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What Are the Presents in the Extras menu?

Captain Karnage

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So this is something that I've been wondering about since the Japanese release. What are the presents or what would they be.

Would it have been like what they did with Pokémon back in the DS Era where you would go into a Gamestop and download a Pokémon, or would it be like spot pass.

Would they have been a mix of special weapons and items you could have downloaded for free.

I'm just really curious as to what this was.

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As far as I know, the Presents menu has no function other than to unlock the Emblem Shield accessory if you have StreetPass enabled for Fire Emblem Awakening on your system. No wireless communication is actually used when you select the option to "download" anything through it, so I don't think there were necessarily any plans to have it work with SpotPass to get more content like the downloadable bonuses in Awakening. Though I admit that it does seem kind of weird that it's only for that one thing when the wording seems to suggest otherwise.

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