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18 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

He is pretty good, and mine's +spd -res so he's actually not bad as a backup red cav. I just rarely find need for more red cavs beyond sometimes using Xander. Even Sigurd's been mostly on the bench.

I think that banner was cursed by IS, since I saw tons of people get mountains of Elidgans. IS punished everyone for falling for the Ayra trap.

And the one person who wanted Eldigan got a tonne of Ayras first, instead, before finally getting a -Atk Eldigan v.v

At least it taught me to wait for the non-shared banners. I didn't make the same mistake with the Ryoma/Karel banner! (I wanted Karel since I had Ryoma... pulled one Ryoma and stopped, then Karel came on another banner a bit later and I was finally able to get him). 

Edited by Cute Chao
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16 hours ago, Alkaid said:

Isn't it way more racist to see features that are "monkeyish" and a lack of intelligence and think the character is supposed to be black?

Surtr, Laegjarn or Laevetine have a similar skin tone and I haven't seen them be considered black. They all just seem like just some toasty-skinned fire land people. As for his features and behavior, he just seems like a standard wild barbarian-type guy, not any kind of race caricature. Now Basalio is a character I think we can all agree is actually supposed to be black, and he's a cool dude.

Surtr, Laegjarn or Laevetine could be dark Japanese, Indian, or Arabic.  They look like the white characters but just with slightly darker skin.  Helbindi looks like minstrel art.

16 hours ago, Kaden said:

@Lewyn, I know I am willingly stepping on a landmine, but I have to ask: How? Why? And what?

I saw a comment on Reddit mentioning about Helbindi being a racist caricature and how ridiculous that was, but I did not believe such an idea would actually exist, instead, I thought it was some offhand comment. What even about Helbindi, design and characterization, is a racist caricature let alone a racist caricature of African people?

So far, every character from Muspell shown on-screen has brown-grey skin. Helbindi is no exception. There are probably people from Muspell with different skin colors, but if three Muspell characters have brown-grey skin, is it really out there for a fourth one to have brown-grey skin too?

I'm going to skip the ugly part for now and return to it later.

It's a game and one with anime, manga, comic, cartoon art styles. Most art styles, including some realistic art styles, have exaggerated facial features and expressions or the opposite with understated facial features and sometimes expressions. In both cases, they can enhance how a character appears to us, the audience, either by emphasizing emotions, archetypes, and, yes, stereotypes, or by letting us fill in the blanks. For comics, animated films, and games that go for non-realistic, stylized, what have you art, this is important since they're going to need to give you as much information as possible and as close or relatable to humans as possible given they are probably not going to try to capture every single detail a realistic medium or art style would go for. Now, for characters like Helbindi, such as Eldigan, Hector, Raven, MG!Robin, and Surtr who are known as fierce warriors and fierce people, their facial expressions when they're angry are definitely exaggerated to not only indicate their anger, but also to magnify their anger which in my opinion, is a wonderful thing because they look badass.

I have no idea how this is connected to African people. Actually, I do in the sense of where you're trying to get at, but I don't in the sense of I have no idea how Helbindi having dark skin and "really exaggerated ugly facial features" equates to him being like racist caricatures of African Americans before the Civil Rights era.

I already talked about this separately, but if I were to combine the two, then it would still not point to Helbindi being a racist caricature of African people. Dark skinned and ugly or ugly and dark skinned are things that humans have judged people before the notion of racism as we know it today. It was hierarchical and based on observations of what happened and appeared to be so. If you were dark skinned or tanned, then that probably meant you were some poor bastard peasant working out in the sun all day. You were probably ugly too because everyone knows that the fortunate can't be ugly. Your crappy situation is probably because you were a sinner in a past life or something, so your ugliness is a reflection of that. Dark skin and ugly would be equated with poverty and being in the lower class while the opposite, light skin and beautiful would be equated with wealth and being in the upper class.

