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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

á is Alt+0255.

You can also look for a keyboard layout that supports adding/replacing accented and special characters with less keystrokes. There are definitely a lot of these on the net.

Huh, Alt+0255 gives me 'ÿ'

I get the 'á' from Alt+0225


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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

á is Alt+0255.

You can also look for a keyboard layout that supports adding/replacing accented and special characters with less keystrokes. There are definitely a lot of these on the net.


Alternatively, just open up Character Map from the start menu and search for the character you're looking for. "á" is "Latin Small Letter A With Acute", which I just search for with "acute", and "ð" is "Latin Small Letter Eth", which you get if you search for "eth". Character Map will also tell you what the Alt+# code is for each character.

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I'm gonna miss the FEW maps... not just for their superior grinding capabilities, but also because it was great listening to the FEW music...

...as if it matters anymore when I can just listen to the FEW music directly from the source (loving what they did with Fates music...)

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8 hours ago, mampfoid said:

My Tana and Anna have nearly maxed HM, therefore welcome Cpt. Sigurd to team Evil: 



Sorry for my bad paint skills. Btw: Arvis stats are missing the TT boost. Valter has to grind SP for Fury 2 & 3 and Desperation 3. He also has to equip Brash Assault 3 seal. 

1. Sigurd's threads can go either way, so no need for the eyepatch~! :P:
2. Arvis looks like he's trying to light a fire under Sigurd's stats.  How fitting.
3. Villains don't buff, I guess.

That team looks hilarious.  Have fun~!

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6 minutes ago, eclipse said:

1. Sigurd's threads can go either way, so no need for the eyepatch~! :P:
2. Arvis looks like he's trying to light a fire under Sigurd's stats.  How fitting.
3. Villains don't buff, I guess.

That team looks hilarious.  Have fun~!

Thanks, I guess I will. :-) 

1. Didn't know he can join also the dark side in his game. With the darker hair he seems at least less Marth. 

2. Funny, but unintentional. That's Hinokas hair from the final map. She seemed to hover slightly outside of the map. 

3. Time for Hone Villains and villain formation! Also rally evil, if in doubt. 


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2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

3. Time for Hone Villains and villain formation! Also rally evil, if in doubt. 


You know, I'd actually be down for a few skills like those, that encourage lore-based combinations instead of movement-type combinations.

Granted, it's a little hard to say which characters count as villains (does Katarina? Navarre?) as well as potential spoilers, but it'd be a fun time regardless.

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Somehow while walking earlier in the day, something really dumb came to mind about knights and the ones that are shown to have really heavy weapons and lumber around in their durable glory. A legendary or personal weapon with this effect: "User always goes last in combat. Unaffected by other skills that change attack priority." The last bit means that having Vantage is like having an empty B-slot and Hardy Bearing is like having an empty seal slot and wouldn't matter for the enemy with that seal equipped. In other words, it's there to lock the unit into always going last if you use the weapon.

Anyway, probably a weapon that only a knight should have since even the bulkiest of other non-knights would like to not get pummeled on before being able to attack assuming they survive. A weapon like this could abuse any of the Deflect skills, especially Deflect Magic and Deflect Melee, considering that they'll always deal with consecutive attacks. Granted, they're always going take 100% of the first hit before receiving 20% of the second hit. Timing of specials could be pretty easy as well. Something else I did consider is that a weapon like this desperately needs something else on it since having just that effect would be really crappy. "Grants +X to Y defensive stat", -1 special cooldown, etc.

Now here's a question that I think I already know the answer to: is there even a weapon in Fire Emblem that would make sense to have this as its effect? Or is there even a skill with such an effect? There are really heavy weapons in Fire Emblem, but I don't think any of them affect turn order and except for Florina, nobody really got screwed by them having low constitution in their games and having their speed become utter crap in Heroes. We don't even have non-Brave weapons or skills that penalize speed for that matter.

Moving on, axe/lance/sword knight with 55 HP, 33 Atk, 16 Spd, 37 Def, and 28 Res. Heavy as **** weapon: 16 Mt, "Grants +2 Def/Res. User always goes last in combat. Unaffected by other skills that change attack priority." Three stacks of Ward Armor, Bonfire/Ignis, Wary Fighter or Quick Riposte, and whatever else. Have fun figuring out the logistics of this.

