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32 minutes ago, immatx said:

Julia is always just short of killing him, which I suppose Olivia or sharina would fix like you said. But she gets ORKO by Takumi. I'm not sure how I can soften him up first, as it almost always would mean losing a unit right off the bat. I did all 3 attacks with that team. Lost twice, and both teams had Takumi. Effie gets 1 shot by Takumi and all magic users, and she can never get close enough to get a hit. She's lv 32 now but is basically dead weight. On the split map the Azura/Julia thing doesn't work so well as Julia will get one shot by everyone and retreating leaves the two of them trapped in a corner. If anything I'm even worse off against Takumi than before, and that sucks as he's in every other battle I seem to do. I could have still one the last match. I realized it right after I moved, but by sacrificing Effie, Julia could have killed Takumi without taking damage and could have mopped up the rest. So really 2-1 for the team with a human error. Any suggestions on what to improve? I know I was kind of broad, but it seems like you've gotten farther into arena than I have. I'll try again tomorrow and see if maybe I just got unlucky. 

While @Elieson gets his beauty rest. . .

Effie should have Wary Fighter 3, which prevents double attacks when she's over half health.  Takumi shouldn't be able to 2HKO her (that's one bait and one smack to the face).  It will also help (greatly) if she's level 40.

For Julia, she'd need Olivia and a -HP or -Res Takumi to OHKO.  Since you're running Azura, you'll have to have Effie deal a hit, then have Julia finish (and if you set it up correctly, Effie recovers some health).

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23 minutes ago, eclipse said:

While @Elieson gets his beauty rest. . .

Effie should have Wary Fighter 3, which prevents double attacks when she's over half health.  Takumi shouldn't be able to 2HKO her (that's one bait and one smack to the face).  It will also help (greatly) if she's level 40.

For Julia, she'd need Olivia and a -HP or -Res Takumi to OHKO.  Since you're running Azura, you'll have to have Effie deal a hit, then have Julia finish (and if you set it up correctly, Effie recovers some health).

I guess it is pretty late. I have no self control so I stayed up to do my next arena attacks :P

Anyways, all of the heroes on my team are max skilled. I forgot about that when I said it. The attack I was thinking of she had already been damaged so it showed the x2, and so in my head I multiplied it out without remembering that there wouldn't be a second attack. 

However, it seems I spoke to soon. In non Takumi fights I'm 4-0, all against advanced opponents. The downside is I usually lose 2 units, but it is fairly even on who survives and who falls between battles. Only once have all survived, and it was the split map against all dragon opponents, so Julia pretty much soloed it with a little help here and there. Hopefully once I max Effie Takumi won't be as big of an issue. 

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On 2/23/2017 at 6:12 AM, Lord-Zero said:

 It seems that Ursula is next in line for the Grand Hero Battle.

Where did you see that?  I'd love to get a mounted mage unit other than Cecilia.  I'm always the last to see these, it seems.

On 2/23/2017 at 7:14 AM, FoliFF said:

Which healers are considered "the best". I guess it's Elise and Sakura? I've been really unlucky with healers. Never bothered with Wys since I got Serra early. I'm however, mad on myself for sending  both Lissa and Clarine home... orz


Mainly asking this if I should try my luck with Maria with the current focus or wait for another one.

I've got Maria.  She was actually my first or second 5*, before she was a Focus.  Her Physic works well, since having the extra range is a huge help.  Healing is generally not as useful at max levels, though.

On 2/23/2017 at 7:31 AM, Arcanite said:

That battling Robin focus is completely useless in my opinion. Better wait for another one.

The second Focus group is a bit weird.  For one, it's only for a few days, and second, it seems to be all units that most people already have and/or are inferior to the other Focus group.  I wouldn't mind getting units we already have in a Focus, but I'd rather it be units that are rarer, like Leo, who you can only get at 5* right now.  For the units I want, I really don't mind if I get them at 3*, since I can raise them to 5* if I want.

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8 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Where did you see that?  I'd love to get a mounted mage unit other than Cecilia.  I'm always the last to see these, it seems

It is said in the notifications that F!Robin will be helpful for the next Grand Hero Battle, so we think that the next grand hero will proably be mounted and blue (because of Robin's tome), and may use a tome because she has tomebreaker (B), so this seems to point on Ursula, or Camus.