Asia, Europe, and probably the rest of the world has those thoughts or similar to them. I can't pull up sources for Asia, but I grew up with people saying having light skin was a good thing and it not a European, Asians want to be white, racist thing. It's an Asian, a human, hierarchical thing. How about a look at how Japan portrays country folk in their media? Distinct accents that are played off as cute at times, but also mark them as being the other. And of course, darker skin than people from the city. The United States does the same thing. Southern folk talk mighty different from city folk and it don't matter if they black, white, brown, red, or yellow. Of course, the US also has stuff like southern belles where people from the south are considered beautiful, clean, and tidy, but then you think about how that's being categorized, marketed, and perhaps fetishized. Or the opposite where you have white trash, poor, dirty whites who speak improperly, are ugly, drug addicted, and probably inbred.

Considering Helbindi and a lot of stuff from Heroes and other Fire Emblem games are based on Norse mythology, how about a story that talks about hierarchy? "The Lay of Rig" is a poem about the god Heimdall who disguises himself as a man named Rig. He travels the realm and meets different people each pretty much representing different classes of society as it was seen, known, observed to be, whatever. The first people he meets are an old couple of great-grandparents who live in a farm hut without a door. They give him crappy food of stale bread and broth and when their first child is born, he is described as, and I quote because I have a goddamn book with the poem in it and had to read it for a class before, "a dark-skinned baby" and given the name of Thrall. A thrall is defined as a slave, servant, or captive. Thrall grows up to have "wrinkled skin, / knobbly knuckles, / thick fingers" and his face was described as "ill-favored". The great-grandparents gives birth to other children with similar descriptions. There's a couple other sections after that, but I'm going to skip to a later part of a child named Jarl, a jarl is basically a chief, being born who was "blond of hair, / bright of cheek, / he had eyes as piercing / as a young serpent's". Apparently this poem is available online. Here's a link to it: https://www.pitt.edu/~dash/rig.html.

Anyway, this poem, which I should remind everyone should not be taken at face value, was written long before racism, at least modern racism, existed. Now, people from the Middle East did travel to Scandinavia and Scandinavians did travel to the Middle East or lived near Turkey that very least -- look it up, it's fascinating --, but I doubt that Scandinavians or people in general way back then had the same notions of racism as people do now. They definitely had hierarchical perceptions of people, however. It was probably, "Hey, Olaf, there's a black guy over there. He's probably foreign. Oh look, there's Olav tending the fields as usual. He looks uglier than my ass's ass", rather than "Hey, Olaf, there's a black guy over there. He's probably some savage animal who's inferior to us. Also, Olav is uglier than Olga's mother." Helbindi being from Muspell would explain his dark skin, but if you really want to go further, then him being a poor person from Muspell or a poor person in general, would explain his dark skin, "ugly facial features", and shit life. His dark skin and "ugly facial features" do not, however, explain how he's a racial caricature of African people.

Would you like other examples of poor people who are dark skinned, "ugly", and from the country in Fire Emblem? Donnel, Niles, and Vaike. Donnel's not that noticeable, but he's tanner than most of the Shepherds and his accent while a defining trait of his and could be considered funny, cute, or attractive, becomes darker when you think about it as something that marks him as a country bumpkin. Niles and Vaike are poor guys who have dark skin just like Helbindi. Niles differs in that he chose crime to survive, but does have an element of "ugliness" in being permanently scarred by his missing eye. Vaike is closer to Helbindi as just another muscle for a ruling elite. Fighting is all they are told to do and know. They, like Helbindi, are just examples of long-held, widespread stereotypes of poor people being dark skinned, "ugly", and different.

In other words, humans are fucking assholes.

Man, if you want the opposite of this, I remember one of either Guan Yu or Zhang Fei's sons being described as having dark skin almost black or something and he was considered a hero. I would not be surprised if many other deities and stories from all over had heroes or benevolent figures with dark skin, so what does that really have to do with Helbindi? Rinkah and the Fire Tribe are basically the oni of Japanese mythology. Is she and the Fire Tribe a racist caricature of African people or minorities in general? What, with their dark skin, native clothing, and possibly an association with savageness?

