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So my Alfonse is max level and *5 with 1000 SP. He still needs things (Probably going to give him Swordbreaker, Draconic Aura, Repo and some form of Hone.) but he's finally all promoted.

Guess I'm in the minority, Anna is my favorite Askr unit and was promoted a long while ago while Alfonse and Sharena have sat at *3 since I first started playing. I promoted them to *4 a while back but now Sharena is my last unit to be promoted to *5. She's still waiting in the wings and she's also probably my least favorite of the Askr units. Anna's my favorite as I said and I like Alfonse as a character, he just stinks as a unit so it's hard to push myself to invest in him. If I have to do the BHB quests with him and Sharena and a coming string of quests specifically with him though... I'm left without choice.

I'll throw Marth a Merge on my march towards +10, then I'll *5 Sharena after so I can use the trio for Book II.

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Anyway, an idea that occurred to me- why are the Forging quests so long? How many, and how hard, of missions are we getting? What rewards are on offer? Will doing some actual forging be mandatory to clear them (explaining the length of Michalis's rerun), or will it simply be a massive repository of the forging materials with some complementary orbs scattered here and there?

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@Zeo Alfonse was the first Askr unit I promoted because I really needed a bonus unit for the Arena one week. I actually enjoy using him when I get the chance to. Sharena and Anna kind of sat in my barracks for a while, but I recently promoted both of them. And even though Anna was the last one I promoted, I think she's my favorite to use as well.

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36 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Fortunately, I’m not the one to force the one and only best princess Sharena of Askr, our lady, star, and saviour onto you non-enlightened barbarians ❤

Is it heretical to like all three and have promoted all three at once?

Also, someone mentioned the lack of Bowbreaker options. I think we need some more options for other breakers:

Swordbreaker: Abel could be dropped to 3-4* and I'd be fine here. Sully only gets it at 5*, and Abel is more common since 1.6.

Lancebreaker: Until Oscar happened, this was a big one imo. Narcian is a GHB unit, while Arthur has it at 5* and few people would promote him to get it. Oscar could go down to 3-4* and I wouldn't mond.

Axebreaker: Pretty easy to get thankfully, Laslow exists. Eliwood also has it to 5*.

R!Tomebreaker: Odin exists at least. A second source for tomebreakers could be nice, Odin is pretty useful fodder in general.

B!Tomebreaker: THIS NEEDS ANOTHER UNIT. F!Robin is the only one right now, this needs to change.

G!Tomebreaker: This one is easy enough as Henry's there at 3-4*. He also is pretty common for me at either rating at least.

Bowbreaker: Setsuna exists in 3-4*, so this isn't awful. The real issue is the pool overall and the luck people seem to get from it. A second source would be no bad thing either.

Daggerbreaker: Kagero could go down to 3-4* star and this would be fine. Hilariously she's my second most common 4* (THE FIRST IS STAHL. THIS IS NOT OKAY). But this is the least relevant weapon type, it needs a big change before people will demand more daggerreakers.

Staff/Breathbreaker: Non-existent. I don't know if this would be a good idea or not.

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2 hours ago, Dayni said:

Staff/Breathbreaker: Non-existent. I don't know if this would be a good idea or not.

Staff users need all the buffs and lack of counters that they can get. Until they get their stupid damage penalty removed, I do not think it is a good idea to make a Breaker targeting them.

Full loli defense teams are pretty rare, and the Triangle Adept ones are especially easy to kill. I do not mind release Breathbreaker for them, but I am not sure if most players would use it since it is so rare.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

Staff users need all the buffs and lack of counters that they can get. Until they get their stupid damage penalty removed, I do not think it is a good idea to make a Breaker targeting them.

Full loli defense teams are pretty rare, and the Triangle Adept ones are especially easy to kill. I do not mind release Breathbreaker for them, but I am not sure if most players would use it since it is so rare.

Honestly making staff heals an absolutely bonkers amount is enough for me to consider them at times

Nuking is great, but infinite on demand Brave Ike is good civilization

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20 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

Honestly making staff heals an absolutely bonkers amount is enough for me to consider them at times

Falchion medics are generally better than staff healers because Falchion medics can heal bonkers amount no matter what condition their target is in, as long as the medic has enough HP to fully heal the targets. Falchion medics can also fight.

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I'm gonna predict that the Spd variant of the Stance skills will be called Agile Stance, I can't think of anything that would work to represent Speediness other than the word that literally means being light on your feet. I'm going to start a boycott on whatever unit or banner has the skill, if they name it anything else. 

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5 hours ago, XRay said:

Staff users need all the buffs and lack of counters that they can get. Until they get their stupid damage penalty removed, I do not think it is a good idea to make a Breaker targeting them.

How about:

Silence- blocks target's Special and Assist use for one turn (blocking tome/staff use would be too broken).

Sleep- prevents target from performing any action for 1 turn or until after one full round of being attacked (which wakes them up). 

Hexing- enemy's HP cap is lowered by damage dealt after combat for one full turn. So if an enemy has Vantage 3 and 40 HP, and I attack them at full health with Hexing for 11 damage, the HP cap of the enemy is lowered to 29. I attack said unit with another unit, Vantage won't activate because they aren't at or below 75% of 29.

Thief- steals the effects (but not Might) of the enemy's weapon for one turn, and if applicable applies them to this unit through its next action (if something like the Panic effect is stolen, then, lets call her Tina, will be able to Panic the next enemy she fights).

Don't know what to do with Berserk, making it turn enemies against each other sounds too broken.


47 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

Heh, just today I realized that Sigurd's magic dmg reduction doesn't apply to staff users. The more you know.

