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6 minutes ago, wizzard of soz said:

I...but his attack is pretty puny..right..that crit and speed tho?

oh sure you can have your Brave Bow Geoffrey. but he'll be infantry gg

Aaah you gotta finish FE6. It's one of my favorites and Shin kicks Bern butt lategame.

Archer is easily Kliff's best class option in Echoes, possibly even better than Mage this time around. 8 Mov, 5 range, Killer Bows existing...what's not to love? His Atk is on the low side but that didn't stop him from being one of my best units. or maybe Killer Bow is OP idk man

So, basically Klein.


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7 minutes ago, Rezzy said:


After Tobin and Gray got Swords, I expect Kliff to be a Sword, too to complete the trio. 

I think I just realised something. They have to use the unit's current character design so maybe they give them a weapon that easily fits the character design.

For example, if Faye was a Pegasus Knight/Cavalier it's a bit of a change from her base character design with her kinda puffy-looking dress. (correct me if i'm wrong if a dress like that is suitable for horse riding). So that leaves more basic weapons like swords and bows given to the villagers. 

still doesn't excuse Tobin not being an archer though since a bow is one of the easiest weapons to add to his design (compared to say, a mage with robes)

if Kliff were to be added, his design looks more archer like (hence I made him into an archer) compared to a mage so an archer could be a possibility if they want to break the sword villager combo.

i mean i could be wrong but the costume design may be a factor.

also random thought- Villager/Trainee Voting Gauntlet? Donnel, Faye, Tobin, Gray vs new additions like Kliff, Atlas and Mozu? Don't know who last one could be since I haven't played other games...

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5 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Oh, just remembered something, what if there was a skill that negated buffs? What I mean is that whoever has this equipped treats every battle as if no buffs were applied to both the foe and user. This includes Spurs and if the unit had a Defiant skill, that gets negated too making it a waste of a slot.

i always thought that would be Parity, canceling buffs. and Nihil would be more like canceling skills like Desperation, QR, or canceling special skills like Moonbow, Draconic, etc. probably not both because OP.

5 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Aaah you gotta finish FE6. It's one of my favorites and Shin kicks Bern butt lategame.

Archer is easily Kliff's best class option in Echoes, possibly even better than Mage this time around. 8 Mov, 5 range, Killer Bows existing...what's not to love? His Atk is on the low side but that didn't stop him from being one of my best units. or maybe Killer Bow is OP idk man

So, basically Klein.

FE6 makes me so nostalgic about FE7 and FE8, which i played when i was like 11. it's already one of my favs too, i just love the GBA games so much..i'm pretty sure i only got him like a chapter ago or so there is time to make him a destroying machine. 

b-but Mage is so dang good though, i mean, mostly because of the generally low res in the game, which really helps Kliff with his eeeh attack...but yeah Killer Bow is insane. honestly without Killer Bow i don't know what i would do. i betrayed my bow knight love in Echoes and made both Kliff and Tobin mages. they casually sit next to each other with those sick supp bonuses and facetank/destroy everything..only archer on Alm route is Python, at least he got lucky level ups and is amazing..

lol basically yeah, which is indeed very nice


9 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

For example, if Faye was a Pegasus Knight/Cavalier it's a bit of a change from her base character design with her kinda puffy-looking dress. (correct me if i'm wrong if a dress like that is suitable for horse riding). So that leaves more basic weapons like swords and bows given to the villagers. 

there was always Cleric, which i thought might be her implied class?? i'm not really sure. along that line of reasoning a sword would make the most sense, even if plsnotanotherswordunit, since at least that IS her starting weapon, and she can't even promote to Archer so it just...whaaa

10 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

also random thought- Villager/Trainee Voting Gauntlet? Donnel, Faye, Tobin, Gray vs new additions like Kliff, Atlas and Mozu? Don't know who last one could be since I haven't played other games...

there are three more options from Sacred Stones: Ewan, Amelia, and Ross. 

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40 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

It's not really no reason.  He starts with a Bow as well as a Lance.  There's a Cavalier of each weapon type in PoR, so they'd be doubling up regardless of which weapon they gave him.  Astrid existing is not a reason to not give Geoffrey a Bow anymore than Oscar existing is a reason to not give him a Lance.

