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15 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Maybe it's just the maps I've been getting, but I don't think Armored March is the game changer that many thought it to be.  I tried leading off with my Armor Team for Arena Assault, and getting destroyed each time.  Maybe it's more the fact that I got matched up against Reinhardt/hard-hitting mages every time, but Armors' lack of any real answer to mages really hurts their chances.


I've got Hector, Effie, Draug, and Amelia.  I used to use Sheena, who had half decent Res, but I'm not switching out Hector and not running 3 Greens.

Hard hitting mages and Reinhardt is the Arena meta. The stage just isn't set yet for Armor teams. Maybe if they had an A skill that protects them from magic in some way, or loaded everybody with stacks of Ward Armor, they'd have a chance.

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11 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

Hard hitting mages and Reinhardt is the Arena meta. The stage just isn't set yet for Armor teams. Maybe if they had an A skill that protects them from magic in some way, or loaded everybody with stacks of Ward Armor, they'd have a chance.

Yeah, I guess I'll just keep my Armor Team in reserve on the off chance I happen across a team with no mages.

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21 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

I personally go for Genny/Valbar. The orphaned little girl finding love in a father who lost his family... it certainly makes some sort of logic.

I guess Valbar kinda qualifies but then we got the Valbar/Leon shippers...getting quite mad. SaberxGenny seems to be the far more accepted pairing ever since the original Gaiden. It's just IS wanting to keep things vague. Mad shippers can be quite scary. 


@ Armor teams: It's still too early. We still need the definitive counter to Reinhardt. If Reinhardt goes down, mage meta will also go down a bit. 

@Glennstavos Hector's main problem is that he has crap res and he gets doubled by anything. He's not as great as he used to be. Sure, DC helps but I'm finding that Amelia ends up using it better than him. Zephiel as well. 

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1 minute ago, Lord-Zero said:

I guess Valbar kinda qualifies but then we got the Valbar/Leon shippers...getting quite mad. SaberxGenny seems to be the far more accepted pairing ever since the original Gaiden. It's just IS wanting to keep things vague. Mad shippers can be quite scary. 

Well, that's just my personal one.

And yeah. When I discussed my love of Tana with a friend of mine, he pointed out I'm not so different from the Modern fans.
...The more I think about it, he's probably right.

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1 hour ago, Zeo said:

Still, he's +SPD/-HP so if I toss his Brave Axe away he may be worth building for those 33/35 offenses, no?

He MIGHT work with another weapon and Fury.  Then again, I expect a LOT out of my axes.

25 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

Well, Genny does state that she prefers older men and her ending states that she falls in love and marries one of her companions; a man no one would expect. The novelization mentions that she develops feelings for Saber. The guys on Alm's army are either taken or too young and Celica's Army has Saber and Nomah as the older guys...well, Deen too, if you want another option. Due to process of elimination, Saber would be the one Genny marries. Neither ending truly goes as far as specifying in SoV but that's mainly because of IS's fear of obsessive shippers. Remember how Awakening's opening has Sumia as Chrom's wife but then they backed down due to mad shipper backlash. Same could be said about M!Robin with Tharja. Well, as for Genny and Saber, maybe future Cipher cards could feature the two of them together even if that would "trigger" the ones that ship Genny with Sonya for whatever reasons. 

Back to topic, I can't believe the Valter GHB is just a few hours away. 

I headcanon her with Atlas because I'm terrible like that. :P:

Thanks for reminding me about Valter.  I'm bringing Leon, no matter how anti-archer the map is!  Unless I think of someone better.

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5 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

I guess Valbar kinda qualifies but then we got the Valbar/Leon shippers...getting quite mad. SaberxGenny seems to be the far more accepted pairing ever since the original Gaiden. It's just IS wanting to keep things vague. Mad shippers can be quite scary. 


@ Armor teams: It's still too early. We still need the definitive counter to Reinhardt. If Reinhardt goes down, mage meta will also go down a bit. 

I thought you wrote Valter and Leon and I was like





... sounds kinky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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19 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

Back to topic, I can't believe the Valter GHB is just a few hours away. 

