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Just now, GuiltyLove said:

Give me Cormag or riot

I wouldn't oppose to Cormag being in a banner but we're starting to get a bit too many lance fliers. The only two sword fliers are...Palla and Caeda and those two aren't exactly...great.

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2 minutes ago, nosef said:

It's ok , juste give Cormag a sword . Problem solved :)

That would be my preferred scenario. Sword fliers as well as green mage cavs could use more variety.

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5 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

That would be my preferred scenario. Sword fliers as well as green mage cavs could use more variety.

I doubt Cornag will have a sword as heroes prefers to have it's units be in there base class. Erika, Ephriam, and Lachesis are examples of this. But Eliwood and Amelia beg to differ.

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5 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

That would be my preferred scenario. Sword fliers as well as green mage cavs could use more variety.

I doubt Cornag will have a sword as heroes prefers to have it's units be in there base class. Erika, Ephriam, and Lachesis are examples of this. But Eliwood and Amelia beg to differ.

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6 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

I doubt Cornag will have a sword as heroes prefers to have it's units be in there base class. Erika, Ephriam, and Lachesis are examples of this. But Eliwood and Amelia beg to differ.

But Seth! And Faye!

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4 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

I doubt Cornag will have a sword as heroes prefers to have it's units be in there base class. Erika, Ephriam, and Lachesis are examples of this. But Eliwood and Amelia beg to differ.

Funny that you mentioned Eirika and Ephraim. Those two have their Great Lord armor and their endgame weapons yet they're on foot. They're a weird case. For Cormag, they can have him in his Wyvern Lord promotion and give him a sword that way. Same with L'Arachel in her Valkyrie promotion and using Ivaldi. 

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7 minutes ago, Legion! said:

But Seth! And Faye!

Don't forget Raven. He even comments on the fact that he's using axes in one of his castle lines:

“I used to rely on a sword, but the stronger I get, I think the axe suits me better.”

As for Seth, he's in his starting class (Paladin) and is using a weapon he can normally use (swords).

Edited by Nóatún
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18 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

For Cormag, they can have him in his Wyvern Lord promotion and give him a sword that way.

It's worth noting that his big bro Glen might prefer swords. His death by Valter shows him using a Silver Sword (WTD takes its victim, just as Greil would later learn).

13 minutes ago, Nóatún said:

Don't forget Raven. He even comments on the fact that he's using axes in one of his castle lines:

Like anyone has Raven use a sword once they promote him? Sure he'll keep a Steel at the bottom of his inventory just in case of swords, but otherwise it's all axes for him from then on out. An Iron and a Killer for slaughtering with minimal AS loss, and 2 Hands for all the 2 range nonsense Raven simply won't take.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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16 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Like anyone has Raven use a sword once they promote him? Sure he'll keep a Steel at the bottom of his inventory just in case of swords, but otherwise it's all axes for him from then on out. An Iron and a Killer for slaughtering with minimal AS loss, and 2 Hands for all the 2 range nonsense Raven simply won't take.

I always used a mixture of both, since, as you already stated, his low CON meant that he couldn't use any axe without losing at least some speed in the process. His usually high speed tended to offset that downside, at least, but I still liked to give him enough equipment to take on just about anyone who was foolish enough to attack him (e.g. Swordreaver/slayer, Hand Axe, plus whatever sword and axe I felt like giving him at the time). He was always my favorite from that game, and I once tried to do a solo HHM with him over a decade ago, but ran out of patience once I made it to Sands of Time.


3 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

@Interdimensional Observer: There you go; Cormag getting swords in Heroes as a nod to Glen. Heck, make that sword the one Glen used and being a Wyvern Lord as homage to his brother. That is, IF we don't get Glen at all. 

I'd assume that they'd just give Glen swords instead, seeing as how he can easily be put in this game, too (and I hope he does make it in, seeing as how he was my favorite of the Grado generals). Of course, there's no telling when he makes it in - for all we know, he'll be in the game by 2019.

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Just now, Lord-Zero said:

If we're getting more Grado generals, I hope Selena makes it. 

GHB Selena plz! I would love that

And Lyon, but I think he is going to get added yes or yes since fans love him

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From what I've seen so far, the SS units in FEH seem to be from late game. The Renais Twins can be argued but their appearance seem to indicate that they've already promoted or, at the very least, just reclaimed Renais from Orson. I'm waiting on Valter's quotes for reassurance. 

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9 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

If we're getting more Grado generals, I hope Selena makes it. 

If she does get in, I hope she gets voiced by Julie Ann Taylor like the other Selena just to really throw people off.

2 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

I'm waiting on Valter's quotes for reassurance.

His quotes are already on the Heroes wiki if you want to see them now. They got his voice clips and everything.

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10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Like anyone has Raven use a sword once they promote him? Sure he'll keep a Steel at the bottom of his inventory just in case of swords, but otherwise it's all axes for him from then on out. An Iron and a Killer for slaughtering with minimal AS loss, and 2 Hands for all the 2 range nonsense Raven simply won't take.

I mostly axe-lock Raven due to the existence of hand axes allowing him to fight at range. Not enough fast axe users in his game, so he finds a good niche.