Edited by Kaden
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1 minute ago, Infinite Dreams said:

I was wondering about that... Is he a ghost?

I think he does show up as a ghost in the final chapter of FE4? Been ages since I've seen that, though, so I might be thinking of something else

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37 minutes ago, Infinite Dreams said:

I was wondering about that... Is he a ghost?

So, does that make Sigurd the James McCloud to Seliph's Fox? :p


Oh... wow, that's kind of funny now that I think about it. Andross in the comics was in love with Fox's mom, Vixy Reinard, who was already in a relationship with James McCloud or "Fox McCloud Sr." according to the wiki. He got jealous and tried to kill James by placing a bomb in James's car, but Vixy used it, so she died. Later on (in the actual games), James is killed by Andross... or so we think. And then Fox avenges his parents and saves Cornelia by defeating Andross.

Ah, the cycle of revenge.


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43 minutes ago, r_n said:

I think he does show up as a ghost in the final chapter of FE4? Been ages since I've seen that, though, so I might be thinking of something else

Not quite the final fight. After defeating Arvis, but before seizing Chalphy and ending C10/beginning the final chapter, you must have Seliph take a long walk on the beach. Then Deirdre and Sigurd have their ghosts appear, and Seliph gets the Life Ring with Renewal as its effect.

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1 hour ago, Kaden said:

Somehow while walking earlier in the day, something really dumb came to mind about knights and the ones that are shown to have really heavy weapons and lumber around in their durable glory. A legendary or personal weapon with this effect: "User always goes last in combat. Unaffected by other skills that change attack priority." The last bit means that having Vantage is like having an empty B-slot and Hardy Bearing is like having an empty seal slot and wouldn't matter for the enemy with that seal equipped. In other words, it's there to lock the unit into always going last if you use the weapon.

Anyway, probably a weapon that only a knight should have since even the bulkiest of other non-knights would like to not get pummeled on before being able to attack assuming they survive. A weapon like this could abuse any of the Deflect skills, especially Deflect Magic and Deflect Melee, considering that they'll always deal with consecutive attacks. Granted, they're always going take 100% of the first hit before receiving 20% of the second hit. Timing of specials could be pretty easy as well. Something else I did consider is that a weapon like this desperately needs something else on it since having just that effect would be really crappy. "Grants +X to Y defensive stat", -1 special cooldown, etc.

Now here's a question that I think I already know the answer to: is there even a weapon in Fire Emblem that would make sense to have this as its effect? Or is there even a skill with such an effect? There are really heavy weapons in Fire Emblem, but I don't think any of them affect turn order and except for Florina, nobody really got screwed by them having low constitution in their games and having their speed become utter crap in Heroes. We don't even have non-Brave weapons or skills that penalize speed for that matter.

Moving on, axe/lance/sword knight with 55 HP, 33 Atk, 16 Spd, 37 Def, and 28 Res. Heavy as **** weapon: 16 Mt, "Grants +2 Def/Res. User always goes last in combat. Unaffected by other skills that change attack priority." Three stacks of Ward Armor, Bonfire/Ignis, Wary Fighter or Quick Riposte, and whatever else. Have fun figuring out the logistics of this.

-1 CD screams Moonbow. Thing is, they have to deal with blade tomes, TA and Rein. Knights are trivialized due to movement and lack of range. Biggest threats are DC users like SI!Amelia, Hector and Black Knight (and now Arden *EDIT*). Even on the case the user has no access to blade buffs, TA or Rein, any high def unit can tank them, which is how Gwendolyn stops the likes of Sigurd and such on Arena, in my case (it helps she has Earth Boost and Ward Armor). Like how Lukas tanks Ayra.

On another note, just did an extra full session on Holy War banner and got fodder to give Reposition to Sigurd and Fury and Ardent Sacrifice to Arvis. Gg

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So, once we hit November, what is gonna happen? What did the leaker say about what will happen in November? Saying "No L'Archel for 2 more months" makes me think that November might be SS themed, but what does everybody else think?

