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32 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

Now that Female Robin has been announced, is she going to worth it? From what I've seen from the World of Awakening maps, she is a Green Tome unit, with the same spells and abilities as Merric. She might end up inferior to Male Robin.

Probably, it'll depend on how well her stats turn out at 4* or 5* lvl 40. (4* units can be pretty viable) It's going to be a pretty huge investment considering she starts out at 3*.

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I shared this on Reddit because I'm struggling now >.<

I rolled three Ninos this week with the last of my Orbs, and also got lucky with an Eirika. I have a 4* Sharena and 5* Nowi too, so I'm feeling nuts on stuff. I was going to make my Merric into a 5* for Rexcalibur, because he's been a star for me, but now with all this Nino Gronnblade hype, I want to run that. My issue is that I have a +Spd -Def Julia that I've been having a blast running, which means that I'm flooded with green mages.

Given that of my three Ninos, I have:

  • -Atk +Res (3*)
  • -Atk +HP (3*)
  • -Spd +Def (4*)

two 3*s and one 4*, and haven't experimented that much with her, would you think that it'd be more worth keeping my Merric (which I'm seeing more and more reason to not 5*), maintaining Julia and building an arena team around Her and my 3* Olivia, pushing Sharena to 5*, or pushing one of these Ninos to 5* and coupling with Eirika/Olivia/4*Sharena-or-5*Nowi

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Yipes...that's some rough luck on the Nino boons/banes. I'm tempted to say +Def/-Spd Nino is better than Julia as she'll still turn out faster and, with Eirika buffs, hit harder (49 Atk + 7 Gronnblade dmg, which I don't think is affected by Weapon Triangle? Could be wrong, but that's what I'm getting from the wording), but it's a close thing. If you're getting good results from Julia, I'd say keep running her, and maybe experiment with the 4* Nino on the side (from personal experience, 4* Nino is still pretty potent) once you've got a solid chain of 7 down.

Imo, it really comes down to a few factors...if Julia is one-shotting, or you have dragon troubles, obviously there's no problem sticking with her. If Julia doesn't one-hit, and you can handle dragons, and -Spd Nino can pull off a one-round (37 Spd w/ Eirika buff is still respectably high), then Nino is probably the way to go. For reference, I've tried +Atk/-Spd Julia and +Def/-HP Nino and usually find Nino to get better results (Edit: with Sharena's Fortify Def on top of Eirika buffs, non-Atk-bane 5* Nino will be one-shotting some Takumis, if you find them to be an annoyance).

Edited by LordFrigid
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3 hours ago, Elieson said:

I shared this on Reddit because I'm struggling now >.<

I rolled three Ninos this week with the last of my Orbs, and also got lucky with an Eirika. I have a 4* Sharena and 5* Nowi too, so I'm feeling nuts on stuff. I was going to make my Merric into a 5* for Rexcalibur, because he's been a star for me, but now with all this Nino Gronnblade hype, I want to run that. My issue is that I have a +Spd -Def Julia that I've been having a blast running, which means that I'm flooded with green mages.

Given that of my three Ninos, I have:

  • -Atk +Res (3*)
  • -Atk +HP (3*)
  • -Spd +Def (4*)

two 3*s and one 4*, and haven't experimented that much with her, would you think that it'd be more worth keeping my Merric (which I'm seeing more and more reason to not 5*), maintaining Julia and building an arena team around Her and my 3* Olivia, pushing Sharena to 5*, or pushing one of these Ninos to 5* and coupling with Eirika/Olivia/4*Sharena-or-5*Nowi

My advice:

- Keep Merric around, he's going to be OP as hell the minute fliers get out of control
- Use Julia for the time being, since her bane/boon is pretty good
- Hang on to the Nino trio, and be prepared to merge them into one that doesn't have -Atk/-Spd
- Let's see what Miss Robin will do

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2 hours ago, LordFrigid said:

which I don't think is affected by Weapon Triangle?

I think it still is, it just carries through with such immense power that it doesn't care. Julia just smashs things with Naga, even Marths, for a smooth 2HKO just about every time at worst.

Speaking of Marth, I do have a 5* Marth -Def +Res, so between him and Julia, I have Manaketes Manacovered. I'm thinking of running either:




The aforementioned units arrrrrre:


Marth 5* +Res -Def

Sharena 4* +/- Neutral

Julia 5* +Spd -Def

Eirika 5* +Def -Res

Nino (See the above Ninos)

Merric 4* +Def -Res

Olivia 3* +/- Neutral

Nowi 5* (??? she's lv 20 ack I don't know!)


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Just now, eclipse said:

My advice:

- Keep Merric around, he's going to be OP as hell the minute fliers get out of control
- Use Julia for the time being, since her bane/boon is pretty good
- Hang on to the Nino trio, and be prepared to merge them into one that doesn't have -Atk/-Spd
- Let's see what Miss Robin will do

I have a feeling robin f will be pretty op and she better be seeing how green units are lacking very much compared to red and blue units in the op section and general units overall

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Just now, Shiro said:

I have a feeling robin f will be pretty op and she better be seeing how green units are lacking very much compared to red and blue units in the op section and general units overall

She's also the boss battle.  Narcian's super-specialized, and my personal rating of him is better than average, but not broken.