I'm just happy he is coming out. On a side note, I just got 5 star clive. Another five star added to my ranks. (Will probably never use him though)

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3 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

I thought you wrote Valter and Leon and I was like





... sounds kinky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Validar/Leon anyone? He's voiced by Kyle Hebert too after all. ......Where did I put my brain bleach again?

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4 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

I thought you wrote Valter and Leon and I was like





... sounds kinky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

3 Valters and one Eirika on the same team for maximum memes. I'll try to get the 3* version of him before going to work early tomorrow. 

@eclipseHeadcanons are fine as long as the person doesn't go too far. 

@PoimagicHe's pretty decent. I went and fed my 4* Clive a 5* Mathilda so he could get her weapon and...Cancel Affinity 1. 

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I had Clive eat my extra 4* Berkut for Ward Cavalry, and he's been doing well on my secondary cavalry team alongside Luke/Camus/Frederick. (Camus was supposed to be on my primary cavalry team, but he tends to get left behind.)

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39 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

I guess Valbar kinda qualifies but then we got the Valbar/Leon shippers...getting quite mad. SaberxGenny seems to be the far more accepted pairing ever since the original Gaiden. It's just IS wanting to keep things vague. Mad shippers can be quite scary. 


@ Armor teams: It's still too early. We still need the definitive counter to Reinhardt. If Reinhardt goes down, mage meta will also go down a bit. 

@Glennstavos Hector's main problem is that he has crap res and he gets doubled by anything. He's not as great as he used to be. Sure, DC helps but I'm finding that Amelia ends up using it better than him. Zephiel as well. 

DC is actually the real reason Hector falls off so hard. Zephiel is a simmilar case of Wary Fighter defining his existence while simultaneously being his biggest weakness. Same with Effie actually, since Brave Lance is her strongest strength AND biggest weakness.


The ultimate weakness of all Armor is JUST 1 Mov and lack of ranged options

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6 minutes ago, JSND said:

DC is actually the real reason Hector falls off so hard. Zephiel is a simmilar case of Wary Fighter defining his existence while simultaneously being his biggest weakness. Same with Effie actually, since Brave Lance is her strongest strength AND biggest weakness.


The ultimate weakness of all Armor is JUST 1 Mov and lack of ranged options

Agreed. Most armors cannot double and Wary Fighter is a double-edged sword for them. Well, their main purpose is to defend so it means that you have to bait with them rather than going on the offensive. Amelia's Armor March helps them greatly as well as combining it with Tana's Guidance for teleporting Gundam memes of destruction. An armored mage could help turn the tide some more for Armor teams. 

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2 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

Agreed, Most armors cannot double and Wary Fighter is a double-edged sword for them. Well, their main purpose is to defend so it means that you have to bait with them rather than going on the offensive. Amelia's Armor March helps them greatly as well as combining it with Tana's Guidance for teleporting Gundam memes of destruction. An armored mage could help turn the tide some more for Armor teams. 


"main purpose" is a myth. The only purpose every unit have is to kill and help you kill unit. I mean if you tell me Armor is supposed to bait, thats also Horse Emblem(Reinhardt is the best baiter in the entire game because he's perfect like that)


@GuiltyLove Brave Lance is really Est's only real set besides meme QR set or TA

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Just now, JSND said:


"main purpose" is a myth. The only purpose every unit have is to kill and help you kill unit. I mean if you tell me Armor is supposed to bait, thats also Horse Emblem(Reinhardt is the best baiter in the entire game because he's perfect like that)


@GuiltyLove Brave Lance is really Est's only real set besides meme QR set or TA

So... Death Blow for A slot, I assume. What about B? For C I guess I can put something like Fortify or whatever

or Def Ploy :Kappa:

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7 hours ago, KongDude said:

I don't like gay shipping because people twist their sexuality and say "they're perfect for each other" when clearly they're both straight. And any interaction immediately becomes a hint of it being canon, such as PharMercy from Overwatch. Mercy shares chocolates with a dude for Valentines, but people only go apeshit crazy when they hear a single line of her and another female. Whenever the characters comes within 5 feet of each other, it's immediately, "THE SHIP IS REAL" shoved down everyone's throats. Being an avid anime watcher, I encounter this many times and it's really dumb. Also, shipping is usually not canon so I don't see how it makes the story fresh.

