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[GUIDE]Passing Olivia's Galeforce to Lucina on no random encounter


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I did it guys, barely at LV15 with 0EXP by the end of chapter 13. I made some few mistakes but got lucky enough to make it through in one go. Since it requires a lot of planning and strategy to make this work, I decided to write a guide for Chrom X Olivia shipper here.


Always pair Chrom with man or woman who can't be a potential bride (Cordelia anyone?) Whenever you put someone next to Chrom, always make sure she's not one of candidate. After the chapter end, do not save yet and always check on Support to see if anyone accidently got C support appearing. Reset if you have ones.

Then, Skip all paralouges. Clearly three chapters won't be enough to grind her to Dark Flier with Galeforce. I onced tried it and it wasn't enough. But if you spare all 4 paralouges, you'll have 7 maps which is 'barely' enough to pass Galeforce.

Also, spare one second seal for Olivia. If you can't get any second seal from secret shop, you can get another one from reowned award and reclass one of potential early reclass units. I chose Panne because she can tank anything, hit anything and dies with long movement. Even archer can't outdone her.

Getting Dark Flier

On chapter 11 where you recruit her. Fight normally and always leave treasure spot untouched. pair up Olivia with Chrom and fight. Don't forget to trade and give second seal to Olivia. When the last reinforcement arrives, Boss with rush in and try to finish them all before reinforcement got mixed in. Then, put Panne or someone strong enough with 1 range weapon to clear the reinforcement, leaving only one with hand axe alive.

After you get down to the last guy, unequip everyone and surround him so he can't hurt our dear Olivia. Try to move the circle to healing area so enemy will get healed every turn just in case you accidently hit him. He'll hit until his weapon is broken and stop doing anything afterward.

In mean time, keep dancing around Chrom until she reaches level 30, second seal her to Dark Flier and fly around getting all treasure praying to RNG god that you'll find any EXP boost ones. Every little EXP helps trust me. I also recommend healer like Lissa to get one additional Healing ward for healing. She jump from level 10 to level 16 in that map alone with nearly 30 heals lol. AND DON'T FORGET TO MAKE BACKUP SAVE IN CASE YOU SCREW UP

Training for Galeforce

After becoming Dark Flier, she'll be very strong and be one of the most broken unit. If you get lucky enough, some stats may go even higher than 30. She'll hit freaking hard. Even Log with 1MT can OHKO most enemies. So, I recommend to start with 'Wind' tome first before ranking up lance since her MAG should be significantly lower than STR and can't OHKO some enemies for additional exp you might gain.

Let's start with paralouge 1 first. The first paralouge is little tricky because you require Donnel to level up. I recommend deploying only Chrom, Olivia, Frederick and Lissa for this map. Pair Frederick up with Donnel for +4 STR/DEF so he won't die from one hit, have Lissa heal him and feed small kills from Axe user until he reaches level 2.

After that, have Olivia kill all the rest. Wind tome can also OHKO enemies in early paralouges so use Bronze Lance for now to build up rank D for Javelin. It should be an easy fight after Donnel reaches level 2 from one or two kills. You just have Olivia roaming around and kill everyone. You can also pair Lissa or Chrom too but make sure to strip weapon as he might trigger finishing blow. We need to avoid OHKO at all costs.

Moving on to paralouge 2 which is one of the most tragic part for this project since most enemies will just walk pass you to destroy village and Anna. Don't try to save her. It's impossible without deploying additional unit just to have more exp stolen or make things harder than it should be. I had to make a cold blooded decision to rush into village first, talk for item and let Anna retreat. Then, avenge her. Well, it looks like she survived in the end so I'm very thankful for that.

Then, paralouge 3 is another challenge for only two units. The trick is to moving to village area, deploy Chrom below Olivia so enemies will try to attack Olivia and got killed in process. After first turn, have Chrom visit village and try to block monster's path while Olivia is moving around to intercept incoming attack. You may need Chrom to kill some of them if you want to at least save one of them. On my first try, I saved one of them but didn't bother to save more since Seraph Robe is all I care.

