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3 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Considering she's a story character and everyone gets her, she could also have the advantage of being a frequent arena bonus unit.

I’ll be so pissed if Fjorm becomes a regular bonus unit before the trio gets access to merges.

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1 hour ago, MrSmokestack said:

I'm going to turn him into a score bot and give him a set with as much SP for points as possible. I'm sure that Nino +1 / Ephraim +1 or Horse Emblem can carry him just so that his sole purpose is to give more points than do anything else. I do wish I had Swordbreaker or Reposition to give some more utility or at least make his Brave Sword set more viable, but oh well. Folkvangr it is.

This is where i chime in to say please run Axebreaker Al unless you run Roy or something lol

But seriously Alfonse is my favorite askr. Anna is least. Its just a matter of Alfonse having good base buff in Spur ATK but even if he lacks that hes usually the most consistent at his role. 

Anna had the shakiest Blue match up(by most of them being bulky as hell or Lucina) and for obvious reason shes pretty bad vs green

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Are we going to get Micaiah in the CYL Tempest Banner this weekend, along with Blucina?

11 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I’ll be so pissed if Fjorm becomes a regular bonus unit before the trio gets access to merges.

I'm surprised we're allowed to summon multiples of her, since she's a "plot" unit and the main reasoning we can't get multiples of the Askr trio is they're native to Zenith, so you can't summon them from other worlds, like regular units.

Why not just give us a Anna, Alfonse, Sharena Banner at this point?

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18 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I’ll be so pissed if Fjorm becomes a regular bonus unit before the trio gets access to merges.

Yeah, this is why I don't like that or understand why Fjorm, a story character, is summonable. It just doesn't seem right since even if she ends up as a background character after her book like Xander is kind of to Embla right now. Where she (and Surtr) come from might have been only spoken in legend, but she's still a regular person and her land might just be like that one land in Fates or in other stories where for one reason or another, it's cut off from the rest of the world or people don't think it exists anymore when it does. Fjorm joins us after chapter one of book two and for some reason, we can summon more of her. Look, if we can summon more Fjorms, then I want a chance to build an Anna army.

Edited by Kaden
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6 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Yeah, this is why I don't like that or understand why Fjorm, a story character, is summonable. It just doesn't seem right since even if she ends up as a background character like Xander is kind of to Embla after her book. Where she (and Surtr) come from might have been only spoken in legend, but she's still a person and her land might just be like that one land in Fates or in other stories where for one reason or another, it's cut off from the rest of the world or people don't think it exists anymore when it does. Fjorm joins us after chapter one of book two and for some reason, we can summon more of her. Look, if we can summon more Fjorms, then I want a chance to build an Anna army.

Lol lets be honest this is just IS mony grabbing tactics. Even then treat her as a new 5 star with free sample ala CYL and thats really about it


I still want Wargreymon though

Edited by JSND Alter Dragon Boner
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10 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I'm surprised we're allowed to summon multiples of her, since she's a "plot" unit and the main reasoning we can't get multiples of the Askr trio is they're native to Zenith, so you can't summon them from other worlds, like regular units.

Why not just give us a Anna, Alfonse, Sharena Banner at this point?

You can be visited by Askr units from other versions of Zenith, so I don’t see the problem with Fjorm being summonable in a similar vein.

The Askr trio will most likely stay unsummonable though for gameplay reasons; they are the starter units and are guaranteed bonus heroes every week, so +10’ing them would kill a great deal of incentive to pull. The starter heroes also cannot be sent home or used as fodder, so maybe they really are intended to be “one of’s” that can’t go helping other Askr kingdoms with other versions of themselves.

11 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

But seriously Alfonse is my favorite askr. Anna is least. Its just a matter of Alfonse having good base buff in Spur ATK but even if he lacks that hes usually the most consistent at his role. 

Yeah, as a support unit Alabama comes with a free Spur Atk, so he can contribute without ever fighting even with minimal SI outside of maybe Reposition, while Sharena is too general to really stand out, and Anna has a terrible stat spread investing points in useless stats while leaving Atk and Def uncovered.

Edited by MrSmokestack
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Just now, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

Lol lets be honest this is just IS mony grabbing tactics. Even then treat her as a new 5 star with free sample ala CYL and thats really about it

Summonable Alfonse, though. All the Death Blows. Raking in all that dough. :p

Seriously though, I'm a bit surprised people haven't been in an uproar over her or Joshua for that matter. Joshua being a TT reward can be considered as a response to the backlash of Ayra being summonable. The bigger picture is what Joshua, the Farfetched Heroes, and Fjorm are. They're all units with boosted stats on top of having legendary/personal weapons. Joshua's stats are balanced, but then you have to remember that Audhulma gives him +5 resistance. He's Marth or Saber with Fir and Lloyd's resistance. All of them would have been fine as regular units, but nope.

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Is there any hint on the Feh channel about if Fjorm is going to be a one time thing, something like seasonals or just added to the regular pool after the Legendary banner? I find it weird to have a summonable OC, not that I mind she's awesome, but I'm really intrigued about how IS is going to approach her and possibly other OCs. 

Summonable Veronica please.

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@AlexmenderI think she will get the same treatment as the seasonal units on the Legendary Heroes banner, so she won’t be added to the pool if she wasn’t already in it after the focus ends. I’m curious as to what will happen though since she is from another world unlike all the other summonable characters so far, so let’s wait and see.

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Hooray, no surprise new unit on the Tempest banner!