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Just now, eclipse said:

She's also the boss battle.  Narcian's super-specialized, and my personal rating of him is better than average, but not broken.

the reason i wouldnt put narcian as op is because fliers are still vunerable in the current meta I do see how he can be useful though. (I wouldnt use him cause he isnt a waifu :3) I willax both robin f to 5* and ill probably put her in my team in place of julia so i would have more options

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8 minutes ago, eclipse said:

My advice:

- Keep Merric around, he's going to be OP as hell the minute fliers get out of control
- Use Julia for the time being, since her bane/boon is pretty good
- Hang on to the Nino trio, and be prepared to merge them into one that doesn't have -Atk/-Spd
- Let's see what Miss Robin will do



Yea. May as well wait for F!Robin to hit the stage. Just what I need though, another green mage to pull my hair out over for featherdropping! And yea, that Rexcalibur is what I've been holding onto him since the beginning for.

I s'pose running Sharena/Olivia/Julia and an outlier like Marth for that SpurSpd  adjacent bonus and backup Manakete killer can't be all that bad. Eirika's no slouch, having stats that are roughly similar...more def for less atk in this case. Sieg's innate Spur Atk 2 is nice but i feel like I'll get more mileage out of Marth's get out of jail free card + Spur Spd 3 giving +4 spd vs +3 atk since I'm rarely superclose to oneshotting opponents but often right on the cusp of getting doubled or doubling. Tis good coverage and Olivia's utility is well, utility.

Edited by Elieson
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Just now, Shiro said:

the reason i wouldnt put narcian as op is because fliers are still vunerable in the current meta I do see how he can be useful though. (I wouldnt use him cause he isnt a waifu :3) I willax both robin f to 5* and ill probably put her in my team in place of julia so i would have more options

That's fair.

Narcian's really specialized, which means that if he goes up against an off-color unit, he'll be anywhere from mediocre to awful.  I think Raven/Camilla do it better, thanks to Brave access as well as the ability to knock some sense into certain red mages.

He's godly Catria bait, though. :P:

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Yeah, reviewing some of the Spd numbers on the people I like to have Nino smash, probably best to wait out a better boon/bane combo one.

I'll have to look at how Gronnblade works. I mean...the difference is kind of minor, but I'm curious now. The wording on it is "Adds total bonuses on unit to damage dealt", and from that I wouldn't really expect weapon triangle to apply to it, since WT is a multiplier on the Atk stat. Then again, we've seen mis-translations before (Physic), so...idk. I'll pay a visit to the 1st Stratum or something when I get home (totally not overkill).

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6 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

Yeah, reviewing some of the Spd numbers on the people I like to have Nino smash, probably best to wait out a better boon/bane combo one.

I'll have to look at how Gronnblade works. I mean...the difference is kind of minor, but I'm curious now. The wording on it is "Adds total bonuses on unit to damage dealt", and from that I wouldn't really expect weapon triangle to apply to it, since WT is a multiplier on the Atk stat. Then again, we've seen mis-translations before (Physic), so...idk. I'll pay a visit to the 1st Stratum or something when I get home (totally not overkill).

Here's how it works: Any +modifier on your unit means that much MT is added to the -blade tomes.  Let's take Odin and his Defiant Atk 2.  Once he's below half health, he'll give himself a +5 attack buff.  Blarblade (or however it's spelled) will have 5 MT added to it.  Thus, Odin's base damage becomes (Atk stat + 5 from Defiant Atk + Blarblade MT + 5 from Blarblade's bonus).  If Cecilia donates Rally Resistance on that turn, Odin's base damage becomes (Atk stat + 5 from Defiant Atk + Blarblade MT + 5 from Blarblade's Defiant Atk bonus + 4 from Blarblade's Rally Resistance bonus).  The stacking potential is absolutely insane, which is why Tharja/Nino are regarded as highly as they are.  Odin, sadly, is more of a one-hit wonder, but combine all those bonuses with Moonbow, and Things Die.

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Oh, I know that much. The way my Arena matches are going now, I'm basically playing Nino Emblem (with some support from Eirika, Azura, & F!Corrin...mostly the former two, tbh Corrin's been sitting on the side twiddling her...thumbs? claws? for the past few fights). I'm curious as to whether the bonus damage from Gronnblade is affected by the Weapon Triangle. Ex. if Nino's next to Eirika and Azura at the start of the turn for a total bonus of +11, and Nino hits a blue unit, will they take (Atk + 11 [Gronnblade]) * 1.2 - Res damage instead of (Atk * 1.2) + 11 - Res. My guess is no, but I'm not sure.

Edited by LordFrigid
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1 hour ago, LordFrigid said:

Oh, I know that much. The way my Arena matches are going now, I'm basically playing Nino Emblem (with some support from Eirika, Azura, & F!Corrin...mostly the former two, tbh Corrin's been sitting on the side twiddling her...thumbs? claws? for the past few fights). I'm curious as to whether the bonus damage from Gronnblade is affected by the Weapon Triangle. Ex. if Nino's next to Eirika and Azura at the start of the turn for a total bonus of +11, and Nino hits a blue unit, will they take (Atk + 11 [Gronnblade]) * 1.2 - Res damage instead of (Atk * 1.2) + 11 - Res. My guess is no, but I'm not sure.