Paralouge 4 is something that you requires a bit of luck to get everything. There's a thief who will open Arms Scroll. You need to kill him in first 3 turns or he might make it home alive with Arms Scroll. Have Olivia kill middle guy blocking the path at first turn. Pray to RNG goddess that you can talk to summon Anna and send Olivia out to kill the god damn thief in 3 turns. You can also pray to RNG goddess that she will survive too with Chrom protecting. In my run, Anna took some enemies near the thief and that one was my mistake.

Here's the real thing now in Chapter 12. Deploy only Chrom, Olivia and Lissa. I recommend Lissa in case you needs healing though it's not really required. The tricky part is you have so many enemies yet so few area to run. Even Cherche's wywern can't outrun them. she whopped out from level 12 to level 14 with some kills. I was careless thinking getting beyond level 5 from paralouges should be enough but forget about level scaling will be harder for last few levels. I recommend to unequip weapons on everyone except Olivia to avoid such case like this. Let Olivia kill them all with Wind tome and Javelin depending on the situation.

First of all, pair up Chrom with Olivia and move to bottom left part to hit the boss once. He won't die if not for cri or additional strike from your support. Move Cherche/Lissa to safe spot and end the turn. After the first turn, they'll try to gather below area. Move Cherche to cleared area on bottom left and have Olivia rush up to middle to clear the area. Keep Cherche safe and sound and don't forget to grab treasure along the way. After the boss starts to move, put Cherche at bottom most area to avoid the attraction, pray to RNG goddess that they all will chase Olivia who's going to gran another treasure. It should be easy if they don't follow Cherche.

And here's the last map in chapter 13. Olivia should be at level 12 or 13 by now. If she's still at level 11, you might be screwed. Let's hope she's at least level 12 since I barely made it with lucky EXP treasure and trying to prolong the fight as long as possible. First turn have someone paired up with Olivia to increase blocking chance and put her on grass area above middle fort, place Chrom at safe place. After clearing bottom area, move Olivia to top most part clearing the raid and come back to the same grassy spot waiting for reinforcement. Always keep Chrom at safe spot including reinforcement as long as possible.

After enemies on lower ground start to die out, enemies from above will all come down. Move chrom to above area a bit so most enemies will attack Olivia. You may place Olivia at fort now after all reinforcements and pray to RNG goddess that Silver Bow won't kill her good. Don't forget to strip weapon from Chrom too or he'll kill all 4 of them above ending the game with Olivia at level 14 with something like 90EXP or so.

By the time you end chapter 13, you should have Galeforce passing down to Lucina now. I'm very happy to share that it's really possible and I proved it to you guys now. Have fun. :)

Edited by WindowsX
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Did you kill Gangrel with Olivia? I'm sure that would help.

Because your guide relies on getting a hand axe enemy to break their weapon. Which I have said multiple times you don't need.

The group of enemies near Gangrel and Gangrel himself don't go aggro unless you're within their attack range.

Man, neither the OP nor the other person don't pay attention to the guy that pretty much did research in regards to experience exploits years ago.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Did you kill Gangrel with Olivia? I'm sure that would help.

Because your guide relies on getting a hand axe enemy to their your weapon. Which I have said multiple times you don't need.

The group of enemies near Gangrel and Gangrel himself don't go aggro unless you're within their attack range.

Man, neither the OP nor the other person don't pay attention to the guy that pretty much did research in regards to experience exploits years ago.

Besides that, I must call into question what difficulty this was done on.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Did you kill Gangrel with Olivia? I'm sure that would help.

Because your guide relies on getting a hand axe enemy to break their weapon. Which I have said multiple times you don't need.

The group of enemies near Gangrel and Gangrel himself don't go aggro unless you're within their attack range.

Man, neither the OP nor the other person don't pay attention to the guy that pretty much did research in regards to experience exploits years ago.

No I didn't since I gotta have Olivia dance for 200ish turns until reclass to Dark Flier and land finishing blow. Levin Sword'd be long gone by then. He wouldn't amount much for exp anyway. Olivia killed chapter 13 boss and got only 10EXP, barely to reach level 15.

P.S. I did ask about this before and no one offered me the guide nor I could find ones. I decided to write so that people who's interested can try. No point in sharing man.

Edited by WindowsX
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You're not listening.


He doesn't aggro if you don't get within his range. You can dance Olivia for 300 turns if you wanted and his group wouldn't move.

His group of 7 enemies that DO NOT move.

Minimum experience of 8 per kill. You're throwing away half a level of 56 exp.