And Tobin is known as a "The Clueless One", so your point being? If Helbindi was light skinned, white, and had the same title, would it make a difference?

How the hell can anyone know this from one chapter featuring Helbindi? He had only several lines of text and none of them as far as I remember, indicated he was a blithering idiot. All I get from his text and current voiced lines is that he's a rough and tumble, blunt guy with a very pessimistic outlook on life. Actually, he kind of reminds me of Brady who's a delinquent with a soft side type of character. Seriously, what about him is unintelligent? If anything, I think he's pretty smart at least on the survival side of things. He advises Ylgr to live another day because that's what he's been doing all his life and for his family in a rotten world he's stuck in. Given a different, more pleasant opportunity, I would not be surprised if he jumped to it if he could take his family with him.

Fjorm said his cruelty or whatever was probably what got him up to the rank of a general. Perhaps he is cruel, perhaps he isn't. Nobody knows, but I do know that Fjorm judged him before he could say anything and even then Helbindi probably does not care. If anything, Helbindi's just a soldier being told what to do and when you're a soldier, especially one under a tyrant like Surtr, you do as you're told and you do not even think to question what you are doing. In other words, he is not going to be able to demonstrate any sort of intelligence outside of combat and tactical intelligence which given that he is a general of Muspell and that his weapon's effect to me implies he would try to keep his men and allies strong, so they can fight better, he's probably a decent and capable leader and tactician, but hey, it's only one chapter and he only appears in two of its maps.

What even about his design is African, specifically a racist caricature of African people, culture, whatever? He looks like any other berserker in Fire Emblem, but with a Heroes/Muspell style of armor. Wields an axe, has ridiculous strength, isn't fully clothed of which men are usually topless, and wears ragged armor. All of which could be considered sexualization of both men and women since Fates had playable female berserkers. Oh, look at that toned, muscled body of that savage warrior. Are there any elements of stereotyped African armor and clothing and if so where? For Helbindi, other than having dark skin of which I do not, I absolutely do not, have to remind anyone that people other than African people can have dark skin, what else makes him look like a stereotypical African man? Does he have some ridiculous afro, Jheri curls, or something? Do not start with me with dreadlocks when anyone can have that. That lip thing only appears in his idle art and it makes him look like he's trying to scowl in a ridiculous way. His attacking and injured art doesn't say anything with his lips belonging to anyone, but Helbindi.

And I leave it with that. For the record, I will not respond to you or anyone on this topic any further. I was already against the idea of even thinking to respond to what I think is an absolutely ridiculous idea because of how much it enraged me that such an idea even existed. Seriously? Helbindi a racist caricature of African people? He's just another goddamned thug with a soft spot archetype who happens to have brown-grey skin because he's from Muspell like Laegjarn, Laevatein, and Surtr. If he didn't or if the people from Muspell didn't what would he be? I'll pull one: a racist caricature of Europeans. Ditto for Bartre, Gonzalez, and other dumb meatheads in Fire Emblem and other games made by Japanese and/or Asian developers. Wouldn't you know it, but way back in the day, Japanese people thought of Europeans as uncivilized barbarians. Why? Because once again, humans are fucking assholes. Fucking burn this goddamned planet to the ground if we actually had dragons.

I am expecting to be banned at this point and I do not care because I am that angry at everything right now.

