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5 minutes ago, Elieson said:





I was waiting for you to realize ;)

I actually did "Kill Navarre with Female Robin" on the Lunatic map. She did a WHOPPING damage to Him lol

It was pretty fun though

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5 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

I was waiting for you to realize ;)

I actually did "Kill Navarre with Female Robin" on the Lunatic map. She did a WHOPPING damage to Him lol

It was pretty fun though

Mine did 3 damage to him.

With a Rally Attack from Sharena

Granted, I found a way to do it, I just wanted to conserve stamina :X


Now I just gotta grind up Navarre so he can kill himself and be the proudest scarlet sword in all the land.

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4 minutes ago, Elieson said:

Mine did 3 damage to him.

With a Rally Attack from Sharena

Granted, I found a way to do it, I just wanted to conserve stamina :X


Now I just gotta grind up Navarre so he can kill himself and be the proudest scarlet sword in all the land.

Mine did zero. Potentially with Lissa's Hone Atk aura.


Granted, she's a Triangle Adept Robin, but it still sucks.


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19 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

And when I'm training my Female Robin, all of a sudden everyone has green tomebreaker

Also, reminds me of the time when my Nowi distant countered a mounted bow, leaving him with 4 health

Then an ax pegasus knight flies across the stage like a maniac, and kills her

Well, it only got worse.

By the time Navarre was level 35, the game decided that I really only wanted to fight lances (which kill Navarre), swords (which kill Navarre faster than Navarre kills them), armors (which Navarre cannot damage), and pegasi (which double Navarre).

It typically cost something like 8-12 resets just to get a decent distribution of axe and staff units, and even then all of the axe units were either armors with Blazing Flame or infantry with Brave Axes and Hammers that kill Navarre faster than he kills them, and all of the staff users have Fear, Pain, or Panic.

Navarre was probably the least enjoyable character to level up yet. (At least when I was leveling up Niles, I think the game was pitying me and just gave me mages the whole way up.)


11 minutes ago, Elieson said:

Well I've done basically everything except kill Navarre with F!Robin/Navarre, with a 3* Lv40 stock F!Robin and a 4* Lv8 stock Navarre. Now, I just gotta figure out how to get a stock robin to KO that dastardly swordsman.






Killing Navarre with Navarre has to be Lunatic GHB Navarre (or in the arena).

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8 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Navarre was probably the least enjoyable character to level up yet. (At least when I was leveling up Niles, I think the game was pitying me and just gave me mages the whole way up.)


Killing Navarre with Navarre has to be Lunatic GHB Navarre (or in the arena).

For me, it's been like a dozen straight maps with 2+ Blues, or ridiculous Reds. I'm up to Lv22 now, and I've seen maybe three green units in the tower.

And yea; that's what THE GRIND is for. It's the last quest I need but that orb is just taunting me otherwise.

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13 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Navarre was probably the least enjoyable character to level up yet. (At least when I was leveling up Niles, I think the game was pitying me and just gave me mages the whole way up.)

Personally I had a pretty easy time of it because I leveled F!Robin alongside Navarre. One hits Def, one hits Res, and between them have full neutral coverage against the combat triangle.

It helped that my dancer was Azura, I guess, since she stabs the really dangerous reds to death.

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2 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

Personally I had a pretty easy time of it because I leveled F!Robin alongside Navarre. One hits Def, one hits Res, and between them have full neutral coverage against the combat triangle.

It helped that my dancer was Azura, I guess, since she stabs the really dangerous reds to death.

The problem is that neutral coverage doesn't help when Navarre dies to literally everything.

I ran Ninian, Navarre, Julia, and Elise for the majority of the way up (had to switch Julia out for Robin (M) for Spur Def for the last few levels). I did end up having to let my babysitters stab things to death by the end. The problem isn't that they have trouble stabbing things to death, it's that there's nothing left for Navarre to kill after they're done stabbing to death everything that would kill Navarre faster than Navarre kills them. I end up spending 9 stamina for Navarre to kill one enemy.

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9 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

The problem is that neutral coverage doesn't help when Navarre dies to literally everything.

I ran Ninian, Navarre, Julia, and Elise for the majority of the way up (had to switch Julia out for Robin (M) for Spur Def for the last few levels). I did end up having to let my babysitters stab things to death by the end. The problem isn't that they have trouble stabbing things to death, it's that there's nothing left for Navarre to kill after they're done stabbing to death everything that would kill Navarre faster than Navarre kills them. I end up spending 9 stamina for Navarre to kill one enemy.