Except Astrid is the only Tellius cavalier who actually specializes in bows while you have Oscar, Geoffrey and Fiona who all specialize in lances. Besides, Geoffrey is clearly an expy of Finn (both are blue haired lance knights, both known for using a Brave Lance, both very devoted to their lieges, heck even the scenario in which Geoffrey is recruited in PoR is exactly like Finn's in FE4 Gen 2) so making him a bow cavalier would completely ruin that.

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14 minutes ago, wizzard of soz said:
27 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

also random thought- Villager/Trainee Voting Gauntlet? Donnel, Faye, Tobin, Gray vs new additions like Kliff, Atlas and Mozu? Don't know who last one could be since I haven't played other games...

there are three more options from Sacred Stones: Ewan, Amelia, and Ross.

Donnel would sweep the gauntlet in all likelihood. The rest? IDK.

Ross would be Green infantry- he's easily decided on enough. Ewan's teacher is Saleh- a Sage, so I'd wager he'd be using some form of Anima magic, but I can't say which color. Amelia would from a character perspective make a Blue Horse, but she'd stand out more as a Blue Armor. Mozu- well everyone and their grandmother Niime makes her into an Archer because she's fragile as a Villager, but Blue Infantry works too and would possibly stand out more in the vast sea of heroes.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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2 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Except Astrid is the only Tellius cavalier who actually specializes in bows while you have Oscar, Geoffrey and Fiona who all specialize in lances. Besides, Geoffrey is clearly an expy of Finn (both are blue haired lance knights, both known for using a Brave Lance, both very devoted to their lieges, heck even the scenario in which Geoffrey is recruited in PoR is exactly like Finn's in FE4 Gen 2) so making him a bow cavalier would completely ruin that.

If we wind up going 2/2, Oscar seems the best lance knight to make a bow knight. There's the whole 'triangle attack' thing he has with Rolf that requires bows, while Geoffrey has the lance and Fiona has 'being Lanvega's daughter' that seems lancier.

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8 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

If we wind up going 2/2, Oscar seems the best lance knight to make a bow knight. There's the whole 'triangle attack' thing he has with Rolf that requires bows

I wonder if they could ever fit in a Triangle Attack skill in this game. To make it work, you'd need the skill on all three participants to make it activate- so that'd be a lot of summoning to get your hands on and it'd cost all three of your characters a slot for one particular type of skill. On top of this, they should restrict it to only activating when all three units are the same distance from the foe- either all must have 2-range weapons with one space between them and the desired enemy, or all 1-range and adjacent to the desired enemy. I don't think we should restrict it to requiring one particular weapon type though- this wasn't the case with any Triangle Attack save the GM bros's. Not sure how much extra damage from the Triangle Attack would be significant but balanced though.

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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Donnel would sweep the gauntlet in all likelihood. The rest? IDK.

Ross would be Green infantry- he's easily decided on enough. Ewan's teacher is Saleh- a Sage, so I'd wager he'd be using some form of Anima magic, but I can't say which color. Amelia would from a character perspective make a Blue Horse, but she'd stand out more as a Blue Armor. Mozu- well even your grandmother Niime makes her into an Archer because she's fragile as a Villager, but Blue Infantry works too and would possibly stand out more in the vast sea of heroes.

dammit Donnel

i feel like Ewan would be a red mage. i associate him with fire since he starts with it, and he is one of the two playable (excluding Lyon..) units that can use dark magic, which is also associated with red in Heroes. but if they're going with what they have been doing, Amelia will probably stay as her Recruit class, aka Lance Infantry, hrm. a new Armor is definitely welcome, though, and i made her a general most of the time. can't say anything about Mozu since i didn't use her

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I wonder if they could ever fit in a Triangle Attack skill in this game. To make it work, you'd need the skill on all three participants to make it activate- so that'd be a lot of summoning to get your hands on and it'd cost all three of your characters a slot for one particular type of skill. On top of this, they should restrict it to only activating when all three units are the same distance from the foe- either all must have 2-range weapons with one space between them and the desired enemy, or all 1-range and adjacent to the desired enemy. I don't think we should restrict it to requiring one particular weapon type though- this wasn't the case with any Triangle Attack save the GM bros's. Not sure how much extra damage from the Triangle Attack would be significant but balanced though.

