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3 hours ago, Arcanite said:

was Lyon even really much of a Primary antagonist though? I mean technically he was possessed....

To be fair, the Demon King is more of a force of nature than an actual character. Lyon is still the main villain, especially in Ephraim’s route. It’s feel weird calling Lyon a villain though, when his motives are mostly altruistic and his personality is genuinely gentle, but then again, that’s what makes him such a good villain.

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10 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

This confirms the Heroes originals can be voted for. What a relief! Sharena needs appreciation.

What are the direct URLs to the images, if you don’t mind?

Here ya go!


Just increment by 1 for the rest.

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3 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

To be fair, the Demon King is more of a force of nature than an actual character. Lyon is still the main villain, especially in Ephraim’s route. It’s feel weird calling Lyon a villain though, when his motives are mostly altruistic and his personality is genuinely gentle, but then again, that’s what makes him such a good villain.

In the Fire Emblem world people do bad things only if they are possessed or mad (or a bandit). Nobody tries to conquer the world just because they want to rule over a larger kingdom/empire.

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5 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

Thanks! And what is the range for the pre-Heroes batch? I’d assume the whole thing doesn’t start with Alfonse.

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7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Thanks! And what is the range for the pre-Heroes batch? I’d assume the whole thing doesn’t start with Alfonse.

Yup, you're correct. Heroes is actually the last batch (and I checked a few spaces afterwards, just in case).

Where it has 113, replace it with 1XX where the range is 01 (Shadow Dragon) to 12 (Fates).

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2 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

Yup, you're correct. Heroes is actually the last batch (and I checked a few spaces afterwards, just in case).

Where it has 113, replace it with 1XX where the range is 01 (Shadow Dragon) to 12 (Fates).

As expected. I could very much have figured it out myself if I weren’t so lazy.

Thanks again!

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17 minutes ago, Rezanator said:

In the Fire Emblem world people do bad things only if they are possessed or mad (or a bandit). Nobody tries to conquer the world just because they want to rule over a larger kingdom/empire.

And ain't that a problem!?

Even Walhart has noble on paper atheistic free humanity from the tyranny of the gods at heart. SoV must have decided to regurgitate him, besides it being an anti-gods game in the first place.

Also, Ashnard gets Mad King as a nickname, but whether he was truly mad or not- that is debatable. Does mad = evil, then yes. If mad =/ evil, than no, i'd say he was rational. The same for Caellach and the Senators.

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40 minutes ago, Rezanator said:

In the Fire Emblem world people do bad things only if they are possessed or mad (or a bandit). Nobody tries to conquer the world just because they want to rule over a larger kingdom/empire.

I wouldn’t say that everything bad that Lyon did was tue Demon King’s fault. In Ephraim’s path at least, he’s definitely aware of his actions. So he’s not completely innocent.

And honestly, starting a war to rule over a larger area could be considered madness, kinda like megalomania but not quite it.

Edited by Water Mage
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3 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

I wouldn’t say that everything bad that Lyon did was tue Demon King’s fault. In Ephraim’s path at least, he’s definitely aware of his actions. So he’s not completely innocent.

And honestly, starting a war to rule over a larger area could be considered madness, kinda like megalomania but not quite it.


In medieval times it was a dog eat dog world. If your kingdom appeared weak, that invited other countries into invading your territory. Instead if they are the ones that are weak, then it is a good time to invade them and take over or kick them around to make sure they don't get any ideas.

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5 minutes ago, silverserpent said:

Huh...anyone else buy the BK pack and only get 6 orbs instead of 12?

The other 6 will be in the presents with Feh.

Also, I cracked. I am no longer FTP, after at least 5 failed attempts to purchase as I got errors.

Edited by Dayni
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All this SS news and the possibility of a new FE8 banner has me throwing around the possibility of Ross as a new unit. The highest ranking units in the last CYL poll from FE8 that aren't already in the game are Marisa (53), Lyon (115), L'Arachel (116), Myrrh (122) and Ross (128). Then you have Gerik in the upper 170s. That gives me cautious hope that Ross could be in the next new heroes banner. Marisa and L'Arachel are locks pretty much and Lyon's getting a GHB. That gives one last spot on the banner as well as a potential TT reward unit. Myrrh, Duessel or Ross will likely be the third unit but the TT unit could be anyone. Cormag, Gerik, Knoll, Duessel, Ewan. Quite a few units are fair game as a TT reward.

That had me playing around in the unit builder again which brought me to this.


The powercreep is what you'd expect it to be sadly. 161 BST, 39/35 offenses with high HP and bad defenses. Distant Counter because literally nothing else makes since for him. Dragon Fang cause high ATK. Brazen ATK/SPD because something like that or a Defiant Skill/LND/Death Blow/Fury would suit him most. Fury likely would be the second choice to suit his character more than anything. Vantage for build synergy with his A skill. Something like Brash Assault would suit him best and Wrath is also a good choice but BA is trash and putting 2 ultra premium skills on him would be too overkill. Axe Valor as it's in line with Gray's Sword Valor and it hasn't been a thing since S!Chrom.

Duessel is a possibility purely because he's the Grado unit and Garm is the Grado legendary weapon. Otherwise Ross is 100% more popular and he would have his Hatchet.

Edited by Zeo
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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The Kingdom of Naga belongs only to the chaste, you shall suffer for eternity for your indulgence of such base desire.

Better to rule whale hell than serve under Naga?