You aren't going to respond, but because of the history of depiction of blacks in minstrel shows/art as well as how some have been depicted in anime it is obvious Helbindi is supposed to be black.  A very stereotypical insulting portrayal.  White people aren't depicted with fat lips like someone hit them in the mouth with brass knuckles.  So him being a white guy with big lips, big nose, whatever wouldn't arouse any feeling cause there is no ugly history behind it.  Don't mean to get people furious, but with so few depictions of dark skinned people and even fewer of people clearly intended to be black (like maybe Basilio) it is very offputting that some are going to be insulting racist stereotypes.  How are dark skinned people supposed to feel?  This is a fictional game, but just like if you put a Chinese character with squinty eyes and buck teeth in a game as one of the few Asian representives it would be insulting and hurtful to people of that ethnicity.


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20 minutes ago, Nanima said:

Just my luck that they decided to phase out the 4* banners apparently. Didn't take advantage of them before of course. I wonder if Intsys will at some point relent and make certain high-demand-skills like Reposition straight up purchasable in exchange for orbs/feather/materials/whatever. Because it's only going to get worse from here on. 

I waited for Cordelia (I feel you @Alkaid) and Cherche on these banners, I hope they'll start again to do these. Also Caeda would be nice on a 4* banner. 

15 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I’m looking into the future here.

What's it like?

17 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

Flier Bride Oboro confirmed?

What mount would she fly on a bridal banner? 

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14 hours ago, Vince777 said:

I don't disagree. 

I question whether Japanese people consider it much of an issue to stereotype foreigners. They do it literally all the time. Black men are indeed loud, brutish, burly, and unintelligent to them. Or jokesters. That is why they make stars out of people like Bob Sapp, those eager and willing to play into the stereotypes for cash. 

They won't understand it the way Americans do, living in a very multicultural country. Even outside America, something like blackface is not so much a thing.

I didn't see the Muspell people as 'black' though but they are definitely meant to be gaijins. The only one FE character I consider to be black is Devdan and that's a character they definitely designed to be dumb. 


Oh god Devdan, I had repressed him from my memory...jesus christ.  However yeah I don't think Japanese are trying to be insulting, they actually might think that is how black people are or whatever.  As I said in previous post Helbindi cause of his physical depiction seems to be black, however the Muspell royalty maybe South asian, Arabic, or darker skinned Japanese.

About the stance focus.  So maybe Zelgius, F Morgan, Shiro?  I did pull M Morgan off focus and really like him, would like to pair with F Morgan.  Zelgius would be great on my 3rd armor team who is looking for a red.  I'll probably just do a full pull and wait though.  The legendary banner this month is likely to feature the insane Christmas armors.  

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So something that caught my eye was that the "four heroes" maps are released on the same date as the next new heroes summoning banner. CYL2 perhaps

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45 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

And the one person who wanted Eldigan got a tonne of Ayras first, instead, before finally getting a -Atk Eldigan v.v

At least it taught me to wait for the non-shared banners. I didn't make the same mistake with the Ryoma/Karel banner! (I wanted Karel since I had Ryoma... pulled one Ryoma and stopped, then Karel came on another banner a bit later and I was finally able to get him). 

I learned the same thing for that banner. Unless it's a seasonal banner where it can't be avoided (unless you want to wait for the legendary 1/3 chance rerun), I'm waiting it out for new units to get put on a color by themselves if they're currently sharing it with somebody I don't also want.

42 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

Helbindi looks like minstrel art.

it is obvious Helbindi is supposed to be black.

I think I'll just have to plain disagree there. I don't really see how somebody can come to that conclusion unless actively trying to find a problem or just much too sensitive about that sort of thing. Just seems like another case at getting upset by nothing in place of other people. (which seems very common these days) From what I see he's just a typical wild barbarian stereotype, which you see plenty of in anime and Japanese games as well. Lots of them have this kind of brutish look and behavior. There's very few characters in FE that seem clearly intended to be black, and I do not see Helbindi being one of them at all. He's a made-up Muspellian ethnicity if anything. You'd be better off with somebody like Mr. Popo from DBZ if you want a character that has a minstrel-like look to them.

I hope Kaden doesn't have another stroke from this thread.

38 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

What mount would she fly on a bridal banner? 