Oh no, CYL Ike is the only one I didn't get!

Ah well, at least I'll get an excuse to use the other three original CYL units. CYL Lyn has the most HM out of the three at 1,000, so this'll be a good chance to get some use out of them.

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1 minute ago, Glennstavos said:

Lol, Brave Rejects, Brave Heroes, another Hinoka/Takumi Banner, your last chance at Nekomakura, Super Hero Fest, and Fates Brats in the first week of December. Crunch time. Which banner is getting your orbs?

Still trying to get more Neko Sakura so probably there. Re-CYL sounds cool but I'd rather not and wait for the Fjorm banner.

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I want Sakura, I want Nowi, I want Dorcas and I want Brave Ike.

But I'm F2P and any orb I spend is an orb that isn't going towards the mega banner. And so I'm waiting. It helps that I only have 2 orbs too!

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36 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

Lol, Brave Rejects, Brave Heroes, another Hinoka/Takumi Banner, your last chance at Nekomakura, Super Hero Fest, and Fates Brats in the first week of December. Crunch time. Which banner is getting your orbs?

Still Death Blow.

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4 hours ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

This is where i chime in to say please run Axebreaker Al unless you run Roy or something lol

But seriously Alfonse is my favorite askr. Anna is least. Its just a matter of Alfonse having good base buff in Spur ATK but even if he lacks that hes usually the most consistent at his role. 

Anna had the shakiest Blue match up(by most of them being bulky as hell or Lucina) and for obvious reason shes pretty bad vs green

Anna is imho the best of the Askr units in my eyes. I run them all 3 together on GHB and BHB and she puts in the most work because she can bait mages and some melee units safely and then just warps out with Noatun, buying everyone time. Alfonse is imho the worst in my eyes.

Even in Arena Anna is very flexible with ardent sacrifice/reciprocal aid & desperation as a one time healer and get in get out tactis.

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1 hour ago, DefaultBeep said:

Hooray, no surprise new unit on the Tempest banner!

Oh no, CYL Ike is the only one I didn't get!

Ah well, at least I'll get an excuse to use the other three original CYL units. CYL Lyn has the most HM out of the three at 1,000, so this'll be a good chance to get some use out of them.

Makes me wish i pulled him for free instead lol

at least i already have him on 2nd account although he maxed HM last TT.

main still has no 40% unit. Which has the better chance when pulling green? Dorcas banner or TT banner? Is there more chances of pulling greens if there'a only 3 in a focus?

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1 hour ago, Hilda said:

Anna is imho the best of the Askr units in my eyes. I run them all 3 together on GHB and BHB and she puts in the most work because she can bait mages and some melee units safely and then just warps out with Noatun, buying everyone time. Alfonse is imho the worst in my eyes.

Even in Arena Anna is very flexible with ardent sacrifice/reciprocal aid & desperation as a one time healer and get in get out tactis.

My opinion on them kinda flips flop tbh. Back in the day i upgraded Anna i think shes stupidly good(last season was miserable)

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Would it be safer to pull for Swift Sparrow from Brave!Lyn on the current banner than to wait for the Legendary banner? I think I won't cry if I miss out on anything from the legendary banner but I will be sad to lose out on Swift Sparrow between this banner and the next. 

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2 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

Lol, Brave Rejects, Brave Heroes, another Hinoka/Takumi Banner, your last chance at Nekomakura, Super Hero Fest, and Fates Brats in the first week of December. Crunch time. Which banner is getting your orbs?

Honestly? None until December.

I've been spending orbs for weeks. I still didn't get Cat Sakura, the only one of the original Brave Heroes I don't have is still in a banner and I have none of the Brave Memes. But I've been spending for weeks now, I need some time to not do so.

Of course it'll be spent on the Legendary Heroes banner, but that's because I have none of the red units and only Brave Lyn out of the colourless (And we all know more Brave!Lyn is good)

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Finally used some feathers to upgrade a spare Tharja and fodder her Rawrblade to my +Spd Katarina

@DefaultBeep @Vaximillian Rawrblade Katarina is beautiful. SP cost for the weapons is a lot though, so she only has Desperation 1 for now and Chilling Wind.

Planning to unleash her with Axura in TT and get those sweet sweet SP. Sorry Arvis, but Axura is going to have a new waifu,

Also yay, I tricked the desire sensor and got a +Def/-Hp Halloween Henry! Ranged armour, and another green mage! My main only had Merric and a 4 star Nino, but now I have a +Def/-Res Boey, a Soren and this Henry!

The trick to beating the sensor is to want another unit instead. In my case, Brave Ike/Dorcas, and behold, the sensor gave me Henry in times of despair.


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@mcsilas: I know, right? Katarina is awesome! I’m thinking to use her for the tempest too. Too bad my only non-red dancer is Ninian whose HM is maxed out, and my only buffer is Eirika who is maxed out too. Welp. At least Katarina and Ike have room.

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

@mcsilas: I know, right? Katarina is awesome! I’m thinking to use her for the tempest too. Too bad my only non-red dancer is Ninian whose HM is maxed out, and my only buffer is Eirika who is maxed out too. Welp. At least Katarina and Ike have room.

Ninian is still not maxed out, but Axura's buffs are just too tempting to use, even though she maxed her HM last TT.

Eirika is still 4 star, I'm kind of hoping for a better boon/bane than +Spd/-Def before upgrading really. Then again, double red is kind of not ideal...but I guess if a certain axe user is the boss then that's not too bad.

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