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In An Alternate Universe...


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...is an thriller/mystery movie about CSI lab room where people are trying to solve multiple murders going on in the city, when the murderer is actually one of the CSI staff members that are working with them. It was critically acclaimed and received many awards.

In another universe, anti-gravity unicycles...

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Is an actual forest in England that's a modestly popular/successful tourist attraction. Duck and fish feeding is one of the more popular activities there.

In an alternate universe, there's an additional season besides spring, summer, fall, and winter, and its name and description is...

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actually became a real thing after some scientist decided he wanted to make real live Pokemon. Unfortunately for him, his experiment resulted in an error in which, instead of a Pikachu being formed, Arceus was formed, and this resulted in the legendary Pokemon creating millions of Pokemon in the world, similar to how it happened in the Pokemon universe.

Eventually in this alternate universe, jobs and professions relating to Pokemon actually became a thing. Nowadays one would see 10 year old kids travelling around the world, capturing as many different Pokemon as possible, and to eventually either become the best Pokemon trainer to exist, or fulfilling their dreams of getting a job specifically related to Pokemon.

Those people still have yet to see an "Ash Ketchum" in their universe. The time might just come any minute now...


In an alternate universe, triangles...

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8 minutes ago, NinjaMonkey said:

In an alternate universe, Pandas...

Are the source of all evil.


9 hours ago, Flee Fleet! said:

actually became a real thing after some scientist decided he wanted to make real live Pokemon. Unfortunately for him, his experiment resulted in an error in which, instead of a Pikachu being formed, Arceus was formed, and this resulted in the legendary Pokemon creating millions of Pokemon in the world, similar to how it happened in the Pokemon universe.

Eventually in this alternate universe, jobs and professions relating to Pokemon actually became a thing. Nowadays one would see 10 year old kids travelling around the world, capturing as many different Pokemon as possible, and to eventually either become the best Pokemon trainer to exist, or fulfilling their dreams of getting a job specifically related to Pokemon.

Those people still have yet to see an "Ash Ketchum" in their universe. The time might just come any minute now...

I legitimately wanna migrate to that universe now.

In an alternate universe, Elemental Manipulation is...

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are in fact found all over the world. This has led to no danger of them extincting, and this has also resulted in the alternate universe WWF logo to be of a tiger, as tigers are still hunted down for their fur, and other reasons.

Pandas are actually considered extremely popular in that universe. Having one as a pet means you're quite the wealthy person.

EDIT: OOPS. Panda thing was already done, sorry! :


In an alternate universe, Elemental Manipulation is...

a widely popular technique to protect oneself and to benefit oneself. As of now, that universe's people have only mastered "bending" Air, Water, Fire, and Earth. While majority of people can only manipulate one element, most of the time, there are legends about a few rare people who have mastered to bend all four elements...

In an alternate universe, Superman...


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Is a real person who helps people in natural disasters.

In a different universe, cheese is not made by putting bacteria in milk, but by...

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highly compacting liquid milk with metal pillars until it becomes a solid. The flavour is a lot milder compared to cheese in our universe, but the sodium amount is much lower and a lot more of the calcium is retained in the process, making it much healthier overall.

In an alternate universe, three Disney princesses that exist in that universe that don't in this universe are...

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Makes action RPGs instead of strategy RPGs.

In a different universe, cake and pie...

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still exist. Well, cake does. Pie is slightly unknown, as a physicist named Schrödinger made a paradox about it, called "Schrödinger's Pie." It stipulates that there are numerous possibilities that can result from one action, and various memes have come from it, such as "The pie is a lie."

Cake is still delicious. It is well known for sharing the name with a Greek letter in mathematics that's value is approximately 3.14152849. There is even a day in March for it.

In an alternate universe, chairs...

Edited by Rex Glacies
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have a button on them that you can push and they turn into beds. So if you get tired watching TV late at night you don't have to get up and go to bed. People in that universe are even lazier than people in ours.

In an alternate universe, chickens...

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don't taste bland anymore! So when you say something tastes bland in that universe, you say "It tastes like beef.".

In a different alternate universe, wyvern riders and pegasus knights...

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Aren't weak to bows in most FE games. Instead they're weak to potato guns. Also in this alternate universe guns that shoot vegetables are in FE.

In an alternate universe, farts don't stink and burps...

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apparently suggest you're aroused by something. The smell of the burps themselves are arousing to anyone who smells it.


In alternate universe, teens...

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are what toddlers are called, and vice-versa. They're pretty much the same: Always cranky, super possessive, can't admit when they need help...

In a different universe, babies and toddlers...

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