Nah, I don't have that much money.

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1 minute ago, Zeo said:

That had me playing around in the unit builder again which brought me to this.


Ya know I've been hopelessly wishing for them to give the choice between OC art and the freelance new stuff, except now I see how out of place that would be. Given my love of SMT, I would have thought it'd work out better. Maybe I'd get used to it.


3 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Better to rule whale hell than serve under Naga?

Nah, I don't have that much money.

Worry not, Lord Iceifer (do not call them Lucifroz!) is a lenient master.

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4 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

Garm...well, it depends on the weapon GHB Lyon uses. If he ends up with Gleipnir then Vigarde will most likely have Garm.

Vigarde had Spear as his weapon in SS, with an S Lance rank. But being that the Sacred Twins are called what they are, if Lyon got Gleipnir, then him getting Garm is likely.

Whenever Vigarde comes, who will be retroactively brought from pre-death to make him actually have a personality and not just a puppet, I'd look forward to it. As a boss Vigarde is actually rather intimidating in SS, yes that is highly handicapped by him not moving, but 14 Crit and good stats make Ephraim alone 100% safe on him. Hope he'd get a good spread.

Also, Vigarde is sexy. I don't mean to be necrophilic, but that flowing light lavender hair with that beautiful facial hair on a stern but not angry face- it's perfect! He's a DDILF. Like father like son, the hair and face are magnificent, and their attires, are subdued but beautiful.

Why couldn't SoV Rudolph learn from him? He's an anti-DILF.

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2 hours ago, VincentASM said:

Here are some new additions since round 1.

The blank ones after Fjorm are Gunnthra and the Book II villains.

It bothers me more than it should to see generics like Barth, Garth, and generic bandit boss that I'm pretty sure didn't have a name being included, but the Cipher characters from the DLC apparently aren't. I mean, I guess they aren't Echoes characters exactly, but it was my best chance of getting to vote for them.

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Ooh is Bruno going to be on the CYL poll as well? Damnit RALLY BRUNO we need Bruno before they do whatever they do to him on story mode. Come on people, vote Bruno for BRAVE BRUNO

Also, bought the starter kit for the merges, it's a good deal ~

They should provide montly gifts as well or special packs like these.

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22 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Vigarde had Spear as his weapon in SS, with an S Lance rank. But being that the Sacred Twins are called what they are, if Lyon got Gleipnir, then him getting Garm is likely.

Whenever Vigarde comes, who will be retroactively brought from pre-death to make him actually have a personality and not just a puppet, I'd look forward to it. As a boss Vigarde is actually rather intimidating in SS, yes that is highly handicapped by him not moving, but 14 Crit and good stats make Ephraim alone 100% safe on him. Hope he'd get a good spread.

Also, Vigarde is sexy. I don't mean to be necrophilic, but that flowing light lavender hair with that beautiful facial hair on a stern but not angry face- it's perfect! He's a DDILF. Like father like son, the hair and face are magnificent, and their attires, are subdued but beautiful.

Why couldn't SoV Rudolph learn from him? He's an anti-DILF.

GHB Lyon will most likely be pre-possession. 

As for SoV Rudolf, his design is a reference to his long, long descendant Walhart. 

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So it's hypothetically possible for Surtr to win and make them have to make him playable with a special outfit?

I wonder whether or not we'll have a unit drop to 4* this time around. I'm guessing yes: they're more likely to be slowing it down than stopping it entirely. Of the big 4 candidates (Myrrh, L'arachel, Marisa, and Ross), Ross seems like an especially fitting pick, and there are some options for so-far-missing axes he could use like Firesweep. He could also be a TT reward, but it'd be weird for the banner itself to be all-female. And the only other male character who seems like much of a candidate is Duessel, who seems potentially awkward in that both he and Myrrh seem like green 5* exclusives so I don't think they'd have them on a banner together. Could save Duessel for a Grado banner later or something.

Speaking of specific banner themes, that does raise the question: will this have one? "Dauntless Crimeans" was a bit vague, but it was something. I'm not sure what they might go for here. Myrrh and Marisa are connected through Saleh, but L'arachel is at least as strange of an absence. L'arachel/Myrrh/Saleh could have some coherence, I guess?

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3 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

@Othin How about a banner with L ‘Arachel, Dozla and Rennac? Anyway, theme? It doesn’t really “need” to. 

Yeah I thought of those three and then realized that would suck.

It needs some sort of name, and it's likely to be a name referring to something more specific than the whole game. Looking back at past (non-seasonal) banners:

  • Family Bonds: Main character brother/sister pairs
  • Sibling Bonds: Side characters with siblings
  • Blazing Shadows: Miscellaneous FE7
  • World of Shadows: Alm's early team
  • World of Radiance: Greil Mercenaries
  • Rite of Shadows: Celica's early team
  • Echoes of Mystery: Characters present in FE12 (specifically the Prologue), but not FE1
  • Alm's Army: Alm's full team
  • Celica's Army: Celica's full team
  • The Sacred World: Miscellaneous FE8
  • Brave Heroes: Top CYL characters
  • Dauntless Crimeans: FE9 units from Crimea
  • World of Holy War: Sigurd's team
  • Farfetched Heroes: High-ranking CYL side characters
  • Children of Fate: FE14 kids
  • World of Dawn: Micaiah's team

There aren't many truly miscellaneous banners, and we've already had one for FE8.

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