Doesn't seem like a really good guide when you throw away advice on how to optimize your chances.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Nice time sink you got there. At this point, it's probably less of a waste of time and effort having Olivia grind on DLC maps for experience just for your precious Galeforce. And you'd probably get better results for Lucina if you were to go Chrom+Sumia with less effort. Heck, even Chrom+F!Avatar would likely be better even without Lucina getting Galeforce via skill inheritance.

Besides that, I must call into question what difficulty this was done on.

Good question. Was the guide made with Lunatic+ difficulty in mind? :^)

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No I didn't since I gotta have Olivia dance for 200ish turns until reclass to Dark Flier and land finishing blow. Levin Sword'd be long gone by then. He wouldn't amount much for exp anyway. Olivia killed chapter 13 boss and got only 10EXP, barely to reach level 15.

P.S. I did ask about this before and no one offered me the guide nor I could find ones. I decided to write so that people who's interested can try. No point in sharing man.

Aside from everything shadowofchaos said, you're also allowing a droppable weapon to break. Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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I do it on Hard. I'm not really sure if it's possible on Normal mode since some enemies will not appear though. You can try.

I see. Not that I'd care to try to do it though - it requires me to bend over backwards to do, as well as gimping Chrom for way too long. And for all that pain, it doesn't really benefit Lucina at all. I also like having access to iron weapons for chapter 4, but that's neither here nor there.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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I see. Not that I'd care to try to do it though - it requires me to bend over backwards to do, as well as gimping Chrom for way too long. And for all that pain, it doesn't really benefit Lucina at all. I also like having access to iron weapons for chapter 4, but that's neither here nor there.

I'm pretty sure I have everyone I use leveled to level 10 after recruiting Ricken and his waifu. You should have average level at 14-15 for before doing this if you bench people you don't use. It's worth restarting knowing you can do better and correct your past mistakes.

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I do count this as grinding, because you're sitting around and forcing someone to gain experience without advancing the chapter. Back in the day, arena abuse counted as grinding, so I don't see why this should be any different. IMO it would be a lot more efficient to use the various Risen that spawn on the map to get someone up to speed, which is feasible on Hard.

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Children's paralogues are somewhere between various side quests (except FE11, which was legit lame) and FE8's skirmishes. The various gaiden chapters ranged from "that's nice" to "you need this for the true ending", while FE8's skirmishes weren't necessary to clear the game. Feeding units experience is nothing new, and sitting around JUST to make one unit stronger, without advancing the chapter objectives has also been around for a very long time. The term "grinding" isn't something that was introduced with Awakening, and I'm a little uncomfortable about it being redefined just for the sake of your guide.

Still, this is a fairly moot point, in the grand scheme of things.

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Children's paralogues are somewhere between various side quests (except FE11, which was legit lame) and FE8's skirmishes. The various gaiden chapters ranged from "that's nice" to "you need this for the true ending", while FE8's skirmishes weren't necessary to clear the game. Feeding units experience is nothing new, and sitting around JUST to make one unit stronger, without advancing the chapter objectives has also been around for a very long time. The term "grinding" isn't something that was introduced with Awakening, and I'm a little uncomfortable about it being redefined just for the sake of your guide.

Still, this is a fairly moot point, in the grand scheme of things.

I disagree. In true storyline, only Lucina make it to the past. Imagine you're watching anime and then you start to see all children popping up. They all have their parents killed and the world is doomed in future yet all children survive. Getting children is clearly for the sake of entertaining player for children system in my book. Go check Future Past DLCs and see if I'm right that only Lucina make it in original timeline.

Even if I have Olivia trained to pass galeforce, I benched her after passing galeforce since she'll OHKO everything afterward. Since I pool all exp into characters I'm going to use, skipping few chapters won't affect the game much because everyone was promoted/reclassed before getting Say'ri. Still way better than grinding in child's paralouges where everyone getting stronger and piss chapter 17 mobs easily.

I have one uber strong Olivia to bench, affect nothing to my gameplay except Lucina gets Galeforce. Your children chapters will make everyone stronger for a few level ups making the whole game much easier. Which one is grinding? Anyone who actually play the game for the sake of avoiding excessive exp can clearly understand which one is less grinder.

