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Just now, Rezzy said:

Me too.  I've got Mega Titania, Ursula, and Xander to go along with him.

I should really give Titania some better skills.  She's still rocking Armored Blow, but she's +3 now.  I merged two -Atk and a -Spd Titania into the only one who didn't have a detrimental nature,

Nice, that's exciting!

Though...the downside to all this is the increased probability of Defense teams running full horse emblem too...

There are going to be a lot of horses this week, huh?

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And I'll have to use my bootleg team for this season again, with Jaffar, Nino, Azura, and Anna lol

Worked pretty well last time. Not sure how it'll go now though heh 

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My Anna has the full Fortify Defence set, and I'm fully expecting it'll be at 5* when she gets Escape Route as well as Wings of Mercy that she'll hit her stride anyway.

She's level 31 from memory, but she's on the same team as Nino.

@eclipse Will you be using that Jakob this season?

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6 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

And I'll have to use my bootleg team for this season again, with Jaffar, Nino, Azura, and Anna lol

Worked pretty well last time. Not sure how it'll go now though heh 

Why Jaffar? Is he Windsweep or something?

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Unfortunately, I won't be able to use Cecilia until well into the season because I don't plan to even start training her back up to 40 until after the Tempest Trials end. (Which also means I haven't upgraded her yet, since she can get SP from participating in the trials at 4*.) I can still use Xander/Camus/Reinhardt/Hector, though, which is more horse emblem than I've been able to deploy in the arena before now. Although Julia might be a better idea than Hector if there will be even more enemy Reinhardts and Olwens running around than before.

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7 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

My Anna has the full Fortify Defence set, and I'm fully expecting it'll be at 5* when she gets Escape Route as well as Wings of Mercy that she'll hit her stride anyway.

She's level 31 from memory, but she's on the same team as Nino.

@eclipse Will you be using that Jakob this season?

Was originally gonna go with Luke, but -HP is. . .uh, painful.  If I can't get Horse Emblem ready in time, Jakob it is~!  I'll finally be able to run my dream team of Jakob/Azura/Spring Camilla/Ryoma~!

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Well, I either don't have or haven't trained any of the bonus units coming up. I guess I was already considering making either Anna or Camus 5* next. Camus since he gets such a boost with his 5* weapon or Anna for precisely the reason of being a bonus unit when I'm lacking one and she's also in rotation.

I don't run any good cav team, but picking Camus would help prepare for when I can really try one. (I'm largely still missing a promoted and kitted-out Cecilia to fill the green role, I just have Xander, Olwen, Peri, Ursula, and Rein(-atk so bleh) in my inventory right now) However Anna will be back as bonus unit besides just these coming 2 weeks... ahhh I can't decide..

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1 hour ago, GuiltyLove said:

Darn... I don't have a Hinoka. I've been trying to get her! I'll have to settle for Anna but she has no extra skills besides the ones she started with. I guess my arena score will tank this season

F Yes. Stahl is there and I'll throw him at the arena this season. Cecilia, Rein, Abel and Stahl will wreck shit!


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Looking at the bonus heroes and considering that I'm 99% sure I have no hopes of remaining in tier 20 next season, I'll probably throw Katarina on a team and try to get above 4K for offense score. 

If I have the time/stamina, I might try to do a B!Cordelia/Katarina/Fae/Ephraim team, but that's a long shot since only Fae is completed. The other 3 need a lot of SP grinding before they're useful.

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I have a 5* Hinoka and as she's the only 5* bonus I'll just go with that. Still need to level her though as she's only a level 20. Not sure what skills I should give her as before this she wasn't really someone I planned to do much with. One day I should actually 5* the askr trio, but I've been prioritizing feathers on more merges.

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I mean, she's +Atk and -HP with an HP seal...




now i won't have to keep focusing on reds yaaaaaaaay

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3 minutes ago, KongDude said:

Recently found out my Serra is Atk+/Res-... Now I need to pull for Genny when the healer banner comes around... (will be difficult considering how many colorless there will be).

You want her to do MORE work?