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31 minutes ago, Brand_Of_The_Exalt said:

It is said in the notifications that F!Robin will be helpful for the next Grand Hero Battle, so we think that the next grand hero will proably be mounted and blue (because of Robin's tome), and may use a tome because she has tomebreaker (B), so this seems to point on Ursula, or Camus.

I wonder if I should raise Fem Robin for the next Arena session.  Narcian was a bonus character this time, and I don't know if I'll want to spend Orbs on the next Focus group.

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I don't mind the second focus group actually, for the primary reason that it is, in fact, a secondary focus group. It gives you an increased chance to draw units that are good in the Grand Hero battle, which is nice if people are struggling, and it gives people who might have gotten lucky in the family bonds focus something else to draw from. Sure, the characters aren't new, but not everyone is going to have them regardless. Hell, if I hadn't really wanted Eirika and Julia(the latter of which still eludes me) I might have drawn from group B just for the chance at a natural 5* Fir, as I adore her heroes artwork. I agree with the much earlier sentiment that if this was a sole focus group, it would be a bad decision, but focus groups like this alongside a primary focus of new units/whatever theme IS might be pushing at the moment is definitely a positive for everyone involved. Even if a secondary focus was made up of my 4 least favourite units in the game, I'd still be glad it was there for people who wanted those units, even if I'd never draw from it.

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1 hour ago, Brand_Of_The_Exalt said:

I don't know. She'd bring bonus points, but she's meh in the Arena. 

She might not be great, but I'll have to include at least one bonus character, and I have no idea if I'll get anybody from the next focus.

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30 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

She might not be great, but I'll have to include at least one bonus character, and I have no idea if I'll get anybody from the next focus.

That's why I'm hesitating too, because we don't get any point at all if we lose because of her. Maybe they'll add normal Heroes as they did with Cattia or Odin in the currrent season.

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29 minutes ago, Brand_Of_The_Exalt said:

That's why I'm hesitating too, because we don't get any point at all if we lose because of her. Maybe they'll add normal Heroes as they did with Cattia or Odin in the currrent season.

I won't spend any feathers on her, until I find out if I'll need her, but I figure I won't loose anything by leveling her to 20.  I've got all my primary units to 40, and I like leveling new characters.

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Just now, Rezzy said:

I won't spend any feathers on her, until I find out if I'll need her, but I figure I won't loose anything by leveling her to 20.  I've got all my primary units to 40, and I like leveling new characters.

Yeah, I'm leveling her too just in case, and because she's unique (so I'm pretty sure I won't get a better version of her later). I leveled the 2* version to 3* ('cause 200 feathers is nothing), and she was awful. She's getting "correct" now (on the lower side of passable), but I couldn't use her anti-cavalry tome yet, so maybe she'll turn better, but I doubt she'll be any useful in the Arena because of the units we fight there and her skills that make no sense.

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22 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Welp, didn't get Eirika, and I won't have another shot before the banner ends. Too bad I guess.

I won a $40 Walmart gift card yesterday... And I'm tempted to spend it all on a Google Play card for this game...

Every time I spend money on Orbs, I seem to get crap rolls, and when I manage to build up enough free ones, I have a good pull.  And the game taunts me by giving me multiple Focus characters, but not the Twins, which I want, especially Eirika.  I've gotten 2 Seliphs and 3 Julias.  That's extremely lucky, but I really wish I could pull Eirika.  I've never even played past chapter 1 in FE4, so I don't know much about these two.

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2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Every time I spend money on Orbs, I seem to get crap rolls, and when I manage to build up enough free ones, I have a good pull.  And the game taunts me by giving me multiple Focus characters, but not the Twins, which I want, especially Eirika.  I've gotten 2 Seliphs and 3 Julias.  That's extremely lucky, but I really wish I could pull Eirika.  I've never even played past chapter 1 in FE4, so I don't know much about these two.

Well, there was that one Valentine's roll you had, I guess. How much did you spend after that though?

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2 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Well, there was that one Valentine's roll you had, I guess. How much did you spend after that though?

