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Quick pieces of class advice


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Alright so I have basically all end classes solved for characters except -

Siegbert and Shigure.

Shigure is the child to +Spd -Lck Avatar, Siegbert is the child to Sakura. I might just make Shigure a Falcon Knight, but I"m lost on Siegbert. Would Grandmaster be good?? I'm unsure...

I have access to all DLC.

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Well, the nice thing about Sakura is how she - for some odd reason - has high strength and defense growths for a healer. As a result, Siegbert's strength and defense don't really take a very noticeable hit (like 5% or less), and he obtains a rather high magic growth for a cavalier (around 27%, which is close to Dwyer's base 30% and beats out Camilla's 25% and Flora's 20% magic growths). If you're wanting a good all around unit who can rally really well, then definitely let him be a Grandmaster. Any other classes that might take advantage of both his physical and magical abilities don't quite balance out his stats as well as Grandmaster does.

Plus, as Lissa in Awakening pointed out, Swords, Sorcery, and Tactics are a hell of a combo.

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