I've totally set up a Triangle Attack with the Whitewings already. It... doesn't strike me as being useful.

At least in the main games, it was easy to make the other two units do something else and just happen to be positioned for the third to TA.

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If talking horse archers, please Wolf, Sedgar, Midir, Lester, (Deimne), Selphina, and Roberto first before these steppe whippersnapper hobos.

I still maintain that Elincia’s Amiti could be a brave sword without the Spd penalty. She has exactly enough Str to properly wield the thing in RD.

Geoffrey (with a brave lance), Lucia (with an overkilling edge maybe), and Bastian (with Rexcalibur because screw you, Soren) should join Elincia on the Crimean Royal Banner.

Amelia should be a soldier. Faster than Lukas, cuter than Donnel.

Oscar, Gatrie, Shinon, and Rhys for the rest of the Greils banner when? Needs to fit Mia somewhere too, though. Marcia should be added along with her wayward brother, who should be added along with Astrid for reasons. Slap Mia to them.

I wonder whether they will bother to write Bastian in iambic pentameter again, like he was speaking in PoB. He dropped the style in RD for some reason and it sucked.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

I wonder whether they will bother to write Bastian in iambic pentameter again, like he was speaking in PoB. He dropped the style in RD for some reason and it sucked.

Do they have the text space?

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6 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

Do they have the text space?

Where there is a will, there is a way!

Elincia and Pelleas got to speak in iambic pentameter once per their stories instead. I need Bastian to be posh.

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2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

I wonder whether they will bother to write Bastian in iambic pentameter again, like he was speaking in PoB. He dropped the style in RD for some reason and it sucked.

Uh, he still talks the exact same way in RD. It was only that he was more serious in regards to the Renning and Izuka situations.

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36 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

LOL I just put Ardent Sacrifice on my +1 Life and Death 3 Kagerou. She has Vantage and her Defense Team buddy is Celica. Let's fucking go.

Reinhardt. Boom. Boom.

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1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Oh no, my defense team loses to this one broken unit that is unstoppable in player hands anyway... Whatever will I do...

Just use Hector.

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1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Here come dat boi Xander...

Fury Xander with Hone Cavalry deals 40+5 damage to Fury Fae's 46 HP, and Fury Fae deals 18+6 damage to Fury Xander's 44 HP with Lightning Breath+. Fury Xander with Hone Cavalry deals 43+2 damage to -Def Fury Fae. +Atk Fury Fae deals 20+6 damage to Fury Xander, which is a guaranteed two-round kill.

Quick Riposte prevents Xander from initiating combat against Fae, Vantage prevents Xander or Reinhardt from initiating combat against a weakened Fae, Cancel Affinity fucks up Triangle Adept Xander, Reciprocal Aid to be a jerk, Hone Atk or Hone Spd (Fury Xander with Hone Cavalry cannot double attack =Spd Fury Fae anyways) or Fortify Dragons to continue being a jerk.

Xander's shit for Res is not saving him from an army of giant fluffy chicken dragons.

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4 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Fury Xander with Hone Cavalry deals 40+5 damage to Fury Fae's 46 HP, and Fury Fae deals 18+6 damage to Fury Xander's 44 HP with Lightning Breath+. Fury Xander with Hone Cavalry deals 43+2 damage to -Def Fury Fae. +Atk Fury Fae deals 20+6 damage to Fury Xander, which is a guaranteed two-round kill.

Quick Riposte prevents Xander from initiating combat against Fae, Vantage prevents Xander or Reinhardt from initiating combat against a weakened Fae, Cancel Affinity fucks up Triangle Adept Xander, Reciprocal Aid to be a jerk, Hone Atk or Hone Spd (Fury Xander with Hone Cavalry cannot double attack =Spd Fury Fae anyways) or Fortify Dragons to continue being a jerk.

Xander's shit for Res is not saving him from an army of giant fluffy chicken dragons.

Oh, TA Fae isn't the way to go now?

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1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Oh, TA Fae isn't the way to go now?

Not on a defense team, no. The AI cannot choose its engagements, and the entire point of using Triangle Adept is to choose your engagements to always be at an advantage.

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

Not on a defense team, no. The AI cannot choose its engagements, and the entire point of using Triangle Adept is to choose your engagements to always be at an advantage.

I see. Then I guess we must bust out the Leo.

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