad.

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I'm trans, too, so if you wanna chat about whatever, feel free to shoot a pm.

I mean, that shouldn't matter too much if I am or not, I dunno. Sorry.

I've said it once today so I felt obligated to say it twice since the situation was similar.

...Anyways, enjoy the forest.

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