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Can't create class animations from vanilla frames/scripts with FEditor.


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I've been trying to insert a slightly altered Arch Mogall animation into FE8. As the animation uses the same number of frames and timings as the default Arch Mogall, I figured I could simply dump the frames and scripts from a clean ROM, edit the frames of animation one by one, keeping the dumped script untouched, and re-inserting them like that. And so I did, but I encountered an error in the Animation Creator.

I did some further testing without editing the frames, and then with different classes. It seems that all unedited frames and scripts obtained from dumping with FEditor (or CT075's FEditor Script Dump Converter) will still cause errors in the Animation Creator tool. The error does cause the animation to break horribly in game.


- Vanilla FE8

- FEditor Adv FFFF indicies Edition

Error message:

Error parsing line XXX:
Can't add a terminator to an empty mode.

In all the scripts, the line refers to this part of script, with >>>>emphasis<<<< mine:

//begin Mode 11
1  p- frameXXX.png
~~~        <<<<<<<<<<
//begin Mode 12
1  p- frame000.png


Knowing me, it's probably something very stupid, but I've been at this all evening and at this point, I'd rather ask more experienced people.

Edited by Miacis
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Excellent. It got rid of the FEditor error message and the game screaming bloody death when loading animations.

However, the spell looping animations are still broken.


And the same goes when trying to insert other vanilla magic classes.

I've tried to do the HxD hacky thing mentionned in this thread, but it didn't seem to affect the inserted animation in any way. It might not even be applicable considering it's dump-inserting from and to the same game.

Edited by Miacis
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From what I understand, FEditor is capable of looping specified frames. This quote is from Class Animation Creator.txt in the doc folder:

The 01 command has been hacked to allow looping of the frames and commands prior to it.

To utilize this, an "add loop marker" button will allow specification of which location in the animation to begin repeating each time the 01 command is reached without the animation continuing beyond (normally the game loops back to the 01 command itself).

Specifying a loop marker in a script is as easy as having a line with "L", but the "L" line must come after a "C04" or "C05" line.

Maybe try massaging the script some more?

Unfortunately, I've never tried using this, so I can't help you further.

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Victory Achieved! It looked way cooler in my head.

It's a shame FEditor can't seem to deal with the hardcoded C47 looping command so exported scripts have to be partially rebuilt (and frames remade at least in the mogall's case, since it had some weird overlapping bs), but I guess that'll do for now.

Thank you kindly for your swift help.

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