The V-day was definitely a good one.  I think I've splurged a couple times since then.  I just buy the $13 when I do, now.  I think I've spent about $100 altogether.  I've actually had a very lucky streak with Pulls, lately.  Since the new Focus, I've gotten the five 5* mentioned, but three of them were doubles.  I also finally got a 5* Roy, but with a crappy -Spd.  I still haven't gotten Leo.  I seem to not even be having that many Reds at all sow up.  I keep getting Greens and Grays.  I think I've gotten every single gray, now, actually.

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Hello! I'm looking for some potential...team formation ideas?

Let me preface this by saying that this is probably going to look absolutely crazy (which it is), but it's also...100% legit in that a lot of money was spent. OTL I have some very, very mad friends who all pitched in for Google Play giftcards until I could get Leo (;;; which took forever, which is why I have this many characters to begin with), because--mad as they are--they're also terribly sweet people who know how I love the series. I won't divulge how much was spent, but it fortunately probably wasn't quite as bad as it could have been because I got very lucky with my rolls.



I know that F!Robin, Laslow and Niles were tactically not great units to rank up to 5*...but I did it out of personal bias, honestly. That aside, I'm trying to figure out how to put together a good arena team! My current team is Ephraim (+3), Lucina (+9), M!Robin, and F!Corrin and they seem to be faring decently, but there's always room for improvement! Also I wanted to ask how Camilla as a unit is in general, just because she's the only green unit I've trained up thus far.

c: Thank you for any help/suggestions that you can provide!

Edited by Kaiyumi
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Getting that many 5*s unfortunately also means getting a lot of not-great units. OTL I just sent home almost everyone else (and the other 5* Tharjas because I...don't like her), which was able to pretty easily bring me up to enough feathers to upgrade anyone who was at 4*!

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7 minutes ago, Kaiyumi said:

Hello! I'm looking for some potential...team formation ideas?

Let me preface this by saying that this is probably going to look absolutely crazy (which it is), but it's also...100% legit in that a lot of money was spent. OTL I have some very, very mad friends who all pitched in for Google Play giftcards until I could get Leo (;;; which took forever, which is why I have this many characters to begin with), because--mad as they are--they're also terribly sweet people who know how I love the series. I won't divulge how much was spent, but it fortunately probably wasn't quite as bad as it could have been because I got very lucky with my rolls.

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I know that F!Robin, Laslow and Niles were tactically not great units to rank up to 5*...but I did it out of personal bias, honestly. That aside, I'm trying to figure out how to put together a good arena team! My current team is Ephraim (+3), Lucina (+9), M!Robin, and F!Corrin and they seem to be faring decently, but there's always room for improvement! Also I wanted to ask how Camilla as a unit is in general, just because she's the only green unit I've trained up thus far.

c: Thank you for any help/suggestions that you can provide!

My eyes

They burn

You already have amazing tools at your disposal. Lucina, the best Sword user, and Linde, the best Magic user. For the sake of countering Takumis, I would suggest Kagerou, but given how you have ridiculous Limit Breaks, you might run into Limit Break Takumis as well, which your +0 Kagerou cannot beat. Robin and Jeorge could work, unless the Takumi is really high in Limit Break, so I'm not 100% sure how that works. Last spot is kinda up to you, I guess. Camilla could be good, but is hard to use due to the current Arena environment, and while she is offensively strong, she doesn't bring much defensively. Abel, Kagerou and Young Tiki would be your best options I think, as they counter Swords, pretty much everything, and Hector respectively.

Alternatively, a team with Eirika + Tharja core could be extremely strong. Tharja is already quite ridiculous honestly, and Eirika's double Hone makes her damage output go through the roof. Assuming she doesn't get hit back, I don't think there's much that can survive a round against her. You'd still need a Takumi counter, and probably Camilla to eliminate certain Blues.

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Does anyone know if there's been a leak of who will be in the next Focus Group?  I want to know if I should try one more time for Eirika, or just wait for better luck in the next batch.

13 minutes ago, Kaiyumi said:

Hello! I'm looking for some potential...team formation ideas?

