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7 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:


Eliwood and Roy is still Father-son, even if they're both rather common.

That's true. However, we haven't seen a focus banner use characters that are already in the game outside of Great Hero Battle banners and those Voting Gauntlet banners, so I think any future banner would require new characters with the father-son bond, which would exclude Roy and Eliwood. Although we could include Canas and Hugh, which I want mostly so we could have Canas. I like Canas.
@Falcom True, but would it be easier to get a Parent and Child focus if we expanded it to include mothers and daughters (and fathers and daughters, and mothers and sons)?

Edited by ILikeKirbys
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6 minutes ago, Falcom said:

In POR and RD, the Urvan granted +3 resistance. In POR, it had 18 might. In RD, it increased to 22.

Obviously, the Urvan is going to be nerfed. Probably to 16 might since most unique weapons usually have that number. But imagine if the Urvan in heroes had 18 might instead...

I know it's kind of impossible since I can't even think of any other pairs. But perhaps just add in like some father and son pair in Fates?

They could have a bunch of gen 1 parents with their gen 2 children once they start adding in more Genealogy characters. 

Also yes, I need my Awakening/Fates children (speaking of which though, I hope Owain/Severa/Inigo are added with the other Awakening children even though Odin/Selena/Laslow are already in Heroes. I need Owain with bootleg Mystletainn.)

Edited by MaskedAmpharos
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3 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

They could have a bunch of gen 1 parents with their gen 2 children once they start adding in more Genealogy characters. 

Oh yeah, I completely forgot about the children in Genealogy.

3 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Also yes, I need my Awakening/Fates children (speaking of which though, I hope Owain/Severa/Inigo are added with the other Awakening children even though Odin/Selena/Laslow are already in Heroes. I need Owain with bootleg Mystletainn.)

I dunno. I wouldn't mind having them in and yeah, Owain needs to have Missiletainn, but I don't really want even more swordies right now unless they make Inigo a dancer. Maybe after we get more Jugdral, Magvel, and especially Tellius characters. And after Echoes characters get added.

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Just now, ILikeKirbys said:

Oh yeah, I completely forgot about the children in Genealogy.

I dunno. I wouldn't mind having them in and yeah, Owain needs to have Missiletainn, but I don't really want even more swordies right now unless they make Inigo a dancer. Maybe after we get more Jugdral, Magvel, and especially Tellius characters. And after Echoes characters get added.

Oh damn I forgot about dancer Inigo as an option, but yes please. 

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4 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

I tried to teach Dance to Laslow (from his mommy) and he didn't learn it. Curses!

As nice as that would be, Dance can't be taught to anyone who doesn't naturally learn it. Otherwise I would've slapped it onto my old Cherche to make her more useful

So we just have to hold out hope for Dancer Inigo, so we can have a version of him that dances.

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1 hour ago, Quintessence said:

I tried to teach Dance to Laslow (from his mommy) and he didn't learn it. Curses!

He's clearly too shy.

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2 hours ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Are there enough father-son pairs for that to work tho? I can only come up with Greil & Ike and Quan & Leif, though I'm certain there are others that I'm either forgetting or just not aware of.

Off of the top of my head (besides the named ones):

- Sigurd/Seliph
- Canas/Hugh
- Pent/Klein
- Fado/Ephraim (totally counts, he's unlockable)
- Hayden/Innes (see above)
- Dhengisea/Kurthnaga (or however their names are spelled)
- Fates should be self-explanatory

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6 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Off of the top of my head (besides the named ones):

- Sigurd/Seliph
- Canas/Hugh
- Pent/Klein
- Fado/Ephraim (totally counts, he's unlockable)
- Hayden/Innes (see above)
- Dhengisea/Kurthnaga (or however their names are spelled)
- Fates should be self-explanatory

Brendan/Lloyd&Linus could totally fit the bill too, since Lloyd's been confirmed and all


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9 minutes ago, Elieson said:

Brendan/Lloyd&Linus could totally fit the bill too, since Lloyd's been confirmed and all


I didn't include 'em because none were playable.  Otherwise, you'd see Zephiel and his dad on the list, too!

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6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Question number three:

(I'm at loss here: is it “what are axes effective against” or “what is effective against axes?”)
  • Lances;
  • Red magic;
  • Daggers;
  • Green magic.