That being said, I don't hate gay characters either. As long as it doesn't completely overshadows other traits, then it's fine. I like Leon because even though he's gay, it's not the only thing that defines him. Niles is optionally gay so whatever.


7 hours ago, JSND said:

I actually kind of hate gay shipping because it undermines friendship and loyalty esque relationship so much

I totally get this, the coming out of the LGBTQ community, while a good thing for humanity, has caused the heterosexual mainstream to bring sexuality to the forefront of all relationships. If two people of the same sex interact, the first question asked is "are they lovers?"- not "are they friends?". Deep platonic friendship is something which people seem not to think can exist anymore. I don't blame the LGBTQ community- I blame everyone else with their obsession over the exotic and the strange, and some conscientious overactive element of sexuality awareness gone awry.

This said, taking a sip of hypothetical mescal and lightheartedly joking inoffensively about a relationship isn't bad. It's just being overly serious about it.


8 hours ago, XRay said:

I find gay/incest ships more intriguing. A forbidden relationship in a cruel, unaccepting world sounds very exciting. All the tension and drama between the characters and the wider setting keeps the story fresh for a long time.

Ah, the drama fills my TakumixHinata fantasies. Takumi is ashamed of himself and thinks he's cursed, Hinata tries to calm him down, even offering to bring him to a city brothel he's scoped out, but Takumi's duties as a prince keep him from letting himself get anywhere near one. He's continually fearful of Ryoma learning of his likings and tries to pursue a straight relationship. ...Or so a couple of the stories have gone. Leo and Odin go through similar things, with the prince again the tortured, and the retainer the comforter. Hinata and Odin alike aren't necessarily gay, just very willing to tend to their dear friend and liege's needs and worries.

On the gay/incest ships here is something I thought of from Jugdral:

Oifaye-Leif-Seliph-Julius-Saias-Azelle's son (how about Lester?)-Chulainn!Febail-Lex!Ulster-Shannan-Galzus (he is Shannan's 1st cousin- as old as he is)

To this, branch off of Saias/Azelle's son (that is physically possible) Ishtar's brother Ishtore (because Hilda is supposed to have Val blood, thus making him related to Saias/Azelle), and attach to him Claud!Arthur, who can then have Coirpre and Amid branch off him. At the same time, you can have Lex!Ulster branch Iuchar and Iucharba off him.

So in total, we have a to-some-small-or-large-degree-gaycest fourteensome.

Gosh that took some work to figure out. 

8 hours ago, JSND said:

Camus might respect Hardin a lot(literally the only guy Camus ever outright praise) but Camus had his Sable Orgy, Hardin have the Wolfharem, and Ogma have the Talis Fuckboys.

For the Wolfguard- well Wolf took Hardin's death really hard- to the point of suicide (though I recall hearing once that in the Bible, David reacts to his friend Jonathan's death by saying something to the effect "the love of women is nothing compared to the love he has given me", but that could just be a statement of friendship over lust- and David loved to lust). Sedgar I'd expect would be the most muscular of the bunch. Vyland- he has a rather neat look to him, but I can't say more. Roshea- yeah he used to be a boy prostitute in his terrible early years- I just know it.

