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The idea that a random person not only heard of Thracia, but thinks highly of it, just seems too strange to believe.

Not saying it's a bad game, just that remarkably obscure.

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1 hour ago, SuperTroll Maxim Lapierre said:

Helbindi could pass for being white if he didn't have his dark grey skin tone. His upper lip lacks any definition at all and his lower is not bulging thick like Mr. Popo or Jynx. 

I mean it is by far the biggest lower lip of any character in Heroes I think.  It just stands out so much.

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57 minutes ago, Charmeleonbrah said:

That I can totally believe.  When will Celicacels and 16bitcels learn?  You should have said, "Celica is a Mary Sue and I will debate this with anyone".  Then show him the sledgehammer content of Camilla one-turn soloing Arvis's GHB map to prove once and for all that 3ds Fire Emblem> old Fire Emblem.

Don't worry, I didn't waste my breath on him. I looked him right in the eyes, then turned 360 degrees and walked right out of the building as I put my jacket back on that says "3DS-chad" across the back. I don't debate with people who play games with sales figures I can count on my fingers.

59 minutes ago, Zeo said:

I'm losing faith in humanity again, I really hope this was a joke post.


LOL Nah I'm just playing around. I'm sure Charmeleon is joking too, as he was clearly hit by a Megabus, not a Greyhound.


Edited by Alkaid
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9 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

Don't worry, I didn't waste my breath on him. I looked him right in the eyes, then turned 360 degrees and walked right out of the building as I put my jacket back on that says "3DS-chad" across the back. I don't debate with people who play games with sales figures I can count on my fingers.

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LOL Don't worry. I'm sure Charmeleon is joking too, as he was clearly hit by a Megabus, not a Greyhound.


Lmfao this is so great.  Before the meme died, I wish someone made a 'Virgin vs. Chad' meme about old Fire Emblem and new Fire Emblem.  3ds being the Chad, naturally.  @Alkaid of course seeing through me again, this man does not miss a thing. I was indeed hit by a Megabus.



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2 hours ago, Lewyn said:

I mean it is by far the biggest lower lip of any character in Heroes I think.  It just stands out so much.

His hair is silver-gray with a touch of blonde and has headwear becoming of his rank. And he's buff. 

His attack and injured animation doesn't have quite as pronounced of a lower lip. He just happens to be scowling and the artist might have just wanted to emphasize the rugged look. 

The face, in its entirety, just simply does not appear African enough to have people think it is an African in the first place. He is drawn in line with other Muspellians than not. A thick lip really isn't enough to say this is drawn in line with minstrel depictions of blacks. 

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3 hours ago, Lewyn said:

I mean it is by far the biggest lower lip of any character in Heroes I think.  It just stands out so much.

Helbindi's lower lip is about the same size as Surtr's (which makes sense since they should be the same nationality).  Neither of them have lips that are a lighter color than the rest of their skin.  Helbindi's shading is overall a bit darker, his chin has more shadow on it, and he has no facial hair, which all probably contribute to his lower lip standing out more.

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8 hours ago, Zeo said:

So as it turns out the Japanese calendar is "Heroes with Stance Skills" rather than Combat Boosts. Since F!Kana, Dorcas and Shigure were literally just on banners we can safely assume 2 of the 3: Shiro, F!Morgan, Zelgius and the 3rd unit will unavoidably be a repeat of a unit recently on a banner. Since the banner is directly after the Weapon DC one I'm leaning more towards F!Kana.

@mcsilas @mampfoid More Shiro merges perhaps?

I mean it would be nice to replace my -Atk in my second account (or have a non -Def one in my main), but I'm perfectly happy with the one I have now.

Summoning for a better nature just led to a waste of orbs (in his debut banner, I wasted a few orbs only for Clair to show up. I mean I like her, and she has a new refine and all and a good nature. But still I could have probably saved those orbs in the end)

I'm mainly for collecting characters anyway and I really need all the orbs I can get in my main for any surprise nice banners since I'm really low on orbs

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7 hours ago, Lewyn said:

Oh god Devdan, I had repressed him from my memory...jesus christ.

Oh he is terrible. Comes off as mentally... "Forrest Gump-esque" without the timeless charm and just more creepiness. To be fair, I heard he speaks like a coy woman in the Japanese or something. So he is some strange Japanese transgender/gay stereotype perhaps. NoA got stuck with a bad character and came up with a bad solution it sounds like.

And I'm not quite sure if he is black anyhow. I wouldn't call Fiona that.

Also, IIRC, Flavia and Basilio might be of a dark skin tone in their artwork, but weren't their 3D models significantly lighter? Like IS hadn't programmed sufficiently dark skin tones for them. Reminds me a little of the Pokemon: Battle Revolution localization bit where they added darker skin tones in the NA version, and changed four NPCs to the new tones.

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Man, even with ambushes taken out I still can't beat Rival Domains on the hardest difficulty. I know I got my wish for Divine Dew to appear as a reward on its own in some form, but how about some more that's easier to acquire? How about 2 Divine Dew every day for Tap Battle's daily quests? They're already awarding that small of an amount for stones, and you bet I'd fight for those table scraps.

