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[GUIDE]Passing Olivia's Galeforce to Lucina on no random encounter


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First point, not everyone got level 10. Only ones I'm going to use such as Chrome, Robin, Sumia and Virion. Also Lissa if you spam heal needlessly but Frederick is promoted.

Second point, I did run no grind but I also want to know if I can pass Galeforce without random encounter. Let's say I did grind Olivia for Galeforce from spamming dance. But I didn't use her after getting that Galeforce. Everyone else also miss exp from battles to feed Olivia. It's still no grind run for the rest and also no random encounter for everyone.

Third point, it's cheap plot device. She barely make it out alive in future past. Their parents are all dead. How come you expect all children to "conveniently" survive? I won't turn blind eyes to convenient writing script for the sake of children system. Child's paralouges are optional. You can only get it from rank S support. And clearing child paralouges caused more exp to break the game.

Forth point, my levels are around 4-5 by the time I first fought Walhart. I may miss a level or two from passing exp for Olivia. I ended chapter 19 with getting level 6-7. If you grind from child's paralouges, you'll get a few more levels making the game much easier. I once do children paralouges and main game become easy mode after doing that.

Let's say grinding Olivia to pass Galeforce is possible from no random encounter run. But I see child's paralouges as optional and it's grinding if you do it in main game. I don't mind doing that for post-game stuff though.

You're not helping your case by mentioning Sumia or Virion - the former starts at level 1 in chapter 3, and the latter, being an archer, can only gain exp once a turn. And there's no way in hell Lissa can get to 10 before chapter 5 since all you have is one heal staff, which has to last until the end of chapter 3.

Which means you ultimately contradicted yourself. Also, that's bad exp distribution.

The only thing I see here is you "conveniently" ignoring the game script just to shove your headcanon down everyone else's throats because the script clearly contradicts it.

If your units are only around 4-5 on average by the time you get to Walhart's first chapter, then bad exp distribution is the clear culprit. Also, what's with the blatant double standard?

As for Olivia, I did that just to find out if it's possible. It seems Lucina barely needs healing at all so Vantage won't trigger for her. But it's still better to have Astra as additional proc and Swordflaire.

Astra and Swordfaire are hardly worth having Olivia mother Lucina for, if you ask me - Lucina already has access to both Aether and Luna from her old man, and swords aren't that great a weapon type.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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You're not helping your case by mentioning Sumia or Virion - the former starts at level 1 in chapter 3, and the latter, being an archer, can only gain exp once a turn. And there's no way in hell Lissa can get to 10 before chapter 5 since all you have is one heal staff, which has to last until the end of chapter 3.

Which means you ultimately contradicted yourself. Also, that's bad exp distribution.

The only thing I see here is you "conveniently" ignoring the game script just to shove your headcanon down everyone else's throats because the script clearly contradicts it.

If your units are only around 4-5 on average by the time you get to Walhart's first chapter, then bad exp distribution is the clear culprit. Also, what's with the blatant double standard?

Astra and Swordfaire are hardly worth having Olivia mother Lucina for, if you ask me - Lucina already has access to both Aether and Luna from her old man, and swords aren't that great a weapon type.

Like I said, Frederick has level 3 and Lissa has level 7. Chrom, Robin and Virion have level 11 (Might be 12 if I didn't feed much on Frederick). I also have Sumia on previous run at level 10 too. Just kill everyone as much as possible on chapter you got her. Pair her up with Frederick and finish them good. Arrange weapon and speed correctly so you won't kill them.
I sometimes throw Sumia into firezone so she can gain level more. With +4 STR/DEF, she'll likely survive with high speed for 2-3 attacks after leveling in previous chapter. That'll boost her exp significantly from just clashing. I even placed Sumia on fort with Javelin fighting horde of monsters. Frederick + Fort and even make Lissa tank the boss if your DEF isn't cursed by RNG goddess.
As for bad exp distribution, it could be from the case of grinding Olivia so everyone missed paralouges, chapter 12-13. But I can still manage just fine. It was hard at first after chapter 16 but with good planning, I can enjoy it.
Astra and Swordflaire are hardly worthy that's right but it's impossible to pass Galeforce from Olivia to Lucina without grinding. I'm doing no grind run and I reset after Walhart arc to do better it this time around.
By the way, I can pass Galeforce from Sumia by promoting her after chapter 5 ends though. With nearly 20 units including reinforcement, she can easily hit level 10 and you can unequip weapons on everyone else so Sumia can take all the kills if you want to.
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and swords aren't that great a weapon type.

My only problem with the entire post. But that's just my opinion I can't justify.

Regardless, the OP's definition of grinding seems to be at a disconnect compared to the rest of us. Stalling in any chapter for more than 5-10 turns getting experience for staff users and dancers is grinding by the general definition of "repetitive tasks to make characters or their equipment better".

Also, OP... Sumia doesn't get anything from the fort other than healing.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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My only problem with the entire post. But that's just my opinion I can't justify.

Regardless, the OP's definition of grinding seems to be at a disconnect compared to the rest of us. Stalling in any chapter for more than 5-10 turns getting experience for staff users and dancers is grinding by the general definition of "repetitive tasks to make characters or their equipment better".

Yeah I admit that's grinding. It should be called no random encounter instead.

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I said child's paralouges are optional. Donnel/Anna/Tiki will appear regardless of support level unlike children's paralouges. It's unthinkable to call no grind run when you play children's paralouges. That's a lot of exp pool making the game progression feels like a joke. I enjoyed chapter 16 and 19 because I'm not at level that I can OHKO anything thanks to exp from children's paralouges.