How much over Navarre's level were you fighting? He's fast enough that he shouldn't ever be doubled, and his bulk, while not that great, isn't bad enough to get 1HKOd unless it's a gem weapon or something. It helps that F!Robin can chip melees, while Navarre usually one rounds ranged.

(I picked the highest level strati that outleveled Navarre by at most 2---not by the levels shown, but by the strati's max level: 1st counts as 5, 2nd as 10, 3rd as 15, etc.)

Edit: My team was just Navarre, F!Robin, Azura and a level 10ish Sakura (I was leveling her). That said, a major reason I had it easier than you might've been the Hone Atk 3 on Azura. Navarre usually doubles, so that's +8 damage to pretty much everything, +12 if he has his proc up.

Edited by DehNutCase
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8 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

(I picked the highest level strati that outleveled Navarre by at most 2---not by the levels shown, but by the strati's max level: 1st counts as 5, 2nd as 10, 3rd as 15, etc.)

*strata (almost there!)

I leveled Navarre just fine with my usual team of Lissa/Sharena/Eirika.

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Just now, DehNutCase said:

How much over Navarre's level were you fighting? He's fast enough that he shouldn't ever be doubled, and his bulk, while not that great, isn't bad enough to get 1HKOd unless it's a gem weapon or something. It helps that F!Robin can chip melees, while Navarre usually one rounds ranged.

(I picked the highest level strati that outleveled Navarre by at most 2---not by the levels shown, but by the strati's max level: 1st counts as 5, 2nd as 10, 3rd as 15, etc.)

Stratum 7 or higher once Navarre was level 35.

All lances were deleted by my babysitters. Swords were deleted on a case-by-case basis. Armors with offensive special skills were deleted. Pegasi and Brave Axe+ users were the only units that could hit Navarre more than once per round of combat, but on many maps, healing him every turn wasn't an option until there were only one or two enemies left on the map because either the chokes were too tight or didn't exist.

Ranged enemies that weren't staff users were no-go from the selection screen because ranged infantry are typically too fast to be double attacked (and often required 3 hits to kill), and ranged cavalry too often ended up being deleted due to swarming too quickly.

But no, really, the game was literally throwing at me every enemy that Navarre could not handle.

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I've been raising navarre off & on since I got him and he's just so frustrating.
I think the worst thing about him, is his special. Even when it activates, it rarely gives any notable damage output. It's awful especially considering the charge up time. It's like YES, time to finish off this enemy i've been pecking away at! Oh Navarre's damage out put is so low that hte math means his special does nothing and doesn't account for triangle advantage.

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It's been a weird banner for me. Spent 210 orbs on this banner in an attempt to get Alm. I failed to get Alm but I got a 5* Eirika, 5* Merric, and a 5* Roy, and the first two I already had to begin with.

This may be the first time I fail to get a banner character during the banner. 

Although, I will have some money to burn on Tuesday, and a friend of mine made an Alm pentagram for luck. Here's to hoping!

Edited by Levin's Scarf
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I raised my Navarre as part of a team - twice, since at the time I was raising the 3* for the extra SP. He's been 4* level 40 for a while, and I found he didn't do too badly when used as part of a balanced team in the training tower (I put life and death on him and I think changed his special to moonbow or something quick to activate). Sounds like he's not quite as easy babying to the top...I'm quite happy with my Navarre, though. Shame he's just massively beaten out by... every five star red I have. I might just 5* him anyway at some point, since I like him, but I've been holding off using my feathers until I decide who I want to 5* properly...

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So some reddit user who was talking on a stream I was watching on twitch chat was talking about how ardent sacrifice is not the best skill to use on quadsuna and instead drawback or reposition is best or more optimal instead. This guy was going on how one shotting and such was the most important for getting top 100 (5k score in arena at least) not that I was aiming to get top 100. Any thoughts on the support skill for quadsuna?

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12 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I might just 5* him anyway at some point, since I like him, but I've been holding off using my feathers until I decide who I want to 5* properly...