Let me preface this by saying that this is probably going to look absolutely crazy (which it is), but it's also...100% legit in that a lot of money was spent. OTL I have some very, very mad friends who all pitched in for Google Play giftcards until I could get Leo (;;; which took forever, which is why I have this many characters to begin with), because--mad as they are--they're also terribly sweet people who know how I love the series. I won't divulge how much was spent, but it fortunately probably wasn't quite as bad as it could have been because I got very lucky with my rolls.

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I know that F!Robin, Laslow and Niles were tactically not great units to rank up to 5*...but I did it out of personal bias, honestly. That aside, I'm trying to figure out how to put together a good arena team! My current team is Ephraim (+3), Lucina (+9), M!Robin, and F!Corrin and they seem to be faring decently, but there's always room for improvement! Also I wanted to ask how Camilla as a unit is in general, just because she's the only green unit I've trained up thus far.

c: Thank you for any help/suggestions that you can provide!

Did you spend more or less than a $1000 for all those?

I've spent over $100, now, and I don't have anywhere close to that many 5*, and only have enough feathers to promote a single unit to 5*, but I think most of my feathers have come from Arena and the promotion.  I'm going to stop sending units home, until I find out how the Skill inheritance works.

I justify spending money on this game by asking my significant other if it's okay to buy them, and consider it a gift.  Some girls like jewelry; some like flowers; I like Fire Emblem.

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5 minutes ago, Kaiyumi said:

Getting that many 5*s unfortunately also means getting a lot of not-great units. OTL I just sent home almost everyone else (and the other 5* Tharjas because I...don't like her), which was able to pretty easily bring me up to enough feathers to upgrade anyone who was at 4*!

Hm... I suppose that's possible then. Still, you must have a lot of money lying around anyway...

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2 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:


Aaaa, THAT IS SUPER HELPFUL. ;; Thank you so much for the suggestions! I'll definitely play with the units you recommended and see how it goes! <33

1 minute ago, Rezzy said:


I'd...have to count up all the cards and things, but I'd tentatively guess less. I admittedly spent ~$150 myself (which I...really shouldn't have), so I don't intend on spending any more on this game.

;; Also, I hope Leo drops for you soon too! I noticed you were hoping for him too and alkdfasdf his rate is so terrible so hopefully he gets slid into a focus sometime @__@

1 minute ago, Anacybele said:


Oh gods, no. Just an overly supportive/enabling group of online friends + $150 of CNY money that will hopefully be the only money I ever drop on this game. OTL

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3 minutes ago, Kaiyumi said:

Aaaa, THAT IS SUPER HELPFUL. ;; Thank you so much for the suggestions! I'll definitely play with the units you recommended and see how it goes! <33

I'd...have to count up all the cards and things, but I'd tentatively guess less. I admittedly spent ~$150 myself (which I...really shouldn't have), so I don't intend on spending any more on this game.

;; Also, I hope Leo drops for you soon too! I noticed you were hoping for him too and alkdfasdf his rate is so terrible so hopefully he gets slid into a focus sometime @__@

Oh gods, no. Just an overly supportive/enabling group of online friends + $150 of CNY money that will hopefully be the only money I ever drop on this game. OTL

I hope Leo is in a Focus soon.  I would think that the characters in the Top 20, let alone Top 10 would get Focuses eventually.  Until then, I just get a little excited each time I get Red Orbs, and hope it's him.

I'll keep spending money, for as long as I find the game enjoyable, but only in occasional $13 increments.  I hope the Orb price drops or they add more ways to get them.

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2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I hope Leo is in a Focus soon.  I would think that the characters in the Top 20, let alone Top 10 would get Focuses eventually.  Until then, I just get a little excited each time I get Red Orbs, and hope it's him.

I'll keep spending money, for as long as I find the game enjoyable, but only in occasional $13 increments.  I hope the Orb price drops or they add more ways to get them.

Yes, hopefully! D: And I know the feeling--fingers crossed for you!

My friends who play other gacha games were saying that the price of the orbs was rather extravagant for the amount that you get. ;; I definitely hope that they at least continue making free orbs available! I'm really excited for future Tellius characters, and I'd love to save up for them aaaaaaa--

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