She could ask her husband Takumi to borrow his Kinshi.

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13 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

So something that caught my eye was that the "four heroes" maps are released on the same date as the next new heroes summoning banner. CYL2 perhaps

Too soon for CYL.

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13 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

I think I'll just have to plain disagree there. I don't really see how somebody can come to that conclusion unless actively trying to find a problem or just much too sensitive about that sort of thing. Just seems like another case at getting upset by nothing in place of other people. (which seems very common these days) From what I see he's just a typical wild barbarian stereotype, which you see plenty of in anime and Japanese games as well. Lots of them have this kind of brutish look and behavior. There's very few characters in FE that seem clearly intended to be black, and I do not see Helbindi being one of them at all. He's a made-up Muspellian ethnicity if anything. You'd be better off with somebody like Mr. Popo from DBZ if you want a character that has a minstrel-like look to them.


I agree.  He's another generic barbarian character, in the same vein as Gonzales from FE6.  >Reddit

Incidentally, I asked my black friends if they thought Helbindi was a racist caricarture.  They proceded to mock me for playing this game, stripped me in public, and then dabbed on me while I lay naked in the street sobbing.  I then got ran over by a Greyhound bus and was transported to the nearby hosptial.  I'm putting this on here from the hospital internet service in my room to let you all know; don't make the same mistake I made.

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9 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

You'd be better off with somebody like Mr. Popo from DBZ if you want a character that has a minstrel-like look to them.

Yeah, I agree that he'd have a better case if Helbindi looked more like this...


Image result for pokemon jynx original design

or this.


Image result for mega man oil man

As is, calling Helbindi a racial caricature is absolutely asinine.

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As always, hoping for some new Archaneans from any of the banners.


Anyways, since playing through the latest chapter, something about Ylgr is bugging me. It's as if I've seen her before, and I think I've managed to pinpoint it. She reminds me so much of Tsukumo Kamiki from Blue Exorcist.



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3 minutes ago, Lau said:

As always, hoping for some new Archaneans from any of the banners.

I may not appreciate the games, but lately I've been wanting Julian (almost said Julius) and Lena. Tick Tock, move that frock!

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15 minutes ago, Charmeleonbrah said:

I agree.  He's another generic barbarian character, in the same vein as Gonzales from FE6.  >Reddit

Incidentally, I asked my black friends if they thought Helbindi was a racist caricarture.  They proceded to mock me for playing this game, stripped me in public, and then dabbed on me while I lay naked in the street sobbing.  I then got ran over by a Greyhound bus and was transported to the nearby hosptial.  I'm putting this on here from the hospital internet service in my room to let you all know; don't make the same mistake I made.

Damn, getting dabbed on is the worst. I'm glad I've only been stanky leg'd. Get well soon.

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I'm hoping Zelgius is on the Stance skill banner at the end of the month, I think I should have about 550 orbs saved by then which should hopefully get me a few merges.

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34 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Too soon for CYL.

Voting for CYL 2 concluded at the end of January. By the time the June 8th banner comes out, it'll have been 4 months, which is around my estimate for how long it takes for new characters to get through the pipeline.

It seems a bit suspicious that they would have things lined up quite that perfectly.

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3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Voting for CYL 2 concluded at the end of January. By the time the June 8th banner comes out, it'll have been 4 months, which is around my estimate for how long it takes for new characters to get through the pipeline.

It seems a bit suspicious that they would have things lined up quite that perfectly.

I think it would be announced in a FEH channel, since the units are going to some of the best in the game. Either way, I need to be careful what banners I pull from.

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2 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

I think it would be announced in a FEH channel, since the units are going to some of the best in the game. Either way, I need to be careful what banners I pull from.