Edited by WindowsX
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I'm pretty sure I have everyone I use leveled to level 10 after recruiting Ricken and his waifu. You should have average level at 14-15 for before doing this if you bench people you don't use. It's worth restarting knowing you can do better and correct your past mistakes.

You have whoever you're using to level 10 before chapter 5? I'd have trouble seeing that unless you were funneling exp into like 2-3 units (short of Robin and Veteran). And given how rough things tend to be early on, I'd rather not make things harder on me than they already are. Also, since it seems what I was really getting at went completely over your head, I guess I have to spell it out - I'm forced to either prevent Chrom from supporting any of his other female supporters, the last of whom joins in chapter 5, well before Olivia shows up (or marry them off) until chapter 11. That alone is ridiculous enough. Second, I have to dance abuse Olivia to max level, because her bases are comparable to those of a unit that joined in the freaking prologue. Needless to say, I have MUCH better things I could be doing with my time, to say nothing of the fact that I consider it grinding. Third, this mandates not taking on the first 4 paralogues, which have some good stuff I'll be wanting (including, but not limited to, a Rescue staff, a Killer Lance, and Anna) just to have a CHANCE to get Olivia Galeforce. And for all that bullcrap, Lucina doesn't really get anything that'd make me think it was remotely worth it (she gets the Myrmidon class tree from Olivia, which is hardly fantastic).

I disagree. In true storyline, only Lucina make it to the past. Imagine you're watching anime and then you start to see all children popping up. They all have their parents killed and the world is doomed in future yet all children survive. Getting children is clearly for the sake of entertaining player for children system in my book. Go check Future Past DLCs and see if I'm right that only Lucina make it in original timeline.

Even if I have Olivia trained to pass galeforce, I benched her after passing galeforce since she'll OHKO everything afterward. Since I pool all exp into characters I'm going to use, skipping few chapters won't affect the game much because everyone was promoted/reclassed before getting Say'ri. Still way better than grinding in child's paralouges where everyone getting stronger and piss chapter 17 mobs easily.

I have one uber strong Olivia to bench, affect nothing to my gameplay except Lucina gets Galeforce. Your children chapters will make everyone stronger for a few level ups making the whole game much easier. Which one is grinding? Anyone who actually play the game for the sake of avoiding excessive exp can clearly understand which one is less grinder.

The fact you're willing to twist the definition of grinding for the sake of your "guide" leaves me unamused. Also, for your information, most of the paralogues wouldn't be feasible to take on immediately after chapter 13 unless you were grinding *cough Inigo cough Gerome hack* (and this is ignoring the fact that some of them would be outright inaccessible without unlocking other paralogues first, and the part where the kids' paralogues don't even become accessible until then). And storyline wise, Laurent wound up arriving well before Lucina did, according to supports. So this stuff about "only Lucina makes it to the past in the "true" storyline" is BS, plain and simple. Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Getting average level 10 by the end of chapter 5 is possible. Pair up, take advantage of Veteran, bench people you don't use asap so only half of units will be active for full exp. It's not that hard.

As for Olivia, I did that just to find out if it's possible. It seems Lucina barely needs healing at all so Vantage won't trigger for her. But it's still better to have Astra as additional proc and Swordflaire.

As for child paralouges, I don't buy all children surviving BS. It's for gameplay to entertain gamers. Go play or watch Future Past and you'll see that only Lucina is the one who made it out. It's still possible that children start popping out after saving Emm once but it's still cheap plot device for children system.

Also, I believe anyone doing children's paralouges are harding easier time with "GRINDING" on those "EXTRA" chapters. Fighting Walhart with only level 4-5 is much more fun and challenging that 8-10 after finding a few children.

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As for child paralouges, I don't buy all children surviving BS. It's for gameplay to entertain gamers. Go play or watch Future Past and you'll see that only Lucina is the one who made it out. It's still possible that children start popping out after saving Emm once but it's still cheap plot device for children system.

Um... there's nothing explicitly stating that ONLY Lucina made it to the past in the Future Past DLC; the only thing that's explicitly stated was the fact that in her time, one Gemstone was lost and that she barely escaped with her life.

In Chapter 13 of the main story, she clearly states that others made the time travel trip with her only to get separated.

From what I'm seeing, you're not above twisting or otherwise ignoring actual story events to fit your special little headcanon just as how you're more than happy to put out your own definition of "grinding" when there's a clear consensus on that definition.

