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2 minutes ago, Birdy said:

Ah, true! I figured that out, I just don't know the exact algorith behind all these things.

It's seem like how much HP you lost and how many unit you have left affect how much point you earn. But that just my observation 

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1 hour ago, Sylphid said:

Seems to me it takes your highest score into account. Which is honestly pretty good like Birdy said, since if you just collected points people could buy their score via the sword restoring items. Doing it this way is much more fair for no-iap players.

Doesn't change the fact it's not explained very clearly, however. Who am I kidding "Go for your personal best" is the best explanation ever

It'd be no worse than the current situation of being forced to do all Hard duels and being matched up against paying players anyway with ridiculous units just to have a hope in hell of getting the highest tiered reward.

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2 minutes ago, InfinityAlex said:

It'd be no worse than the current situation of being forced to do all Hard duels and being matched up against paying players anyway with ridiculous units just to have a hope in hell of getting the highest tiered reward.

Hmm, half agree. It's atleast a temporary situation, since paying players get to endgame quicker. In the long run however, you're probably perfectly viable as a F2P player, altough paying players will probably always have somewhat of a advantage seeing as there's a good chance they have better units.

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3 minutes ago, InfinityAlex said:

It'd be no worse than the current situation of being forced to do all Hard duels and being matched up against paying players anyway with ridiculous units just to have a hope in hell of getting the highest tiered reward.

It's pretty ridiculous now, but I think after a while things will even out. Eventually, everybody will be able to field a team of 5* and good 4* units, and it will be more about strategy.

EDIT: Ninja'd by Birdy.

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1 hour ago, Sylphid said:

Seems to me it takes your highest score into account. Which is honestly pretty good like Birdy said, since if you just collected points people could buy their score via the sword restoring items. Doing it this way is much more fair for no-iap players.

Doesn't change the fact it's not explained very clearly, however. Who am I kidding "Go for your personal best" is the best explanation ever

Considering the game classes intermediate opponents as those with higher levels than yours, doesn't let you see team structure before picking an opponent, let's you get duelling crests with MyNintendo points and generally makes Intermediate matches a bunch of BS, I'd say that cumulative scores are much better.

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4 hours ago, Themera said:

It's seem like how much HP you lost and how many unit you have left affect how much point you earn. But that just my observation 

I'm not sure since i had smth like three games in a row giving me the same points. I doubt i've lost the same amount of hp in each (and AFAIR i've lost some). BTW, it would mean that using light blessing gives you more points... though probably nintendo could've made it this way, i really hope they didn't.

The thing about lvl is probably true since i noticed a slight change in my gains with the same party after some ventures into the Tower.


Considering the game classes intermediate opponents as those with higher levels than yours, doesn't let you see team structure before picking an opponent, let's you get duelling crests with MyNintendo points and generally makes Intermediate matches a bunch of BS, I'd say that cumulative scores are much better.

Since you battle against AI it's enough to have 1-2 heavy hitters, using the rest of the team as buffers and decoys. That's how i guarnateed 2000 feathers already and i'll probably get another 2500 if my rank doesn't drop further (and I haven't invested into the game, I didn't even reroll, though i was later blessed by golden Tharja and Takumi)

Edited by Avestus
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7 minutes ago, Avestus said:

I'm not sure since i had smth like three games in a row giving me the same points. I doubt i've lost the same amount of hp in each (and AFAIR i've lost some). BTW, it would mean that using light blessing gives you more points... though probably nintendo could've made it this way, i really hope they didn't.

The thing about lvl is probably true since i noticed a slight change in my gains with the same party after some ventures into the Tower.

Since you battle against AI it's enough to have 1-2 heavy hitters, using the rest of the team as buffers and decoys. That's how i guarnateed 2000 feathers already and i'll probably get anither 2500 if my rank doesn't drop further (and I haven't invested into the game, I didn't even reroll, though i was later blessed by golden Tharja and Takumi)

Can't use Light's Blessing in Arena though, unfortunuatly :c

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2 hours ago, Birdy said:

Nice small tidbit, whenever your unit reaches level 40 you will get a small cut-scene with them at your home base. 






Neat! Is this just "level 40" or "five-stars level 40", which I guess we could informally call having the unit totally maxed out.

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2 hours ago, Birdy said:

Nice small tidbit, whenever your unit reaches level 40 you will get a small cut-scene with them at your home base. 






Because I don't wanna get spoiled; Is it an actual cutscene or just dialogue?

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9 minutes ago, InfinityAlex said:

Because I don't wanna get spoiled; Is it an actual cutscene or just dialogue?

Just dialogue, she just refers to something in Fire Emblem Awakening. Really safe, but I just wanted to make sure.

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33 minutes ago, Soul~! said:

Can we trade characters, I don't like Camilla.

If you have a character you don't want you can send them home to get rid of them. And you'll get some hero feathers for it as well.

Edited by Robert of Normandy
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44 minutes ago, The Malign Knight said:

A trading feature would definitely be really cool. It would be much easier to get the units one wants with it.

And it could add more uses to the friend list.  Right now it's just kinda a way to say hi for Hero feathers, as far as I can tell.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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44 minutes ago, Robert of Normandy said:

If you have a character you don't want you can send them home to get rid of them. And you'll get some hero feathers for it as well.

For whatever she's *5. Bragging rights.

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55 minutes ago, The Malign Knight said:

A trading feature would definitely be really cool. It would be much easier to get the units one wants with it.

I highly doubt they will add this, because then people could keep starting dummy accounts to reroll infinitely, then trade all the good stuff to their main. They want your money.

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So, somebody on the subreddit found this in the Arena:
Did they have the devil's luck or way too much money?


Edited by The DanMan
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1 hour ago, The DanMan said:

So, somebody on the subreddit found this in the Arena:
Did they have the devil's luck or way too much money?


Wow, someone make real my idea of a Takumi army!

I would say... They have a combination of both luck and money

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Are people getting mass banned, or does the placement thing just take a while to update? I just shot up in rank from 50k to 15k.

It kinda sucks how you need at least one 5* to reliably win at the Arena Intermediate onwards. You either have to get lucky with pulls/rerolls or spend money to get good units, because they locked the only way to upgrade units behind the Arena.

Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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