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Does Anyone take requests for custom battle animations? I need one done for eternal night.

Tactician Aria

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I need someone to make a custom sprite for a rom hack. if anyone is willing it would be appreciated and it will be credited on the main page/topic. if you need something to work with, this is the mugshot as a base.Character2.bmp

EDIT: I forgot to add details to the post. it was late. sorry!

Class: Duke(Custom, essentially a lord)

Mount: None

Weapon: Sword

General Motion: A downward swing, then a backwards jump.

Build: Medium (Similar to Eliwood)

Armor: Not Very thick (Similar to Eliwood)

Again, this would be appreciated! thanks in advance!

Edited by Tactician Duel
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If you want anyone to take your request you might want to add a few details. (what class, if lord, what archetype; general build; the type of motions; how armored is the character; that type of stuff)

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If you want anyone to take your request you might want to add a few details. (what class, if lord, what archetype; general build; the type of motions; how armored is the character; that type of stuff)

Done. I was tired and it was late. sorry!

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