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The Nodion Knightly Trio - Advice for keeping them alive?


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Does anyone have any suggestions on how to 1: keep Lachesis' three goons alive throughout Chapter 2 while also 2: not just holding her back and thus depriving her of EXP and keeping her weak while also 3: pairing her with Finn? Finn being mounted while Lachesis is infantry already blows, but having to hold Lachesis back means holding Finn back too and that's a real pain in the ass if I want Finn to be viable for G2 (I try to get him to Duke Knight before the end of Chapter 3 though as long as he's reasonably leveled I don't mind if he isn't).

So yeah, any pro MLG FE strats for combining these three issues? Is the Knight Ring even worth busting my nuts over?

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IMO the best way to get Lachesis exp in chapter 2 is just letting her head back to the home castle and spam return on someone like Deirdre or Azel, this gets her more exp than she would fighting anyway. If you can, don't let Fin do the arena until later in the map, and let him kill the elite ring guy up at the northwest castle, then send him home and let him clear the arena, then he can sit around next to Lachesis for the rest of the map. This should put him in a good spot to promote at the start of chapter 3 (after the arena) or at the very least at the end of it.

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Hmmm. That would actually put Dierdre to use, funny enough. Though I always brought her out as a support healer - double funny enough, I also leveled her up with Return spam. I think I even got her to 20 once, only to be annoyed she couldn't promote.

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Hmmm. That would actually put Dierdre to use, funny enough. Though I always brought her out as a support healer - double funny enough, I also leveled her up with Return spam. I think I even got her to 20 once, only to be annoyed she couldn't promote.

Due to the way stat inheretence works in this game, there is no reason to level her up after she gets 18 mag and 20 res (which is when she passes down 1 point of each to celice). due to the way the formula's work and her and sigurds growth rates, she is unlikely to give celice much else in the way of stats.

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Somehow the triplets just lived through the whole ordeal on my current run.

That's my first ever Genealogy campaign though so I have no idea how difficult it is to keep them alive. The Knight ring is very useful though.

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Due to the way stat inheretence works in this game, there is no reason to level her up after she gets 18 mag and 20 res (which is when she passes down 1 point of each to celice). due to the way the formula's work and her and sigurds growth rates, she is unlikely to give celice much else in the way of stats.

I had no idea at the time! It was pretty great having a super magic brick wall... for all of one chapter :Y

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Somehow the triplets just lived through the whole ordeal on my current run.

That's my first ever Genealogy campaign though so I have no idea how difficult it is to keep them alive. The Knight ring is very useful though.

It gets hard in the latter parts of the map if you keep them in the thick of things, and it is not uncommon for them to die in the first few turns before you get to them.

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IMO the best way to get Lachesis exp in chapter 2 is just letting her head back to the home castle and spam return on someone like Deirdre or Azel, this gets her more exp than she would fighting anyway. If you can, don't let Fin do the arena until later in the map, and let him kill the elite ring guy up at the northwest castle, then send him home and let him clear the arena, then he can sit around next to Lachesis for the rest of the map. This should put him in a good spot to promote at the start of chapter 3 (after the arena) or at the very least at the end of it.

UGH. The inheritance section in the Calculations page is killing my brain!

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