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A Few More Noobish Questions...

SaXor the Nobody

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Oh I'm gonna be doing this a lot, aren't I... :sweatdrop:

Anyway, for now I have two questions. First off...

How do I make generic enemy units?

Secondly (and the main question), how do I make breakable walls disappear and snags fall after being destroyed? I understand that it has something to do with tile changes, but all of the tutorials that I've seem only cover doors and chests. I can't seem to find anything that covers walls or snags, nor can I find the Event Assembler codes for walls or snags. I tried inserting this post-27080-0-95075800-1478944383_thumb.png based on some things that I've seen on my search for info, but it doesn't work.

Third, if I wanted to make a unit fight the wall in a cutscene, would it be a simple FIGH command in the Opening_event?

Finally on a related note, how do I change the amount of HP a wall has and if I can, will all walls have the same amount of HP? (100 is a bit ludicrous and it would with my intro cutscene.)

Edited by SaXor the Nobody
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How do I make generic enemy units?

It would help to be more specific. Are you adding more units to an existing chapter? Are you editing characters in the character editor?

Secondly (and the main question), how do I make breakable walls disappear and snags fall after being destroyed? I understand that it has something to do with tile changes, but all of the tutorials that I've seem only cover doors and chests. I can't seem to find anything that covers walls or snags, nor can I find the Event Assembler codes for walls or snags.

It's the same idea as doors and chests. The only difference is that you don't need to specify in your events that something is a wall/snag. If you've got the tile changes set up properly, the game will take care of things for you.

Third, if I wanted to make a unit fight the wall in a cutscene, would it be a simple FIGH command in the Opening_event?

All walls and snags use a specific character ID that you can look up in the character edit. A FIGH command would likely work if you make your character(s) fight that ID, though I can't say for sure.

Finally on a related note, how do I change the amount of HP a wall has and if I can, will all walls have the same amount of HP? (100 is a bit ludicrous and it would with my intro cutscene.)

Chapter data editor

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It would help to be more specific. Are you adding more units to an existing chapter? Are you editing characters in the character editor?

Adding to an existing chapter, my prologue chapter specifically. Should've specified.

It's the same idea as doors and chests. The only difference is that you don't need to specify in your events that something is a wall/snag. If you've got the tile changes set up properly, the game will take care of things for you.

If possible, can I see an example of said tile change? How would I set that up?

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Adding to an existing chapter, my prologue chapter specifically. Should've specified.

You'll have to edit the events and repoint them. Check out the second half of this post for more info.

If possible, can I see an example of said tile change? How would I set that up?

This tile change example is done with events. If you used Tiled, just set up the changes in there instead (there's a couple tutorials in Resources that show how to do this).

#include EAstdlib.event

EventPointerTable(0x14, TileChanges)

POIN TileChanges
ORG 0x00D0A8E0

TileMap(0x01, 5,  2, 3, 3,Ruins)
TileMap(0x00, 6,  4, 1, 1,Gate)
TileMap(0x02, 2,  5, 1, 3,Snags)
TileMap(0x03, 12, 9, 1, 3,Snags)

SHORT 0x0080 0x0000

SHORT 0x0E1C 0x0E20
SHORT 0x0E24 0x0E9C
SHORT 0x0EA0 0x0EA4
SHORT 0x0F1C 0x0F20
SHORT 0x0F24 0x0000

SHORT 0x001C 0x009C
SHORT 0x002C 0x0000
Edited by Primefusion
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