Children paralouges should be post-game stuff and not allowed in no grind run. Just admit it that clearing them will make your units needlessly stronger. If you want to do real no grind run, don't do any children paralouge. You'll get a few level ups from doing that and break the game's challenge.

Playing smart makes you unnecessarily strong. Why do you think drafts are possible (and rather boring) in Awakening? It isn't because the units stand around and take forever to power up. Hell, a draft run can complete Awakening in less time than it took for you to get past Chapter 11. That's what's wrong with your logic - you're claiming that certain things are off-limits because they make you too strong, yet somehow stalling out a chapter for someone to get experience isn't the very definition of making someone stronger.

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Playing smart makes you unnecessarily strong. Why do you think drafts are possible (and rather boring) in Awakening? It isn't because the units stand around and take forever to power up. Hell, a draft run can complete Awakening in less time than it took for you to get past Chapter 11. That's what's wrong with your logic - you're claiming that certain things are off-limits because they make you too strong, yet somehow stalling out a chapter for someone to get experience isn't the very definition of making someone stronger.

Saving few paralouges isn't acceptable in some run. I'm playing no grind run which isn't grinding for playing those paralouges later. It's not specified to play all paralouges right after available in no grind run. Some people may play no grind without paralouge at all too but I'm no taking that far because I still want Anna/Tiki in my party.

I didn't save it for any specific unit to grind. I'll deploy everyone and play normally. Trying to have specific unit get all the kills in 2-3 chapters is more like grinding to me. And you can't compare 4 early paralouges that appear for everyone at specific time to 12 late paralouges that may have only one appears. That's whole lot of different exp gain.

By the way, I enjoy benching units as much as possible. I'm on chapter 9 right now and I benched 10 units so far. I guess some people don't find it charming but I do. I'm a man of efficiency and it helps me use more brain with less units to take action.



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I'm a man of efficiency and it helps me use more brain with less units to take action.

By definition, dancing for 200 turns is not efficient by FE standards.

All your definitions are contradicting what you think your playstyle consists of.

So this guide is pretty much only useful to you.

Trying to have specific unit get all the kills in 2-3 chapters is more like grinding to me.

You just contradicted your guide's title then.

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By definition, dancing for 200 turns is not efficient by FE standards.

All your definitions are contradicting what you think your playstyle consists of.

So this guide is pretty much only useful to you.

I told you I restarted the game again without grinding Olivia now and still play draft mode or whatever that I can bench more people. I just want to know if it's possible to pass galeforce without random encounter. I apologize for using the word wrongly before. Please don't hurt me.

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By definition, dancing for 200 turns is not efficient by FE standards.

By any standards. That's a lot of time wasted for something so trivial. Especially when Lucina is a female and can get Galeforce herself. This sounds like a pain in the ass.

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Sighs. People don't read carefully, do they? I said I tried to find out whether she can pass galeforce without doing random encounter some some said it was impossible.

Now I didn't dance her all the way to level 30 anymore but I did dance a bit to hook her up with Chrom and get some levels so she can second seal from item drop in next battle.

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Sighs. People don't read carefully, do they? I said I tried to find out whether she can pass galeforce without doing random encounter some some said it was impossible.

Now I didn't dance her all the way to level 30 anymore but I did dance a bit to hook her up with Chrom and get some levels so she can second seal from item drop in next battle.

Everyone can read, I assure you. But claiming that it's a "no grind run," and then claiming you're doing it without random encounters is STILL grinding. It's not anything remotely close to natural.

"A bit?" More like you danced about as many times as a person might dance to complete half of the game in 1 battle. I don't understand why you'd avoid doing randoms if you're doing stuff like:

After you get down to the last guy, unequip everyone and surround him so he can't hurt our dear Olivia. Try to move the circle to healing area so enemy will get healed every turn just in case you accidently hit him. He'll hit until his weapon is broken and stop doing anything afterward.

Really now? The topic title says "NO GRIND." I don't care if you "change" the definition. It's still grinding. You can't just say "the definition of running is now a saunter, and I 'run' everyday of the week." It's still grinding. Period. You can say "get Galeforce without randoms, but I really don't see why I'd need a guide on that when I'm doing stuff like letting enemies attack me for several turns that would take so long that I could beat the game in the time frame it takes to get GF for Lucina." Like I said, this sounds so boring that I'd much rather just play the game.

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You didn't read too, did you? I said I corrected it to no random encounter run. I said it for so many times already. And of course you need a guide because it's possible without paralouges or method to harvest more exp.

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You didn't read too, did you? I said I corrected it to no random encounter run. I said it for so many times already. And of course you need a guide because it's possible without paralouges or method to harvest more exp.

You didn't read what I just wrote did you?

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I did. I admit I used wrong word and changed to no encounter yet you keep saying stuff about no grind. Who didn't read actually? You can try passing galeforce without random encounter, no paralouges prepared for her and see if it's possible. And I didn't let enemies hit me purposely.

Trying not to OHKO them will net few more exp and that matters for passing galeforce considering I ended chapter 13 with exact same level 15 with 0 exp and I need to redo it if not for exp treasure on that map.

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I misused the word "no grind" and I admit that. I've corrected it to "no random encounter" instead now and my current playthrough doesn't involve grinding Olivia. My Lucina is having Dual Strike+/Aether/Vantage/Astra/Lethality instead.

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In that case, here's how to update the topic title:

1. Go to the first post, and click on Edit.

2. Click on Use Full Editor at the bottom.

That will allow you to modify the topic's title.

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My only problem with the entire post. But that's just my opinion I can't justify.

Hey, that tends to be the prevailing opinion. Not that I necessarily agree with it, tbf, but swords tend to get the short straw with regard to ranged weapons.

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