Camus- Sable Orgy? No. Just no. They want him, but Camus is if anything disciplined. He lets them follow him around like sad dogs, but grants them not even a peak at his shoulders- which is much less than his groin. He keeps them in line, and they are only willing to obey his slightest request. If Camus needs a chair now and there aren't any around, he simply says "Chair!" and one of them is on their knees in an instant ready to support their lord's posterior. If Camus then feels he needs a backrest, he simply says "Back!" and another is squatting with their back turned ready to be used to support Camus's backside. If Camus then feels he needs to rest his feet, he doesn't even need to say "Footrest!", for by the utterance of the "Fo", the last of the trio is already on his knees ready to bear his lord's dirty boots. And this is but one set of instructions they obey as though it were their natural instincts, if their lord requests anything, all they need is single word command, maybe with a hand gesture for directional information or if Camus is asking for them do something for someone other than him. But that isn't even necessary much of the time, as they can detect the slightest inflection in Camus's voice and thus know what he exactly wants done. When Camus returned to being Zeke after NM, he let the trio come, they'd never speak a word of the truth for fear of the slightest remotest possibility of being exiled from their lord's presence, and Camus loved their services too much. Despite all of Tatiana's protestations that they should obey her too, Zeke never even considered the possibility of giving his servants to her- it is hard to find such extraordinarily good help nowadays.

And Ogma- the Bord and Cord are bit blah, but I'm sure Ogma find fun wrestling them both to the ground Ancient Valentia style (aka nude), no matter how many times they try to pin him down together. Barst is on more equal terms with Ogma. And once in a new moon, the mysterious master of the Killing Edge challenges Ogma to some midnight swordplay yet again.


49 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

Well, that's just my personal one.

And yeah. When I discussed my love of Tana with a friend of mine, he pointed out I'm not so different from the Modern fans.
...The more I think about it, he's probably right.

We all have characters and pairings we're seriously fond of. There is nothing wrong with that. Just don't take it too seriously or too far.

I'm someone who sincerely thinks HectorxSerra is by far his best pairing. And that EliwoodxLyn is Eliwood's best (by virtue of his other two being total trash). But I won't ignore the strong undertones of Elinian present in the plot.

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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And Ogma- the Bord and Cord are bit blah, but I'm sure Ogma find fun wrestling them both to the ground Ancient Valentia style (aka nude), no matter how many times they try to pin him down together. Barst is on more equal terms with Ogma. And once in a new moon, the mysterious master of the Killing Edge challenges Ogma to some midnight swordplay yet again.

Where's the hentai for this?

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10 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

So... Death Blow for A slot, I assume. What about B? For C I guess I can put something like Fortify or whatever

or Def Ploy :Kappa:

Def Ploy is unironically good on Est. Getting Gaius is also unironically proven to be impossible, as impossible as RTZ winning a TI

B is like Lancebreaker(Swordbreaker only have EP purpose in which case LUL exposing Est on EP, or Zephiel in which case you are not shamed if you lose to Zephiel), Drag Back/Hit and Run.

C is like Buff and Threaten Def


@Interdimensional Observer I'm amazed at your totally not dedicated post about the plausibility of an innocent joke about fictional group of men in a service of another delivered with sexual connotation in a video game. Moments like this made me realize we are on Fire Emblem Heroes General Discussion Thread.

Too bad Ogma is canonically most likely to have relationship with Caeda, not like anyone can blame him

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1 minute ago, JSND said:

Def Ploy is unironically good on Est. Getting Gaius is also unironically proven to be impossible, as impossible as RTZ winning a TI

B is like Lancebreaker(Swordbreaker only have EP purpose in which case LUL exposing Est on EP, or Zephiel in which case you are not shamed if you lose to Zephiel), Drag Back/Hit and Run.

C is like Buff and Threaten Def


@Interdimensional Observer I'm amazed at your totally not dedicated post about the plausibility of an innocent joke about fictional group of men in a service of another delivered with sexual connotation in a video game. Moments like this made me realize we are on Fire Emblem Heroes General Discussion Thread.

I would probably just sacrifice Gaius immediately if I ever got him

Lancebreaker or Hit and Run could be good. That's what Clive and his sister are for!

Hm maybe I shouldn't have sent my Peri's home... Threaten Def would be decent

Fire Emblem wouldn't be the same without sexual innuendos tho

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5 minutes ago, JSND said:


"main purpose" is a myth. The only purpose every unit have is to kill and help you kill unit. I mean if you tell me Armor is supposed to bait, thats also Horse Emblem(Reinhardt is the best baiter in the entire game because he's perfect like that)


@GuiltyLove Brave Lance is really Est's only real set besides meme QR set or TA

I play defensively most of the time especially with armors, units with DC and Distant Defense Xander. It has worked fine for me so far. I hardly do offense. Armors in FE in general are meant to be defensive units (bait, choke a point, boss abuse, etc), they aren't too different from that in Heroes. Horse Emblem has become incredibly stale as of late. It's not hard to bait one horsie and start picking them apart. 