[to axes] [that which is effective] [among the following] [which]?

"Which of the following is effective against axes?"

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8 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

[to axes] [that which is effective] [among the following] [which]?

"Which of the following is effective against axes?"

Thank you so much! I need to start studying Japanese some day. I am acquainted with Chinese but Japanese seems a whole different beast entirely.

It seems I was not the only one who got lost in translation, as lances are now at 29%. It's still behind the leading answer but hey.

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Thank you so much! I need to start studying Japanese some day. I am acquainted with Chinese but Japanese seems a whole different beast entirely.

I'm the kid that actually liked sentence diagramming back in middle school, and doing incredibly simplified sentence diagrams (in-my-head non-formal diagrams) is what is easiest for me as sentences get more complicated. Break the sentence into chunks, find what everything modifies, then convert it into English or any other language you prefer.

As a native Chinese (and former Chinese speaker... last time I spoke fluent Chinese was probably when I was 5), the grammar is very, very different between the two languages. Really, the only things they share are the writing system and "loan words" from Chinese to Japanese (similar to how English has "loan words" from Latin and Greek despite being Germanic in origin).

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35 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Thank you so much! I need to start studying Japanese some day. I am acquainted with Chinese but Japanese seems a whole different beast entirely.

JP can be especially tricky when they decide to forego the pronoun altogether. I would be like..."Who or what is this sentence referring to?" and had to reread it a couple more times to be sure (or think about it logically) It also really matters to be aware of the subtlety each grammatical form you are going to learn, because well, they make a big deal of everything since they are very sensitive...

I myself am still learning Japanese and still wowing solely because I'm impressed by how much a single sentence can carry an covertly complex (hard to translate) meaning.

Good luck if you're trying to learn it. It'll feel like you're being bombed with a lot of rules but it's fun :D.

Edited by pianime94
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5 hours ago, Jave said:

Since Ike is confirmed to be getting two forms, I can see one of them wielding Ragnell and the other Urvan.

I second this. My guess is that there will be 2 Ike units, the PoR version and the RD version, and the PoR version will be a Sword user and his RD version will be an Axe user. They could do something similar with Elincia, with her PoR version being a staff user on foot while her RD version would be a sword using flier. However, I don't think Elincia is popular enough and important enough to get two version.

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You wanna know what's annoying? Sending home a few units (useless as they may have been) to have enough feathers to rank up my 3* Michalis to 4*, to get Iote's Shield to pass down, only to be told it's only for flying units... Nice.

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2 minutes ago, Frenzify said:

You wanna know what's annoying? Sending home a few units (useless as they may have been) to have enough feathers to rank up my 3* Michalis to 4*, to get Iote's Shield to pass down, only to be told it's only for flying units... Nice.

I thought that was pretty obvious after Svalinn Shield being armour-only.

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6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I thought that was pretty obvious after Svalinn Shield being armour-only.

I guess I just never paid any mind to Sheena's abilities. I've had her, but just at low star ratings, and before inheriting was introduced. In hindsight, I suppose I should have looked up the restrictions first.

It could probably still be useful for Camilla, but that would require sacrificing Darting Blow, and I don't know if she can sacrifice the added speed... Although, I did give her seal speed, but that would rely on surviving a round of combat...

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6 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

I just recently got Michalis and for some reason, I love the fact that every single voice clip is him pissed at off you. I thought Michalis was a composed guy.

Yeah someone definitely took a dump in his corn flakes. He's just an unhappy camper.

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12 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

I just recently got Michalis and for some reason, I love the fact that every single voice clip is him pissed at off you. I thought Michalis was a composed guy.

Yeah, he really betrays my initial expectations, but hearing him saying those things at us is really funny. XD

He's a p chuuni guy.

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7 hours ago, eclipse said:

Off of the top of my head (besides the named ones):

- Sigurd/Seliph
- Canas/Hugh
- Pent/Klein
- Fado/Ephraim (totally counts, he's unlockable)
- Hayden/Innes (see above)
- Dhengisea/Kurthnaga (or however their names are spelled)
- Fates should be self-explanatory

Dayan/Rath/Shin as well

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