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Birthright Chapter 25 Luntic Help

Captain Karnage

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okay, this chapter is just killing me, I just can't get past the enemies attacking me on both the left and right side of the map in the begining.

I'm stuck, what did you do to help handle handle the unending reinforcements on the bottom of the map

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Two options:

1) Go really fast and just outrun the reinforcements. If you want treasure, split your team up to grab them. Ryoma can handle the middle p much by himself. If you have that ranged healing staff I forgot the name of it might be useful to support him with it, though, just in case.

2) if your team is tanky enough, you can split 3 and 3 (with guard stance partners) on each side and kinda chokepoint. The reinforcements come on alternate turns so it's nice on the healers. The left side is entirely physical while the right side is mixed, so any pure-phys durable units like spear masters work well on the left. Mixed-defensive units work well on the right (Hinoka, Ninja Corn with a defensive support partner? idr how Tsubaki's res is, Ryoma's always good and his ranged hits back against magic as well, any of the other ninjas probably do ok enough with apt healing support and not dying by killing too many enemies)

The reinforcements actually do end. I think it's 3-4 rounds each side, dont' remember exacts, it just seems like forever because they come on alternate turns so it takes like 6-8 turns.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Two options:

1) Go really fast and just outrun the reinforcements. If you want treasure, split your team up to grab them. Ryoma can handle the middle p much by himself. If you have that ranged healing staff I forgot the name of it might be useful to support him with it, though, just in case.

2) if your team is tanky enough, you can split 3 and 3 (with guard stance partners) on each side and kinda chokepoint. The reinforcements come on alternate turns so it's nice on the healers. The left side is entirely physical while the right side is mixed, so any pure-phys durable units like spear masters work well on the left. Mixed-defensive units work well on the right (Hinoka, Ninja Corn with a defensive support partner? idr how Tsubaki's res is, Ryoma's always good and his ranged hits back against magic as well, any of the other ninjas probably do ok enough with apt healing support and not dying by killing too many enemies)

The reinforcements actually do end. I think it's 3-4 rounds each side, dont' remember exacts, it just seems like forever because they come on alternate turns so it takes like 6-8 turns.

thanks, I'll use this if I ever go back,

my team has been pretty trash, I found a way to get Ryoma to basicallly doge everything

I managed to cheese it 10 miniutes ago

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