You can most certainly do that! :)

But me? I'm using my stereotypical 5 star sword user Lyn and keeping it moving. He doesn't seem worth the trouble for me lol

It's just that, some of these grand hero battle peeps are just not as useful as the others :/ But when Xander comes, be prepared to see me crash through your ceiling in celebration

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So some reddit user who was talking on a stream I was watching on twitch chat was talking about how ardent sacrifice is not the best skill to use on quadsuna and instead drawback or reposition is best or more optimal instead. This guy was going on how one shotting and such was the most important for getting top 100 (5k score in arena at least) not that I was aiming to get top 100. Any thoughts on the support skill for quadsuna?

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20 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I might just 5* him anyway at some point, since I like him, but I've been holding off using my feathers until I decide who I want to 5* properly...

You can most certainly do that! :)

But me? I'm using my stereotypical 5 star sword user Lyn and keeping it moving. He doesn't seem worth the trouble for me lol

It's just that, some of these grand hero battle peeps are just not as useful as the others :/ But when Xander comes, be prepared to see me crash through your ceiling in celebration

2 minutes ago, Shiro said:

Any thoughts on the support skill for quadsuna?

>Quadsuna kills a lot of things

>She might get killed on the counter attack when fighting certain people

>Desperation helps

>Easiest way to get to desperation?

>Ardent Sacrifice


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Just now, Arcanite said:

You can most certainly do that! :)

But me? I'm using my stereotypical 5 star sword user Lyn and keeping it moving. He doesn't seem worth the trouble for me lol

It's just that, some of these grand hero battle peeps are just not as useful as the others :/ But when Xander comes, be prepared to see me crash through your ceiling in celebration

I pretty much have nearly all the characters in game lol. Lucina is my generic go to red, with Ryoma as a back up and Roy as a more specialist. Blues are pretty much fully covered. Greens could possibly do with a bit more, but I have a fairly bulky Bunny Chrom and Julia to pick up the slack, and very few green characters I want to place feathers in to promote, and my last options would be colourless, since I don't have an archer (although I have a Kagero and a Maria)... but the only one I'd want to promote is Jeorge and I'm going to be focussing on summoning colourless soon and might get him at 5* then. 

So for me, promotion is of characters I'd like and not ones I can utilise, since I already have my go to's for utility :) 

That being said, Xander is another favourite, as are Camus and Lloyd, so I have been holding off. I'm mostly holding out for Kent and I do not care how good/bad/average he is. If I don't pull him at 5*, I will promote him to 5*. No doubt ^.^

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22 minutes ago, Shiro said:

So some reddit user who was talking on a stream I was watching on twitch chat was talking about how ardent sacrifice is not the best skill to use on quadsuna and instead drawback or reposition is best or more optimal instead. This guy was going on how one shotting and such was the most important for getting top 100 (5k score in arena at least) not that I was aiming to get top 100. Any thoughts on the support skill for quadsuna?

I mean I don't claim to be any kind of expert, but doesn't allowing Setsuna to get an instant four hits contribute to her ability to one-shot?


Slight tangent, but honestly the type of people who like to brag about "I'm top X so I know best" piss me off


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Wow... The Navarre criticism is real around here. I was wondering just how viable he was as a unit, and haven't glanced at the tier list or anything yet, but seems like he's not the greatest. A shame, because I really do like his design. Guess if I want to get those quest rewards, gotta grind it all out.

4 hours ago, Levin's Scarf said:

Although, I will have some money to burn on Tuesday, and a friend of mine made an Alm pentagram for luck. Here's to hoping!

Good luck to you! :lol:

And if you do get one and he's -Atk don't blame me I promise I didn't mean it when I said it back then ._.

Edited by Extrasolar
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Just did a YOLO pull as I continue my quest to get Alm. 

And I failed once again.

This puts me at 220 orbs without getting Alm. This game seems hell-bent on keeping Alm away from me, all the while bombarding me with Eliwoods, Adult Tikis, and Hinatas.

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1 hour ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

I mean I don't claim to be any kind of expert, but doesn't allowing Setsuna to get an instant four hits contribute to her ability to one-shot?

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Slight tangent, but honestly the type of people who like to brag about "I'm top X so I know best" piss me off


yeah that was the vibe i was getting like he knew better than me and when i asked what would work he just said he didnt want to bother wasting his time explaining ;-; 

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10 minutes ago, Shiro said:

he didnt want to bother wasting his time explaining ;-; 

More like the little piece of crap realized how stupid he is

48 minutes ago, Levin's Scarf said:

and Hinatas.

you're complaining about getting Hinatas?


That's clean and fleek fury 3 fodder!

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