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37 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

-1 CD screams Moonbow. Thing is, they have to deal with blade tomes, TA and Rein. Knights are trivialized due to movement and lack of range. Biggest threats are DC users like SI!Amelia, Hector and Black Knight (and now Arden *EDIT*). Even on the case the user has no access to blade buffs, TA or Rein, any high def unit can tank them, which is how Gwendolyn stops the likes of Sigurd and such on Arena, in my case (it helps she has Earth Boost and Ward Armor). Like how Lukas tanks Ayra.

On another note, just did an extra full session on Holy War banner and got fodder to give Reposition to Sigurd and Fury and Ardent Sacrifice to Arvis. Gg

Going last at all times also screams roflstomped by practically everyone in the game. Free doubles and quadruples and special activations on them. As a knight, with enough room, you could deal with everyone else on the map and save a special charge to explode them. It's just a dumb thing I thought about.

Speaking of things I thought about: Phantom Atk seal. Considering that Ayra can use Phantom Spd to ensure she will always get her blade's "Swift Blade" effect, Phantom Atk could have a niche use for Heavy Blade users like default Ike or BH Roy who has built-in Heavy Blade with his Blazing Durandal.

Y'know, I wonder what Ashnard's Gurgurant would have in Heroes. It's guaranteed 16 Mt, but that leaves its effect. Distant Counter would be the simplest answer, but 1-X range is like a usual boss weapon thing. This would suck for Durandal and Folkvangr even more, but "Grants +3 attack. Grants +4 attack during combat if unit initiates combat" would be pretty hilarious and fit in with Gurgurant having the highest might in Path of Radiance. His boss stats say Heroes Michalis to me and he has 35 base strength... 44 HP, 35 Atk, 27 Spd, 35 Def, 17 Res. That's just his base stats with reasonable Heroes health and resistance. So, 58 total attack by default and 64 with Death Blow 3. Add in flier buffs, maybe run the hyped up Desperation and Brash Assault seal build, and there you go, the Mad King is here in all his glory. :p

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17 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

A reminder that I still don’t have Linde:


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I was expecting to see that Linde.

I really mad at my luck right now.  I've used far too many Orbs and only have - Atk Sigurd and a bevy of -Atk Seliphs to show for it.  Then there's going to be some stupid seasonal banner next week that I'm going to feel compelled to roll on or miss out on the units forever.

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Just now, Rezzy said:

I was expecting to see that Linde.

I really mad at my luck right now.  I've used far too many Orbs and only have - Atk Sigurd and a bevy of -Atk Seliphs to show for it.  Then there's going to be some stupid seasonal banner next week that I'm going to feel compelled to roll on or miss out on the units forever.

Speaking of..... haha #halloweenfeh

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5 minutes ago, Coolmanio said:

Speaking of..... haha #halloweenfeh

A capitalized Fuck.  I'm annoyed at life in general right now, and this isn't helping.  Why is every other fucking Banner a holiday banner?  Can't we just get normal characters?  And we know December's going to have Christmas units.

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Can anyone make out anything from those silhouettes? 

A elf-like hat and a coffin, that I can see on a quick look.


2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

A capitalized Fuck.  I'm annoyed at life in general right now, and this isn't helping.  Why is every other fucking Banner a holiday banner?  Can't we just get normal characters?  And we know December's going to have Christmas units.

Well I know you won't be pulling for the one week exclusive Baby New Year Nowi! ;):

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3 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

A capitalized Fuck.  I'm annoyed at life in general right now, and this isn't helping.  Why is every other fucking Banner a holiday banner?  Can't we just get normal characters?  And we know December's going to have Christmas units.

I feel you. All these recycles are more and more annoying every time. They aren’t going to run out of normal characters any time soon, so the seasonals are absolutely unnecessary.

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13 minutes ago, Coolmanio said:

Speaking of..... haha #halloweenfeh

Since this was in response to Rezzy, I thought this was going to be a mockup of a special Linde banner... honestly, I think I'm more disappointed by what it actually is.

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