That's how Deirdre won him. The good old Charm Staff, so powerful, it had to be hidden from all.

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3 hours ago, XRay said:

Falchion medics are generally better than staff healers because Falchion medics can heal bonkers amount no matter what condition their target is in, as long as the medic has enough HP to fully heal the targets. Falchion medics can also fight.

But staff users can fight now too! >:(

Or, whenever the update is...

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1 hour ago, Quintessence said:

Heh, just today I realized that Sigurd's magic dmg reduction doesn't apply to staff users. The more you know.


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What build is good for Lute? No blarblade tips plz, I already have Olwen.


Ah Blardblade+ with Fury 3/ L&D3 with Desperation of course.

Her tome is pretty good, sucks she's -HP reducing her magical bulk, but you can just focus on debuffing now, by running Fury 3 with that +Spd IV she'll reach 41 Spd which is respectable for no merge Emblem, and her Res will be brought up so you can get more guranteed debuffs. Run her with either Desperation or Wrath for B Skill (Desperation if u wanna take on DC units with her, Wrath if you want to focus on her fighting magic, and potentially OHKOing units.) Iceberg or Moonbow will be good with either B skill, and Glacies will be good, if you really want her to one shot units, and the rest is up to you. If you have a ploy hanging around, you can add it to her to make her into a complete debuffer that can also punish well.

4 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

But staff users can fight now too! >:(

Or, whenever the update is...

It kinda sucks actually that he can avoid tome damage, but not staff damage. I seriously hope they consider an update one day where they increase the effectiveness of weapons and skills for a lot of the early game units, but only a manner that can be beneficial. A good example, would be increasing Sanaki's Cymbeline's effect to all allies regardless of range, and if not that at least a shop where unique skills, and weapons can be updated.

Edited by Logos
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1 hour ago, Quintessence said:

Heh, just today I realized that Sigurd's magic dmg reduction doesn't apply to staff users. The more you know.


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That's a +Spd/-HP Lute.  Let's take advantage of that!

Weapon - She can keep her tome.
Assist - Some repositioning skill.
Special - Iceberg.  Glacies can work, but that's overkill territory.
A - It's so tempting to say Fury/Swift Sparrow.  But anything offensively-geared should help her.  Not too keen on Life and Death, since it directly interferes with her tome.
B - Desperation, by a mile.  38 Speed is not something to be trifled with.
C - Res Ploy's decent enough.
S - Atk Ploy for giggles.

The result will be severely weakened units who should be easy pickings.

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@Logos @eclipse @Vaximillian Thank you all for the tips! Desperation is a must so I'll look for Shannas, I have Draw Back from Nino and Iceberg from Niles so there's that. Y'know I have a quick thought that anyone with 'stat'+ skills should run Fury instead :P:

@Interdimensional Observer Apparently her Silence staff one shotted Sigurd's HARDT

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2 hours ago, Quintessence said:

Heh, just today I realized that Sigurd's magic dmg reduction doesn't apply to staff users. The more you know.

I spent the end of the last Tempest Trials nuking Sigurd from orbit with Elise.


1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Don't know what to do with Berserk, making it turn enemies against each other sounds too broken.

+10 Atk, -10 Spd, -10 Def, and -10 Res in combat, forced to move last, unable to use assist skills, and controlled by the AI until the end of its next move.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Don't know what to do with Berserk, making it turn enemies against each other sounds too broken.

We already have Reinhardt, so we might as well make something equally as broken.

1 hour ago, GuiltyLove said:

But staff users can fight now too! >:(

Or, whenever the update is...

We will have to see. In my opinion, until they remove the damage penalty, I do not think staff users are viable offensively. Giving up their B slot just to remove their damage penalty is too much. I think it is better to remove their damage penalty completely and upgrade Wrathful Staff to give them some kind of damage buff to compensate for their lack of Specials.

8 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I spent the end of the last Tempest Trials nuking Sigurd from orbit with Elise.

+10 Atk, -10 Spd, -10 Def, and -10 Res in combat, forced to move last, unable to use assist skills, and controlled by the AI until the end of its next move.

I have three Elises ready to make a triple Berserk Elise defense team. The cutest, and best, little sister will be the most terrifying unit on the battlefield.

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5 minutes ago, XRay said:

I have three Elises ready to make a triple Berserk Elise defense team. The cutest, and best, little sister will be the most terrifying unit on the battlefield.

My Maria is gonna fight Elise for that title.

...Assuming I actually get Wrathful Staff, that is.

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17 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

But Sharena is already amazing.

If they really wanted to make Sharena amazing, they would have put her on a horse and gave her Dire Javelin.

Do we know if she is the little sister? I do not remember Alfonse referring her as the older or younger sibling. She could be the big sister.

14 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

My Maria is gonna fight Elise for that title.

...Assuming I actually get Wrathful Staff, that is.

Maria is adorable and all, but Elise is clearly the best. Despite all the stupid multipliers and stuff, Elise still came out on top during the War of the Clerics.

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6 minutes ago, XRay said:

Maria is adorable and all, but Elise is clearly the best. Despite all stupid multipliers and stuff, Elise still came out on top during the War of the Clerics.

...Alright, you win this round. Just like Elise :( But Maria will always be the best healer sister in my heart. I just need to get a Genny in the upcoming banner to prove it.

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Just now, DefaultBeep said:

...Alright, you win this round. But Maria will always be the best healer sister in my heart. I just need to get a Genny in the upcoming banner to prove it.

Don't bulli the sheep. I will personally mark you onto a watch list.

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