We might still get a FEH channel before the banner is released, quite possibly right before the legendary banner if they really are planning for Marth to be the next LH

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At least there doesn't seem to be as much pressure for CYL this time. Now that we've seen them put CYL units in other banners and legendary banners off and on, it doesn't seem as scary to miss one on their first banner. Before we didn't know if the CYL units would be on many banners after their initial one so it was worrisome if they'd become really rare. Of course, if you want them all together or to +10 any of them, this is probably the best time.

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1 hour ago, Alkaid said:

I learned the same thing for that banner. Unless it's a seasonal banner where it can't be avoided (unless you want to wait for the legendary 1/3 chance rerun), I'm waiting it out for new units to get put on a color by themselves if they're currently sharing it with somebody I don't also want.

I fully intend to do this on most banners for the future (hence why I stopped at one Ryoma and one M!Morgan on their respective banners, since I didn't mind getting them, just not multiples) but Ares, I did go past that for him, since he's a Favourite. They get top priority for me :) 

I'd also do the same for Kent, Cormag, Wolf, Perceval, Rath, Reyson, Geoffrey and Volug if they ever make it into the game and share a colour - units I will go through multiple copies of another for. 

But for others, yep, I plan to do the same. If the unit I want shares a colour, I'll either pull to get one of them (if I don't mind getting the other unit once) and then stop, or leave it for a future banner. For seasonals, I'll still go on the original as I don't trust Legendary banners at all. 

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45 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

Damn, getting dabbed on is the worst. I'm glad I've only been stanky leg'd. Get well soon.

It gets worse: I was following the advice on Rasouli's video on how to grind HM, and was using the RD Ike method for Robin's GHB map.  The nurse walked in as I was clicking auto-battle over and over and asked what I was doing.  I told her I was collecting feathers so I could merge my favorite characters to make them more powerful and to pass on 5-star exclusive skills.  I also showed her Fire Emblem Warriors, which I was playing simultaneously, and showed her Lyn in Armor Break and said she's my favorite unit. She snickered and said "You're such a nerd", and walked out of the room without giving me my scheduled pain medication.  Later, as I was working with the physical therapists, I saw the nurse at the front desk sitting with her coworkers; they were looking at me and laughing. It especiallY stung because they seemed to be around my age, and weren't bad-looking.  In the afternoon, my doctor walked in with the nurse.  She whispered something in his ear and he burst out laughing, and mentioned something about adding a consult to a psychiatrist to my schedule.  FML

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11 minutes ago, Charmeleonbrah said:

It gets worse: I was following the advice on Rasouli's video on how to grind HM, and was using the RD Ike method for Robin's GHB map.  The nurse walked in as I was clicking auto-battle over and over and asked what I was doing.  I told her I was collecting feathers so I could merge my favorite characters to make them more powerful and to pass on 5-star exclusive skills.  I also showed her Fire Emblem Warriors, which I was playing simultaneously, and showed her Lyn in Armor Break and said she's my favorite unit. She snickered and said "You're such a nerd", and walked out of the room without giving me my scheduled pain medication.  Later, as I was working with the physical therapists, I saw the nurse at the front desk sitting with her coworkers; they were looking at me and laughing. It especiallY stung because they seemed to be around my age, and weren't bad-looking.  In the afternoon, my doctor walked in with the nurse.  She whispered something in his ear and he burst out laughing, and mentioned something about adding a consult to a psychiatrist to my schedule.  FML

....if it's that serious, the nurses there don't have a sense of professionalism. At all. Nor does the doctor. Also, you could report the nurse for not giving you your meds in a timely fashion. If she did that to you because she got distracted, who knows who else she's done it to and with potentially more serious meds.

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1 hour ago, Lewyn said:

Oh god Devdan, I had repressed him from my memory...jesus christ.  However yeah I don't think Japanese are trying to be insulting, they actually might think that is how black people are or whatever.  As I said in previous post Helbindi cause of his physical depiction seems to be black, however the Muspell royalty maybe South asian, Arabic, or darker skinned Japanese.