Since weapon triangle isn't a stat buff, it won't work.  Spurs don't trigger the -blade's stat bonuses, so I don't see why weapon triangle would, either.

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I'm actually looking at the opposite scenario, whether WT affects -blade damage as opposed to whether -blade damage adds on WT (that'd be hilariously broken though). The context of it being this from the post above, which I maybe should have quoted in the first place:

2 hours ago, Elieson said:
5 hours ago, LordFrigid said:

[Yipes...that's some rough luck on the Nino boons/banes. I'm tempted to say +Def/-Spd Nino is better than Julia as she'll still turn out faster and, with Eirika buffs, hit harder (49 Atk + 7 Gronnblade dmg, ]which I don't think is affected by Weapon Triangle? [Could be wrong, but that's what I'm getting from the wording)]

I think it still is, it just carries through with such immense power that it doesn't care. Julia just smashs things with Naga, even Marths, for a smooth 2HKO just about every time at worst.


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Yeah I think that as well. I recall Sharena Rally Attacking Alfonse against a lance user and the added dmg was +3 instead of the stated +4.

On another note, I've solved my problem with Hone/Rally/Defiant stacking. They don't stack, which is true but the buff that is added is the one with highest augment. For instance, Gaius has Defiant Attck +3, Lissa balm'd him and its attack was fixed to +4. This explains why Sharena is unable to Rally Attack (+4) my Defiant Lyn (+7).

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On 2/21/2017 at 9:30 AM, RedEyedDrake said:

I see. And, for the record, does it matter how many of your four slots are occupied by any featured characters? Or is simply having one or more of the featured characters on your team enough?

It doesn't matter. You just need at least one to get your score doubled.

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1 hour ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I THINK weapon triangle is applied after the -blade tome effect, then finally subtracting Res for the final damage.

Yup, just walked into the 1st Stratum, and that is indeed the case. I was actually guessing WT wouldn't apply to the -blade damage, on the premise that Gronnblade's description said it added to "damage dealt", and the assumption that weapon triangle only applied to the Atk stat...but the numbers say otherwise.


Edit: Buffs on Nino are +4 Atk, Spd, and Res (Hone Atk from F!Corrin, Hone Spd from Eirika, Fortify Res from Azura)58ae2d3610632_GronnbladewithWT.thumb.png.f3812f43da6cb96dc7aa3f81c701ca20.png

Edited by LordFrigid
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I'm surprised female Robin even has a tome when the male one already does. I mean, I figured one Robin would have a sword and the other a tome like how one Corrin has a sword and the other has the dragonstone.

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8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I'm surprised female Robin even has a tome when the male one already does. I mean, I figured one Robin would have a sword and the other a tome like how one Corrin has a sword and the other has the dragonstone.

That would've meant that both Corrins and Robins would be the same colors!  Since Corrin's schtick was super-fancy named PRF sword and dragonstone, I understand why the split happened.  I have no idea why Robin can use the weapons they do in Awakening, so I don't really mind that they both use tomes.

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2 minutes ago, eclipse said:

That would've meant that both Corrins and Robins would be the same colors!  Since Corrin's schtick was super-fancy named PRF sword and dragonstone, I understand why the split happened.  I have no idea why Robin can use the weapons they do in Awakening, so I don't really mind that they both use tomes.

That's easy. It's so players can choose to focus on either strength or magic. If the Avatar only used magic, there would be no point in picking a strength boon and if he/she only used a physical weapon, there'd be no point in picking a magic boon.

And what's wrong with both Corrins and Robins being the same colors? They wouldn't have had to be the same anyway. One Robin could've been a green tome and the other a red sword.

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18 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I think the unused Santa M!Robin is actually a Sword unit, since he swings the tree.

Wait, what? Santa Robin? With a tree? When was this announced?

Also, F!Robin is finally dropping? And as a Great Hero Battle? Cool. I had hoped Zephiel or Ursula or Camus or someone else would be next, but I'd been hurting for a good green mage until yesterday (and then I got Julia).
And hey, I might actually be able to pick up the 3-Star version this time (since I have max-level Roy, and his greatly magnified WTA and higher RES should let him destroy F!Robin with minimal effort... Of course, odds are IS has considered someone cheaping her out with something like Roy and put out a Brave Lance or a Sapphire Lance or something to wreck me for trying that...). Definitely gonna get the 2-Star at the very least with my level-high-30s team.
Alsoalso, wonder what F!Robin'll have for skills...

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Just now, ILikeKirbys said:

Wait, what? Santa Robin? With a tree? When was this announced?

When people datamined the game for artwork, they found an unused Santa Robin with a tree, and unfinished Christmas Tharja art. People say Heroes was probably ready for release last year in the fall, but it was delayed for the sake of Super Mario Run.

A moment of silence for our beloved Axe Lord:




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