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1 hour ago, Lord-Zero said:

Well, Genny does state that she prefers older men and her ending states that she falls in love and marries one of her companions; a man no one would expect. The novelization mentions that she develops feelings for Saber. The guys on Alm's army are either taken or too young and Celica's Army has Saber and Nomah as the older guys...well, Deen too, if you want another option. Due to process of elimination, Saber would be the one Genny marries. Neither ending truly goes as far as specifying in SoV but that's mainly because of IS's fear of obsessive shippers. Remember how Awakening's opening has Sumia as Chrom's wife but then they backed down due to mad shipper backlash. Same could be said about M!Robin with Tharja. Well, as for Genny and Saber, maybe future Cipher cards could feature the two of them together even if that would "trigger" the ones that ship Genny with Sonya for whatever reasons. 

Back to topic, I can't believe the Valter GHB is just a few hours away. 

Kill any of them off. Their endings don't change. Genny fell for someone else. Saber fell for someone else.

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3 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

I play defensively most of the time especially with armors, units with DC and Distant Defense Xander. It has worked fine for me so far. I hardly do offense. Armors in FE in general are meant to be defensive units (bait, choke a point, boss abuse, etc), they aren't too different from that in Heroes. Horse Emblem has become incredibly stale as of late. It's not hard to bait one horsie and start picking them apart. 

I don't mean defense sucked or their defense team context(for that matter though, i honestly think Armor Emblem is the weakest defense team. Lets put it this way a Hector on Arena is enough to make me call it the worst Defense Team)

Its just that the whole "Unit X is role Y so you can't compare it to unit Z" is such a dumb concept. The way i see it the only role a unit have is to kill and their overall worth relies on their ability to help reach that conclusion.

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6 minutes ago, KongDude said:

Kill any of them off. Their endings don't change. Genny fell for someone else. Saber fell for someone else.

As I said, IS made it vague. Changing their endings would pretty much confirm it even if they didn't mention any names. IS doesn't want to commit and get mad shipper backlash. 


@JSND: It's still too soon for armor meta to rise as along as the Reinhardt+nuke mage meta is still on top. Armor as well as infantry are getting more support lately to help them deal with cavalry but stuff against mages still needs work as well as making daggers properly useable. 

Each unit serves a different purpose due to their stat distribution and skill set. For example, you cannot use the same plan you'd use on Julia for someone like Boey; they play completely different roles. Skill inheritance can either help a unit make up for his/her weakness, further optimize his/her strengths, support allies or go full meme. 

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27 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

@JSND: It's still too soon for armor meta to rise as along as the Reinhardt+nuke mage meta is still on top. Armor as well as infantry are getting more support lately to help them deal with cavalry but stuff against mages still needs work as well as making daggers properly useable. 

Each unit serves a different purpose due to their stat distribution and skill set. For example, you cannot use the same plan you'd use on Julia for someone like Boey; they play completely different roles. Skill inheritance can either help a unit make up for his/her weakness, further optimize his/her strengths, support allies or go full meme. 

My point is that at the end of the day theres a clear goal for every unit and in this game its to kill every unit on the map. Unit can have roles, but those roles didn't free them from being compared.

Level 1 Olivia can't kill shit and can be killed in one hit. She can still be considered better than most unit at maximum level simply because her contribution in killing enemies can be considered more valuable than unit's whose only contribution is being combat unit. On the other side of the coin, Healer's help for killing units are limited into their sustain which the game simply did not support all that well. Their perceived role isn't the same, but you can still argue one is better than other.

Also yeah Dagger kind of need some fix(Poison Dagger is probably their only good stuff atm and its at best a 30% weaker Brave Bow)

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