So what's everybody's predictions for 4 star demotions on SS banner? I think Seth is a given. Tana I expect to remain 5 star because of her awesome guidance skill. So that leaves Innes and Amelia. Maybe they'll demote Amelia because it seems like they want to slaying weapons to become more available, as well as making armor teams easier to build.

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5 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

From what I've seen so far, the SS units in FEH seem to be from late game. The Renais Twins can be argued but their appearance seem to indicate that they've already promoted or, at the very least, just reclaimed Renais from Orson. I'm waiting on Valter's quotes for reassurance. 

Valter's quotes have been datamined

the onl thing he mentions is that Eirika & Ephiram are his finest pray (and also, us)

I don't think anyone is drawn from a specific period of time necessarily. Like the twins are theoretically promoted, but the others having their fancy weapons doesn't mean much other than they wanted to implement more legendary weapons.

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I was thinking of how they could do the Grado Generals:

Caellach: Would be a green unit with a either a sword reaver or a sword slayer. Would be a GHB

Selena: Blue Cavalry mage who is basically Rienhardt, but less offensive and more defensive. Would probably be a GHB

Duessel: Green Cavalry who is summonable

Riev: Either green mage or staff user. Would definitely be a GHB

Glen: Sword Wyvern rider. Nuff said. (Just kidding. Would most likely be a TT unit)

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10 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

So what's everybody's predictions for 4 star demotions on SS banner? I think Seth is a given. Tana I expect to remain 5 star because of her awesome guidance skill. So that leaves Innes and Amelia. Maybe they'll demote Amelia because it seems like they want to slaying weapons to become more available, as well as making armor teams easier to build.

I agree that Seth is all but guaranteed to become a 4-5 star summon. Past that though, I'm honestly not sure who between the other three will be the other 4-5 star. I'm inclined to think that Innes and Tana will remain 5* only but I also recognize that there is a very valid case for Amelia to stay 5* only as well. I mean, they kept Saber and his Slaying Edge locked behind 5 stars after all. Amelia not only has a Slaying weapon but also the game's highest stat total and a very useful skill for Armor Emblem. It'll be interesting to see who they end up picking, that's for sure.

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Saber dropped but Leon didn't. I don't think having a Slaying weapon means anything.

Normally, I'd say Innes and Tana would stay because of having ultimate weapons, and the only times they've dropped characters with ultimate weapons so far has been when the slots for characters staying staying 5* were already all filled with other characters with ultimate weapons. But Amelia's ridiculous stats might be a reason for them to make an exception.

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12 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

Riev: Either green mage or staff user. Would definitely be a GHB

I'd make him a blue mage personally and give him either Aura or Dark Aura since Aura is the tome he wields the two times you fight him.

5 minutes ago, Othin said:

Saber dropped but Leon didn't. I don't think having a Slaying weapon means anything.

There are a lot more sword units who would love to have that Slaying Edge than there are bow units who would love to have the Slaying Bow. I'm pretty sure that's the reason why Saber is still 5* only while Leon isn't.

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8 minutes ago, Othin said:

Saber dropped but Leon didn't. I don't think having a Slaying weapon means anything.

Normally, I'd say Innes and Tana would stay because of having ultimate weapons, and the only times they've dropped characters with ultimate weapons so far has been when the slots for characters staying staying 5* were already all filled with other characters with ultimate weapons. But Amelia's ridiculous stats might be a reason for them to make an exception.

I'm really, really hoping they make Amelia a 4 star after I spent 40 orbs trying to get her and received a -ATK Delthea for my troubles instead (not a terrible result for the cost, but I don't have it in me to put more orbs into the banner with when my bonus rate's reset), but my line of thinking was mostly the same as yours - she's so buffed up that I almost think that they'd go against their usual routine and keep her locked as a 5 star. Of course, the question then becomes: who else other than Seth would be the likely candidate for demotion? Innes?

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12 minutes ago, Nóatún said:

Of course, the question then becomes: who else other than Seth would be the likely candidate for demotion? Innes?

I think it's worth noting that, prior to this banner, four additional archers (Klein, Rebecca, Faye, Leon) have been added to the summoning pool but only one of them (Faye) has stayed 5* only. Aside from Faye and (possibly for now) Innes, Takumi is the only other 5* exclusive archer who isn't a seasonal. On these grounds, I'd like to see Innes stay 5* only but again, Amelia has a very much valid argument to stay where she is as well so who the hell knows.

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1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:

I think it's worth noting that, prior to this banner, four additional archers (Klein, Rebecca, Faye, Leon) have been added to the summoning pool but only one of them (Faye) has stayed 5* only. Aside from Faye and (possibly for now) Innes, Takumi is the only other 5* exclusive archer who isn't a seasonal. On these grounds, I'd like to see Innes stay 5* only but again, Amelia has a very much valid argument to stay where she is as well so who the hell knows.

That is a good argument for him staying rare, now that you mention it. I'm prepared to be burned at the stake for it, but I've never been a fan of his (as a character, that is - he was always too arrogant and rude for my tastes) and would actually prefer that he not get demoted, myself, since that'd leave Amelia or (less likely) Tana as the other candidates, two characters I'd much rather have. I'm just waiting for the swerve where they, for some godforsaken reason, decide to keep Seth as a 5 star.

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