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Mario Party Star Rush


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Did anyone else get this game? I didn't get it right on release (because priorities. xP), but I got it the other day and I think it's surprisingly really fun! I got the game because it looked kinda fun and I hadn't played a Mario Party game I really liked in a long time (the 8th was the last one I enjoyed this much). I also wanted a new game to use my new Daisy, Boo, and Rosalina Amiibo with (I haven't done this yet though, too busy actually playing lol).

It's unlike previous Mario Party games. It has a lot of different modes (though most have to be unlocked, it doesn't take long to get a good few of them) that can keep you busy for awhile. It sure kept me busy for a few hours! I got my party level up to level 6! XD

The more you increase your party level, the more modes and characters you unlock.

The only mode you can play when you start is Toad Scramble (and a normal mini-game mode where you just pick a mini-game and play, but at this point you have no mini-games to choose from. You have to play them in other modes as you go for them to be available here), but just one or two rounds of it should level your party level up and you'll get...I think Balloon Bash, which is a lot like classic Mario Party (doesn't even have that car from Mario Party 9 onward), except that you pop coin balloons to initiate mini-games rather than playing a mini-game at the end of each turn. Later you'll get Coinathlon and Rhythm...something, I forget the name of it. I've tried all of these so far, and next time I level up my party level, I'll get Mario Shuffle.

Toad Scramble is what we saw in the game trailers, and it's more fun than it looks! Although, it's not fun if an opponent steals your favorite character from you. xP (I got Luigi stolen twice! Argh) Though in all fairness, I stole two characters in a row before that happened...haha, so I guess I kinda had it coming. XD And I did manage to steal Luigi back towards the end the second time. Heh heh.

Balloon Bash is as I said, the mode most similar to classic Mario Party, so I bet a lot of you would play this one for nostalgia.

Coinathlon is basically a race where you try to beat an opponent or two in a number of laps around the board. Each coin you grab in the mini-games you play, three of which are picked at random for the duration of the race, moves your character a space and you win if you complete the designated number of laps first. It's fun, but a little repetitive if you're doing a lot of laps, because this forces you to replay the same three mini-games over and over. So not my favorite mode here, even though it's fun in its own right.

The Rhythm game whose name I can't remember has you play an instrument to well-known and popular Mario music and you get a rank at the end. I keep getting B rank. xP It's not actually as hard as it sounds, you just have to tap your instrument on the touchscreen and time the notes as perfectly as you can. Your character will play the needed note, it's just up to you to get "perfect" or "great" on your taps. I like this mode a lot though, because GUSTY GARDEN GALAXY and SUPER MARIO 64 SLIDE (also appeared in the Galaxy games on certain galaxies). Keep playing it and you'll quickly unlock all the songs you can play to.

I'll talk about Mario Shuffle as soon as I unlock it. :P Don't spoil it for me if you already have it though! I like being surprised so far! :P

Edited by Anacybele
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Metascore: 69

"Unfortunately, Star Rush manages to have the least amount of mini-games in the series history: 53 in total, 12 of which are only available in the secondary coinathlon mode. For comparison's sake, most Mario Party games had at least 70 different mini-games, with the previous 3DS game having 81. By the time my friend and I had played two full games we'd already repeated some mini-games multiple times." - 5.5/10 - Destructoid

Welp, looks like I'm gonna skip another one...

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So just because one reviewer gives it an average score, you're going to shoot it down? You should form your own opinions instead of listening to ONE review. Besides that, official reviews tend to not agree with the general fanbase's opinions.

However, I did notice this game seemed to have less mini games than past titles, which is rather disappointing. But this is the only real flaw I'm seeing so far and I don't think this makes the game deserve to lose nearly five whole points at all.

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Mario Party has always been the definitive "party game" for groups of friends that want a game so luck-based that low-skill players can join instantly. However, minigames have always added a skill-based component to increase your chances of winning, so having less minigames is a huge un-selling point to me. The only thing left is the board game aspect, which has been very weak throughout the entire series. So what's left, that this game should be more than a 5/10?

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I'm not sure, actually. I never really checked. But I do know that for multiplayer, you don't actually have to have more than one full version of the game. Other players can just down load the Guest Edition for free instead for multiplayer.

And one other mode, woop-dee-doo. Star Rush has like half a dozen different modes, if not more. And there's a possibility that more mini games could be added via DLC, though I'm not sure how likely this is.

Edited by Anacybele
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If there's online play I may look at buying it. I've kind of gotten turned off of Mario Party because of two reasons. One is that stupid car in the new games, and the other is that it's harder to get people in the same room to play it these days. Thanks university!

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And one other mode, woop-dee-doo. Star Rush has like half a dozen different modes, if not more. And there's a possibility that more mini games could be added via DLC, though I'm not sure how likely this is.

Mario Party 5 actually has quite a few modes in addition to the mech battles. There are a variety of different mini-game modes (five, not counting freeplay), a story mode, and the usual party mode.

I'd probably enjoy this game for the mini-games (not a single game in the series I've played has disappointed me in this regard) but I don't plan on getting it.

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It doesn't appear to have online, sorry guys... I never liked this about the Mario Party games either. It doesn't make sense for it to not have online when it has a lot of emphasis on multiplayer like games such as Smash.

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Oh jeez no reason for you to apologize for something dumb Nintendo did. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it if anything. I've just never been into Mario Party as a single player experience. And hey, I still can dig out 7 or 8 whenever I'm at a social gathering at a friends. It's not a bad series, it's just taking a questionable direction.

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Yeah, and at least it doesn't have that car! (as far as I've seen) I wasn't crazy about it either, though it wasn't terrible imo. But yeah, I await the day that we have online Mario Party.

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I'm sure that if we look hard enough on Steam, we'll find that online Mario Party already exists...

Are you talking about 100% Orange Juice?

Star Rush looks fun to me, but my problem is that I'd have no one to play with because folks around me don't game as much as I do. Although I'd still get it.

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