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Just now, GuiltyLove said:

My game is conspiring against me. It knows I love fliers but it just doesn't give me any! I've tried pulling on Hinoka's banners and this summer banner for Corrin but I have not gotten anything. I wasted at least 180 orbs on Corrin! Shoot me with Donkey Kong's Coconut Gun!!!


This is why I'm no longer f2p and we're not gonna' talk about the whaling I did for my SS children but it was so worth it.

Rules of FE Heroes:

1.) The game will always know what you want. 
2.) It will do everything in its power to keep you from getting what you want. 
3.) Sacrifice is usually the only option. 
4.) However enough tears may be substantial in time.
5.) Enjoy.

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Just now, Rafiel's Aria said:

2.) It will do everything in its power to keep you from getting what you want. 

4.) However enough tears may be substantial in time.

Celica will come home, for Sharena’s sake!

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4 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

This is why I'm no longer f2p and we're not gonna' talk about the whaling I did for my SS children but it was so worth it.

Rules of FE Heroes:

1.) The game will always know what you want. 
2.) It will do everything in its power to keep you from getting what you want.

Remember when i wanted Klein because, i quote "I want a strong player phase Brave Nuke" only for the game to spawn Reinhardt on my face?


Top 5 Have a Feeling So Complicated Moments for me

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3 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Celica will come home, for Sharena’s sake!

I don't think I've ever commented on this ship, but I'll wholeheartedly support it. Seems legit. It's the romance this game needs but doesn't deserve. But for reals you need Celica.


1 minute ago, JSND said:

Remember when i wanted Klein because, i quote "I want a strong player phase Brave Nuke" only for the game to spawn Reinhardt on my face?


Top 5 Have a Feeling So Complicated Moments for me

Oh man. I've had this moment too when I tried to get Delthea. I wanted a cute blue mage. Got Mae instead. This game is kind of like the genie that likes to screw with your desires. Making a deal with the devil. 

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3 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

I don't think I've ever commented on this ship, but I'll wholeheartedly support it. Seems legit. It's the romance this game needs but doesn't deserve. But for reals you need Celica.


Oh man. I've had this moment too when I tried to get Delthea. I wanted a cute blue mage. Got Mae instead. This game is kind of like the genie that likes to screw with your desires. Making a deal with the devil. 

Mae is cuter tho

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3 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

Speaking of said catalogue... has Valter been slotted in already? There's a blank spot, and I know I've filled them all in before Magvel came out...

Pretty sure he’s the question mark in the very end of the list:



1 minute ago, GuiltyLove said:

Luthier is just Lute and Miriel

aka bad personality

Fight me to death right now.

Edited by Vaximillian
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22 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Luthier is just Lute and Miriel

aka bad personality

luthier's cute fight me

seriously though i feel like the big difference is that even though luthier's a nerd it's in an endearing way instead of an obnoxious way like those two

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22 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Luthier is just Lute and Miriel

aka bad personality


I don't care that much about Miriel and I can live with you insulting Luthier (even though he's pretty cool), BUT YOU DID NOT JUST INSULT LUTE!

So this is where I come up with a good comeback right? uhm..., uhm

Catria's SoV art looks bad!


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4 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

It does sort of keep with the theme of how GHB units are inferior to units released in banners at similar times though lol. Narcian was right after (or during?) the Camilla banner at release, when Camilla was queen flier. Julia came when Robin GHB was a thing I think, then Ursula came after Rein/Olwen banner (before SI), and I think there are others.

GHB units are guaranteed to be yours if you can beat them. Banner units have roughly a 1.125% (5% divided by 4- the usual number of units in a banner) + the tiny chance I can't even fathom of being randomly obtained. Even if my calcs are a little off, to get one is far far far from guaranteed (worrying about nature makes the chance of getting what you want even smaller).

Think of GHB and TT chars as prepromotes in common FE parlance. Sometimes they're broken, but the more balanced ones end up being inferior in the long run to growths units (aka everyone not TT, GHB, or Askr). However, it requires a lot of effort to get the growths units going, and you have to hope they don't get stat screwed (the big luck variable). The prepromotes will always be there able to perform, not quite as well, but very consistently from recruitment to the final hour. You can't seriously say in your personal experience Tana > Valter if you never draw the former.


7 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

This LORE right now. First the Brammimond name drop in the FE7 banner months ago, now Veronica comes to this world to steal Lyon's tome?

Next up: Veronica looks to steal an item containing a dark entity. Will it be a book guarded by a cult in a desert? Or a bronze medallion in a lust green forest?


