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Anyone got an idiot's guide for getting the Bargain Ring in G1?


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I've gotten it before but this most recent playthrough I just couldn't punch through Phillip's wall of armors fast enough to beat up Bordeaux in time. It always seems like a crapshoot, does anyone have any actual strategies for getting to Herhein by turn 9/10? (Damn those stupid cliffs that force you to waste movement going around them to reach the armors, too. Bah!)

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Yeah, but if Levin appears after turn 10 (ie subduing Herhein after then), he won't be able to reach the village in time to get the bandit (unless I guess he gets a lucky crit or continue kicks in).

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You have the Seize Herhein by turn 12 as the village burns at the end of turn 15 and Lewyn barely gets there in time to finish the bandit with a skill proc. You could easily do this by going around the top rather than slowly baiting away enemies. You shouldn't be seeing too much enemy phase combat so your units should be fine for the most part.

Edited by Valkama
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Here you go; here's a great guide for how it's done. Get Hero Axe!Lex, Light Sword!Ethlin, and Killer Bow!Midir to help Cuan kill Elliot, and follow this up until about 8m41s, and DO NOT KILL the northern ballistae man like the TAS does. It only does that for the sake of actually killing Philip for his Return Ring; you don't need it!

You can effectively skip Philip and his troop entirely, leaving only Bordeaux and his goons to deal with. Don't try to Javelin duel Bordeaux like the TAS does; just kill one of his men, and beat him up with the Silver Sword; you should have about 4 turns to do that! Then go and rescue the Bargain Ring village from there. That's easy enough, right? And yes, it's easily replicable in a casual playthrough:

Edited by FionordeQuester
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