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Grinding is a term used in video gaming to describe the process of engaging in repetitive tasks.


Having Olivia dance 200 times seems pretty repetitive.

Also, if we're talking about the children being important to the story, they're technically not, save for Lucina, however the reason they're put into side-chapters is because of how friggin' long the game would be if they were all shoehorned into the story when they're established better as individuals that've travelled to the past and been separated from each other with other things on their minds as well. Everything's new and fresh to them, why shouldn't they explore a little? Especially when nobody's keeping them on track.

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Getting average level 10 by the end of chapter 5 is possible. Pair up, take advantage of Veteran, bench people you don't use asap so only half of units will be active for full exp. It's not that hard.

As for Olivia, I did that just to find out if it's possible. It seems Lucina barely needs healing at all so Vantage won't trigger for her. But it's still better to have Astra as additional proc and Swordflaire.

As for child paralouges, I don't buy all children surviving BS. It's for gameplay to entertain gamers. Go play or watch Future Past and you'll see that only Lucina is the one who made it out. It's still possible that children start popping out after saving Emm once but it's still cheap plot device for children system.

Also, I believe anyone doing children's paralouges are harding easier time with "GRINDING" on those "EXTRA" chapters. Fighting Walhart with only level 4-5 is much more fun and challenging that 8-10 after finding a few children.

First point: Getting Robin to level 10 by then is plausible enough because of Veteran, but I have trouble seeing anyone else getting there if most of your eggs are being put in the Robin basket.

Second point: I still think "no-grind run" and "Lucina inheriting Galeforce from Olivia" are mutually exclusive concepts, because you clearly have to grind to even have a chance to get Galeforce on Olivia, as well as give her undue preference for one of the two Second Seals you have - Second Seals that might have already been used on other people.

Third point: I'll let the game script do the talking for me. Pay special attention to the bold, there's gonna be a pop quiz later.


Thank you, Aunt Lissa. Naga, the divine dragon, feared mankind would face Grima again. In preparation for that day, she devised a ritual. It allows one to return to the past and alter events already written. I made the journey together with others, but...we became separated.

Fourth point: 8 is the level most enemies are in Walhart's chapter - both of them.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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First point, not everyone got level 10. Only ones I'm going to use such as Chrome, Robin, Sumia and Virion. Also Lissa if you spam heal needlessly but Frederick is promoted.

Second point, I did run no grind but I also want to know if I can pass Galeforce without random encounter. Let's say I did grind Olivia for Galeforce from spamming dance. But I didn't use her after getting that Galeforce. Everyone else also miss exp from battles to feed Olivia. It's still no grind run for the rest and also no random encounter for everyone.

Third point, it's cheap plot device. She barely make it out alive in future past. Their parents are all dead. How come you expect all children to "conveniently" survive? I won't turn blind eyes to convenient writing script for the sake of children system. Child's paralouges are optional. You can only get it from rank S support. And clearing child paralouges caused more exp to break the game.

Forth point, my levels are around 4-5 by the time I first fought Walhart. I may miss a level or two from passing exp for Olivia. I ended chapter 19 with getting level 6-7. If you grind from child's paralouges, you'll get a few more levels making the game much easier. I once do children paralouges and main game become easy mode after doing that.

Let's say grinding Olivia to pass Galeforce is possible from no random encounter run. But I see child's paralouges as optional and it's grinding if you do it in main game. I don't mind doing that for post-game stuff though.

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The other paralogues like Donnel/Anna are also optional, yet you use those. Furthermore, the other children's paralogues don't open until Lucina shows up anyway, and there's a definite progression regarding how "hard" each paralogue is (Owain's is easier than Inigo's, both in terms of strategy and enemy levels).

If you really want to see how tough Awakening can be, even with paralogues, head over to the Fire Emblem Drafts subforum. Find an Awakening team, and try to complete each map with the lowest turns possible, while abiding by all the draft rules. THAT should show you the difference between using separate chapters as grinding, versus using a single chapter to grind (since the latter will negatively affect your total turn count).

Edited by eggclipse
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I said child's paralouges are optional. Donnel/Anna/Tiki will appear regardless of support level unlike children's paralouges. It's unthinkable to call no grind run when you play children's paralouges. That's a lot of exp pool making the game progression feels like a joke. I enjoyed chapter 16 and 19 because I'm not at level that I can OHKO anything thanks to exp from children's paralouges.