34 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

Shoot me with Donkey Kong's Coconut Gun!!!

Will Funky Kong's Pineapple Launcher do? And if you want, I can make it very FE and very macabre at the same time. 


2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

What if Loki is a shapeshifter divine dragon like Xane?

Or, better still, what if Loki is Xane?

You almost have it. You see, Loki was born when the Archbishop of the nearly extinct Loptyr Cult, more than a century after Seliph's ultimate victory, began to experiment. He lamented at the extinction of the Loptyrian bloodline (Saias died celibate, and Seliph and Julia lacked Loptyr's blood), but had managed to obtain the Loptyr tome (which cursed as it was could not be destroyed). The Archbishop chose to try directly extracting Loptyr's soul from the tome, having it manifest without a human vessel. The extraction process proceeded slowly, but eventually the moment came to attempt a full extraction, and here things went awry. Loptyr's memories and personality were lost, and his dark power was initially weakened, but he was indeed freed from the tome. He was now a wholly spiritual being, and in such a state found it easy to traverse the dimensions, even the multiverse after experimenting for decades with his newfound power. Being without a physical form, and unable to interact with matter all that easily, Loki discovered however that he could take on the nearly real illusion of whomever he sought to be. Loki thus left Jugdral for the multiverse, just as he in his past life had left the all too hostile Archanea for the easy pickings of Jugdral.


How does that relate to Xane? Well, after Loptyr gave his blood to Galle, he became so enraptured by life as leader of the Loptyr Empire, that he abandoned his real body back in Archanea, hiding it away, keeping it in a catatonic state in case he ever needed it again, which he doubted. But left for centuries deprived of its soul, Loptyr's real body thus became a soulless blank slate deprived of its power and Earth/Shadow Dragon nature. But a fragment of Loptyr's soul endured in his own body, and when the Divine Dragons and its allies were warring with the Earth Dragons and their allies, they discovered the comatose body of Loptyr. Feeling it nearly empty and benign, Naga breathed fresh life into the soul fragment, and thus Xane the Divine Dragon was born. Naga did this to deprive Loptyr of the chance of ever returning Archanea via his real body and thus make his defeat in Jugdral his ultimate defeat. And also to grant that little fragment of Loptyr, who had been a promising young dragon of some cunning and wit prior to the internecine warfare, a chance to do good.

Thus Xane and Loki are the same, "children" of Loptyr who are also both Loptyr in a sense. One physically, the other spiritually.

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So, I get back in the game, many interesting pulls happen, I get 20k feathers and I'm ready to 5star my Reinhardt when suddenly... 7 Great Badges! :sob::sob::sob:

Also, I'm pulling every green I land my eyes on. For Sonya you say? For Julia? For Amelia? NO, for fu***ng ARTHUR and his godforsaken Lancebreaker that I just need too much. I pulled a buttload of Berukas, Cherches and even 2 Julias and Sonya, yet NO ARTHUR? What is wrong with me?! Watch me become ptp for godforsaken ARTHUR!!!!!

Anyway, do they add new characters every month? Also undecided on whether or not to focus on tempest trials only or to collect all the remaining free orbs I have for Hero Fest. I can't reliably beat Lunatic TT even with lv.40 neutral Celica and (+Def -HP) Sonya unfortunately. 

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7 minutes ago, Koumal8 said:

Anyway, do they add new characters every month? Also undecided on whether or not to focus on tempest trials only or to collect all the remaining free orbs I have for Hero Fest. I can't reliably beat Lunatic TT even with lv.40 neutral Celica and (+Def -HP) Sonya unfortunately. 

The current pattern seems to be to add about 10 characters per month: 4 in a banner at the start of the month, 4 in a banner in the middle of the month, 1 as a free TT unit, and 1 as a free GHB unit.

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2 minutes ago, Othin said:

The current pattern seems to be to add about 10 characters per month: 4 in a banner at the start of the month, 4 in a banner in the middle of the month, 1 as a free TT unit, and 1 as a free GHB unit.

Wow, that's like... really good, I should never have dropped the game. Any chance of the Camus, Xander and Narcian (for Lancebreaker foddering of course) GHB returning in your opinion? Legion is making me hopeful...

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5 minutes ago, Koumal8 said:

Any chance of the Camus, Xander and Narcian (for Lancebreaker foddering of course) GHB returning in your opinion? Legion is making me hopeful...

Narcian has been datamined, he’s probably the next to return after Legion. The mounted murdertwins: a man can dream.

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