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16 minutes ago, KongDude said:

As a F2P it doesn't kill me, but in the flier Emblem I'm making, almost all of them are Atk+/Spd-. Hinoka, Palla, and Catria all have it, with Spring Camilla having Spd+/Res-. Does anyone know if this will really cripple my team?


With very few exceptions, speed bane is the worst. Atk bane primarily just reduces a unit's ability to kill things, but Spd bane will stunt a unit's offensive potential and decrease survival. Spd bane would allow a lot of enemies to survive, since your unit could have attacked it twice to kill it but it did not. It also jeopardizes their survival on enemy phase since enemies have an easier time to double attack your units and activate a skill to overwhelm them.

Hinoka should be usable on player phase since she uses Brave Lance+, but she would be pretty vulnerable on enemy phase.

If the others are not using Braves, the Spd bane is crippling. In her default kit, neutral Palla gets 18 wins and 14 losses, while yours get 8 wins and 23 losses. Neutral Catria gets 27 wins and 3 losses, while yours get 16 wins and 5 losses. Giving them Braves will help patch their weak offense, but make them extra vulnerable on enemy phase.

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1 hour ago, KongDude said:

As a F2P it doesn't kill me, but in the flier Emblem I'm making, almost all of them are Atk+/Spd-. Hinoka, Palla, and Catria all have it, with Spring Camilla having Spd+/Res-. Does anyone know if this will really cripple my team?

This is where you kick Catria for Subaki.  If you're going to run double blues, you might as well have someone who acts as a wall!  Palla's. . .workable, thanks to Hone Fliers.

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1 hour ago, KongDude said:

As a F2P it doesn't kill me, but in the flier Emblem I'm making, almost all of them are Atk+/Spd-. Hinoka, Palla, and Catria all have it, with Spring Camilla having Spd+/Res-. Does anyone know if this will really cripple my team?

It's not ideal, certainly, but you'll be fine. People love to grossly exaggerate the impact of natures. 

Hinoka is virtually unaffected since she still ORKOs just about every non-green unit in the game with Life and Death, and if she has Hone Fliers on her, then she ORKOs every single non-blue except for Effie. The -Spd also shouldn't be particularly detrimental defensively unless you're letting her get hit on enemy phase, but there's no reason you should ever have her in such a position. If you ever do need someone to tank reds on enemy phase, that's what Catria is for.

Palla's main role is to check greens since Hinoka takes care of everything else (with Camilla covering the few blues/colorless that Hinoka can't), and with her +Atk/-Spd nature, Fury, and a Hone Fliers buff, Palla can ORKO every single neutral green in the game. 

As for Catria, I'm not entirely sure what set she normally runs (or, more importantly, what set you're running), but a -Spd nature has her at 31 speed, which Hone Fliers boosts up to a respectable 37, meaning she isn't going to be doubled by very much. 

These calculations do assume that they'll have a Hone Fliers buff on them, but since you're running a Flier Emblem team, I'd like to believe that isn't far-fetched. The only one that might not have the buff is Hinoka (if you've only pulled one Hinoka then you obviously can't give the buff to another unit to buff Hinoka with), but Hinoka is also not as reliant on it since she still ORKOs most of her intended targets.

You'll be fine. Natures are not nearly as pivotal as people make them out to be. A good nature is just icing on the cake.

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Nothing will ever get me to remove Catria...

But thanks for the advice guys. I think I'll stick with them and work in whatever way I can with it. I'm probably going to have to rely heavily on player phase though, baiting doesn't seem like a good option for what I have.

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1 minute ago, KongDude said:

Nothing will ever get me to remove Catria...

But thanks for the advice guys. I think I'll stick with them and work in whatever way I can with it. I'm probably going to have to rely heavily on player phase though, baiting doesn't seem like a good option for what I have.

Catria and Palla should still be able to bait fine, especially if they have a Hone Fliers buff on. 

Hinoka and Camilla are both units that shouldn't be baiting regardless of their nature though (only exception is Raven Camilla, but since you're running Flier Emblem I'm going to assume you're running Blade Camilla instead). 

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