Children paralouges should be post-game stuff and not allowed in no grind run. Just admit it that clearing them will make your units needlessly stronger. If you want to do real no grind run, don't do any children paralouge. You'll get a few level ups from doing that and break the game's challenge.

Edited by WindowsX
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I said child's paralouges are optional. Donnel/Anna/Tiki will appear regardless of support level unlike children's paralouges. It's unthinkable to call no grind run when you play children's paralouges. That's a lot of exp pool making the game progression feels like a joke. I enjoyed chapter 16 and 19 because I'm not at level that I can OHKO anything thanks to exp from children's paralouges.

Children paralouges should be post-game stuff and not allowed in no grind run. Just admit it that clearing them will make your units needlessly stronger. If you want to do real no grind run, don't do any children paralouge. You'll get a few level ups from doing that and break the game's challenge.

By that logic, Tiki's paralogue and 1-4 should all be off limits too.

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Like it or not, paralogues 1-4 and 17 are just as optional as 5-16 and 18-23. The fact that you did 1-4 while trying to get Olivia to lv. 15 Dark Flier, as well as the fact that you abused the Dance mechanic in her join chapter, means that you're willing to grind.

Let's use that anime comparison you brought up earlier. If you consider time travel to be a cheap plot device, then ALL paralogues are filler episodes; just like how filler episodes ultimately only increase the total number of episodes an anime series have and not advance the plot at all, the paralogues only increase the number of maps you can do in a playthrough and don't advance the main plot at all. And apparently, the fact that you went out of your way to get Galeforce on Lucina, a character who's only in the plot because of said cheap plot device, says something.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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By that logic, Tiki's paralogue and 1-4 should all be off limits too.

1-4 paralouges barely affect leveling for few monsters with lower levels. I got like 6-7 level ups in total for Tiki chapter. At best it'll be less than one level more for everyone. For child's paralouges, there's 5-16 and that's 12 freaking chapters with strong monsters. Surely it'll significantly affect leveling by a big margin.

Without children's paralouges, my team's average level was 10 before final fight with Walhart. With children paralouges? You probably get 5-6 levels more at least. I can't consider it being no grind when you have much higher internal levels for story missions.

As for your curiosity about leveling on hard difficulty, I raised the bar by benching Sumia this time and see if it's viable. In chapter 5, I have Chrome, Robin, Frederick, and Virion killing everyone. Everyone except Frederick has level 11 by the end of chapter and Frederick is now level 3. Lissa has level 7 and it's not like I'm trying to spam healing ward though. And I didn't even play paralouges like before and just drop Killing Blade since it'll make the game too easy.

The benefit of benching is you get much more exp distribution per character. Everyone gets stronger much faster. With right pair-up stats and positioning, even hard mode feels like a stressfree playthrough. I can spare exp even more with Veteran so the key is to balance exp distribution without getting Robin too much level.

Like it or not, paralogues 1-4 and 17 are just as optional as 5-16 and 18-23. The fact that you did 1-4 while trying to get Olivia to lv. 15 Dark Flier, as well as the fact that you abused the Dance mechanic in her join chapter, means that you're willing to grind.

Let's use that anime comparison you brought up earlier. If you consider time travel to be a cheap plot device, then ALL paralogues are filler episodes; just like how filler episodes ultimately only increase the total number of episodes an anime series have and not advance the plot at all, the paralogues only increase the number of maps you can do in a playthrough and don't advance the main plot at all. And apparently, the fact that you went out of your way to get Galeforce on Lucina, a character who's only in the plot because of said cheap plot device, says something.

In main timeline, Lucina came from future without player's party intervention. No one going to save those children and they're done for good. Try to have children killed and you should see real past Lucina is coming from. It was Grima who sent her out for this mission when player's party fails to change the future past.

Anyway, I admit that my action to pass Galeforce from Olivia isn't 100% no grind run. I could say it's no random encounter run instead. I reset the game again for actual no grind run this time and plan to pass only Vantage instead of Galeforce. Not sure if I can get Astra for her by saving paralouges. I hope you'll spare me for saving paralouges for Olivia. I want to rush for second seal as early as possible.

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