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11 minutes ago, Ether said:

I can't speak for Marth or Roy, but Lyn has the Sol Katti, not the Mani Katti. She does all of her attacks before her opponent if she initiates below 50% HP, but has no effective damage. Compared to Lucina she has more Str/Speed, but doesn't get access to healing through Aether of Falchion. She /does/ get Galeforce if you spend the SP to get Astra and then Galeforce itself, so she's a really strong player phase offense unit.

Huh, the Sol Katti doesn't have effectiveness on dragons? It was in FE7...

Jesus, she sounds like one hell of a kamikaze unit. Go in, double and murder, Galeforce, do it again, then maybe cripple one more dude before dying...?

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I want to say this since it the general discussion thread for the game but Alfonse for being the main lord he sucks as a unit his sister Sharena is a good unit though but they have nothing on Lucina. :) 3rd wifu in fire emblem. Wish I could pull Lyn my OG wifu.

Edited by mikethepokemaster
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I think they replaced the dragon effectiveness so she wouldn't overlap with Lucina and Marth so much, since the Falchion is the original dragon slayer weapon. Lyn works well because with so few units on the map, hitting hard and fast can cripple an opponent's ability to properly hit you back. If you leave her exposed below half she'll probably die, but that's part of using her strategically. If you can protect her, she can easily wipe out opposing threats pretty reliably.

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I wasted my last orbs (couldn't restart since I already linkd with My Nintendo), I got 3 star Est and 4 stars: Sakura, George, Saizo and Cordelia.

And Sakura got a perfect lv up uh? But she can't attack, how I'm gonna let her win skills? This is weird. George is cool.

I will deal with no having Takumi (I wish Nintendo add him later as a 3 or 4 starts), and the game is fun... But I'm just sad that everything will get loss the day Nintendo close the server. Yes I know is just day one, but the idea that is going to happen in the future, make me sad

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The sound design in Heroes seems to have a bug. I managed to get this to happen.



Playing the game at the same time that you have a song on your device's playlist playing on speaker or stereo will cause all of the sound  - music, voices, and effects - to hit a lower pitch. The sound can be corrected if Heroes is reloaded from the start screen.


Kinda quirky, and psuedo-remixy I suppose. 

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Well Brawl managed to upload some of the songs for this game!



So far I haven't heard any remixes of the main games....also, I feel that they are using too much of the flute and missing the other variety types of music that FE is known for. Feels like they are going for the Fates style of music....


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I grinded Cordelia all day today hoping I can 5* her right now! But.....I was not expecting such a set back.. I NEED 20,000 FEATHERS?!?!!??!?! I dont even have those badges. T__T )


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Dunno if anyone has seen this, or even care. But it seems like Japanese Miitomo has a collaboration with FE Heroes. Dunno about other regions.

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So, Day 1 thoughts:

Man oh man, three pulls in a day, along with two downed Stamina Elixirs!  I REGRET NOTHING!

It looks like a unit's start point is VERY important - having better weapons/skills unlocked gives a big boost to everything.  A 4* Virion more-or-less outclassed a 3* Niles immediately, since I want my bow units to be focused on offense, not defense.  Each unit seems to have its own niche, from the sample of 15 that I pulled.  For example, Tiki's job is to get to lowish health, walk in the middle of the enemy, and make them cry.  Arthur gibs lance users like no tomorrow, while Gunter is a bit more support-oriented.  I have a giant glut of sword users, and what really sucks is that Olivia doesn't dance right off of the bat at 3*.  Speaking of, she has more Defense than Speed, WTF is up with that. . .

For skills, I'm gonna assume dancing will take the top spot, once I unlock it.  IMO Swap and Rally Attack are excellent skills, and should be present on any map that looks like it won't be an insta-stomp.  I guess stuff like Rally Resistance would be good for some niche situations.

The story maps can get tricky, especially if you're like me and bull-rush everything.  The tower's decent, but i don't like the level gaps.  I'll deal with the arena a bit more after I train a couple of units.  The ability to recruit a given character on a day is really nice, and I'm going to grab that Virion as soon as my stamina recovers.

Overall, this game has a fairly strong start.  I hope the event maps release soon!

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Brave weapons are insane, especially on slower units, and bonus points if they're tanky. Talking about you, Camilla, in particular.