About the stance focus.  So maybe Zelgius, F Morgan, Shiro?  I did pull M Morgan off focus and really like him, would like to pair with F Morgan.  Zelgius would be great on my 3rd armor team who is looking for a red.  I'll probably just do a full pull and wait though.  The legendary banner this month is likely to feature the insane Christmas armors.  

Helbindi could pass for being white if he didn't have his dark grey skin tone. His upper lip lacks any definition at all and his lower is not bulging thick like Mr. Popo or Jynx. 

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29 minutes ago, Charmeleonbrah said:

It gets worse: I was following the advice on Rasouli's video on how to grind HM, and was using the RD Ike method for Robin's GHB map.  The nurse walked in as I was clicking auto-battle over and over and asked what I was doing.  I told her I was collecting feathers so I could merge my favorite characters to make them more powerful and to pass on 5-star exclusive skills.  I also showed her Fire Emblem Warriors, which I was playing simultaneously, and showed her Lyn in Armor Break and said she's my favorite unit. She snickered and said "You're such a nerd", and walked out of the room without giving me my scheduled pain medication.  Later, as I was working with the physical therapists, I saw the nurse at the front desk sitting with her coworkers; they were looking at me and laughing. It especiallY stung because they seemed to be around my age, and weren't bad-looking.  In the afternoon, my doctor walked in with the nurse.  She whispered something in his ear and he burst out laughing, and mentioned something about adding a consult to a psychiatrist to my schedule.  FML

That's terrible. I understand how awful a bad hospital experience can be. I was kicked out during my last hospital visit without proper treatment. During the doctor's questioning to determine a diagnosis for my headache, he asked me who I supported in CYL2. I told him I did not vote for Celica and he stood me up, turned me around and slapped my ass and asked me to leave. He told me he was disgusted that my temperature was higher than the votes for half of Thracia's cast and only gave me a prescription for "better taste".

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51 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

That's terrible. I understand how awful a bad hospital experience can be. I was kicked out during my last hospital visit without proper treatment. During the doctor's questioning to determine a diagnosis for my headache, he asked me who I supported in CYL2. I told him I did not vote for Celica and he stood me up, turned me around and slapped my ass and asked me to leave. He told me he was disgusted that my temperature was higher than the votes for half of Thracia's cast and only gave me a prescription for "better taste".

This can't possibly be something that happened in real life, and people skilled, trained and professional enough to be doctors couldn't possibly be petty enough to do something that juvenile as a result of a poll related to a mobile phone game that they just so happened to know you were involved in. It's weird enough he'd ask you a question like that during a diagnosis, even if he did know you were both FEH players.

I'm losing faith in humanity again, I really hope this was a joke post.

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1 hour ago, silverserpent said:

....if it's that serious, the nurses there don't have a sense of professionalism. At all. Nor does the doctor. Also, you could report the nurse for not giving you your meds in a timely fashion. If she did that to you because she got distracted, who knows who else she's done it to and with potentially more serious meds.

Nurses are some of the worst people I know...lmfao if any of you think they're "angels" of some sort.  The physical therapist was chill though.  We would ditch them to go outside and vape and watch the new season of High School DxD on his phone, then throw a football around.

1 hour ago, Alkaid said:

That's terrible. I understand how awful a bad hospital experience can be. I was kicked out during my last hospital visit without proper treatment. During the doctor's questioning to determine a diagnosis for my headache, he asked me who I supported in CYL2. I told him I did not vote for Celica and he stood me up, turned me around and slapped my ass and asked me to leave. He told me he was disgusted that my temperature was higher than the votes for half of Thracia's cast and only gave me a prescription for "better taste".

That I can totally believe.  When will Celicacels and 16bitcels learn?  You should have said, "Celica is a Mary Sue and I will debate this with anyone".  Then show him the sledgehammer content of Camilla one-turn soloing Arvis's GHB map to prove once and for all that 3ds Fire Emblem> old Fire Emblem.

Edited by Charmeleonbrah
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