Takumi is also ridiculous. Fujin Yumi lets him walk EVERYWHERE, and being able to hit literally half the screen on a lava map is pretty dumb. Especially since the Fujin Yumi is still a nuke, and Takumi actually has good Str in this game. He's not made of paper, either; my Camilla couldn't ORKO him.

I personally haven't had too much trouble with story missions, probably because I have two OP 5*s to just rock with. The one map that gave me grief was the last Hoshidan one (6-5 I believe?) That was when they first threw five enemies at me instead of four, and my ace Lucina was locked up with the lobster man.

The daily units haven't been too impressive to me thus far. Getting a 2* Virion or Sophia doesn't really help.

Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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The Tower's Lvl can be quite deceptive at times, tbqh. Your Lvl 20+ team can curbstomp the 3rd Stratum ( Lvl 14 ) but can then get wiped out at the 4th Stratum ( Lvl 19 ). >< I wonder if they will nerf it in future ( and I really need some hero feathers ;_; ).

Edited by tailfin
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Unless they're also doing leaderboard rewards for the Arena and I didn't pay attention, it seems they've capped the amount of feathers you can earn from each week's Arena rewards, so people who spend money or Platinum points don't have a super huge advantage. If you have a good team, I think you can reach the 3k high score for the max reward without paying at all, since Arena entry resets every day 4 pm Tokyo time (same time Heroes was released yesterday, iirc).

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Just pulled a *5 Lyn and Cordelia. I'm not sure if it's worth trying to pull for anyone on the Deep Devotions side some more for maybe Takumi? I have a *4 Kagero but I'm lacking an archer. Or should I pull the living hell out if Legendary Heroes for another sword character? Should I be fine with Lyn? ARGH THIS GAME I LOVE/HATE IT

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So I managed to get the APK of the game and It worked with little to no issues oddly....considering that the game is reported to have technical issues.

Anyways, somehow I didn't realize that you have to summon all five units inorder to reduce the orb cost so I screwed up that part...:P

As for the game itself, moving and using units took me a bit of time getting used to as unlike the main games where a hub appears for attack,item and wait, you have to slide the unit fully to the enemy because if you place it one space next to the enemy, it counts as a move and doesn't ask me if I want to attack or not.

Other than that, its fine so far...nothing deep yet.


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5 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Huh, the Sol Katti doesn't have effectiveness on dragons? It was in FE7...

Jesus, she sounds like one hell of a kamikaze unit. Go in, double and murder, Galeforce, do it again, then maybe cripple one more dude before dying...?

The Binding Blade/Sword of Seals isn't effective against dragons... Let that one sink in. A sword forged for the explicit purpose of mass slaughtering dragons and bringing an end to the Scouring isn't effective against its main target.


That being said, Roy is pretty beast. He hits hard, quick, and he has good skills. Hopefully he gets a special attack at higher levels.

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34 minutes ago, Harvey said:

As for the game itself, moving and using units took me a bit of time getting used to as unlike the main games where a hub appears for attack,item and wait, you have to slide the unit fully to the enemy because if you place it one space next to the enemy, it counts as a move and doesn't ask me if I want to attack or not.

You can play with traditional controls by clicking where you want to go and click who to attack, or tap twice (I guess?) to wait. It'll avoid stupid mistakes (and believe me, I already let Caeda in front of archers because of that), and it's more natural, at least for me.

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I probably should have realized because the quest screen has a listed difficulty level, but unlocking second set of February quests really surprised me.


Loving the game, though there are few things that I find rather unfortunate design choices. Others have already mentioned the high feather cost of increasing a character's star rank. Another thing is that equipping skills costs stamina. Granted it's only 5, so not too horrible.

On the other hand, units losing the exp/levels they got in a map if they die is a neat way to do a compromise between permadeath and casual.


Also, I just want to point out that Kagero is pretty beastly, she's basically an infantry, mage and thief killing machine in one package. Her 4-5* weapon deals effective damage to infantry, she gets increased resistance when attacking and at high hp against dagger users she gets automatic double and prevents enemy doubles.

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Small update just went through. In celebration of the game's worldwide launch, we will be receiving some benefits:

  • The amount of stamina required to play maps in the Training Tower will be cut in half.
  • The amount of stamina required to equip skills will be reduced to 0.
  • During the campaign period, you'll receive a special one-time log-in bonus of 10 Stamina Potions.

This will last from 2/3/17 at 0500 until 2/20/17 at 0059.

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