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Quick question, yesterday (or the day before) I asked the questions thread whether a +def -spd Nowi or +atk -HP Nowi would be a better (low-effort) investment. Hawk King was the only one who responded, and he was leaning mostly towards +atk -HP. He also recommended breath or stance skills, which would be ideal but unless I got an influx of Brave Ikes and Shiros, I'm more likely to keep Nowi's TA3 because so many characters I'm investing more in want those skills.

If I want to keep TA3 on Nowi, and am planning on giving her QR3 in the future, and will run her with a dragon team, is +def -spd or +atk -HP a better option? The +def -spd one is the first one I pulled, and because I'm not super attached to Nowi I'm perfectly fine not switching if the two natures are roughly equal under certain circumstances. But is +atk -HP just that much more superior, or could I get away with the current nature?

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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Oh he is terrible. Comes off as mentally... "Forrest Gump-esque" without the timeless charm and just more creepiness. To be fair, I heard he speaks like a coy woman in the Japanese or something. So he is some strange Japanese transgender/gay stereotype perhaps. NoA got stuck with a bad character and came up with a bad solution it sounds like.

I thought it was Kysha who spoke like the coy woman? I hadn't heard Devdan did, too.

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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


And I'm not quite sure if he is black anyhow.


Where's the ambiguity here:  (other than an entire continent in which he is the only black person)



Edited by Vince777
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2 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Quick question, yesterday (or the day before) I asked the questions thread whether a +def -spd Nowi or +atk -HP Nowi would be a better (low-effort) investment. Hawk King was the only one who responded, and he was leaning mostly towards +atk -HP. He also recommended breath or stance skills, which would be ideal but unless I got an influx of Brave Ikes and Shiros, I'm more likely to keep Nowi's TA3 because so many characters I'm investing more in want those skills.

If I want to keep TA3 on Nowi, and am planning on giving her QR3 in the future, and will run her with a dragon team, is +def -spd or +atk -HP a better option? The +def -spd one is the first one I pulled, and because I'm not super attached to Nowi I'm perfectly fine not switching if the two natures are roughly equal under certain circumstances. But is +atk -HP just that much more superior, or could I get away with the current nature?

Personally, I think go with +Atk/-HP. It works out if you're using TA, because HP doesn't matter too much when she should only be battling colours she is strong against.

Even then, if for some reason, like PvE, you need to 'fix' her HP bane, there's always the HP+3 seal.

I think -Spd is good if you rely on getting doubled and have Steady Breath to proc specials faster, but I still personally prefer +Atk/-HP. Even then, the refine from her Breath also patches up the -HP.

Might be worth getting other, more experienced opinions though. My very first Nowi was +Def/-Spd but only 4 star since I was iffy on the -Spd. I hated how she took more damage overall because of getting doubled (but this was before Steady Breath existed and people used SB/Aether)

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2 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Quick question, yesterday (or the day before) I asked the questions thread whether a +def -spd Nowi or +atk -HP Nowi would be a better (low-effort) investment. Hawk King was the only one who responded, and he was leaning mostly towards +atk -HP. He also recommended breath or stance skills, which would be ideal but unless I got an influx of Brave Ikes and Shiros, I'm more likely to keep Nowi's TA3 because so many characters I'm investing more in want those skills.

If I want to keep TA3 on Nowi, and am planning on giving her QR3 in the future, and will run her with a dragon team, is +def -spd or +atk -HP a better option? The +def -spd one is the first one I pulled, and because I'm not super attached to Nowi I'm perfectly fine not switching if the two natures are roughly equal under certain circumstances. But is +atk -HP just that much more superior, or could I get away with the current nature?

My Nowi +8, who is part of my core team for everything, is +Att/-Res and runs TA3/QR3/Fortify Dragons/DD Seal because screw those Breath skills. In your situation, I would definitely take the +Att/-HP one, but ultimately it will be up to your preferences. I would be lying if I said that a +Att/-Spd hadn't crossed my mind as the best combination, seeing that she gets doubled by everything in high-tier Arena, and leaving her bulk untouched would therefore seem wise, but I find her neutral speed a lot more comfortable in PvE content. If you want to be extra bulky with Breath skills it might actually be a good choice to take +Def/-Spd and laugh at physical attacks, but with TA the difference is pretty negligible in most cases where one normally uses TA units. However, it might become significant when fighting colorless units and without DD seal (Lyn for example might be problematic if you don't pay attention). With the support of my Fae's Fortify Dragons and DD3, my TA Nowi really wants the +Att most of the time and couldn't care less about an extra 3 Def, but how would you use your Nowi?

What matters a lot for TA builds (at least to me) is definitely the +Att to one-shot reds if you occasionally need to go on the offense. While Nowi remains mainly a EP unit, there are times where being proactive is helpful, but again, it is up to you what you want to achieve with her.

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Hey guys, reading about the new schedule and news in another page, I've found that a new free choice summon of the CYL1 characters is going to be available. Does anyone know if that's true or if it's just a mistake (since maybe they confunded the begginers CYL1 banner with something new)? Since I'm only 2 Brave Ikes short of +10 mine, and getting 1 for free would be amazing xD

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9 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

I've found that a new free choice summon of the CYL1 characters is going to be available.

[citation needed]

No, seriously. They absolutely aren’t going to give these away again. CYL2 (whenever it happens) is likely, CYL1? Nah.

Edited by Vaximillian
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14 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

I'm only 2 Brave Ikes short of +10 mine

All of that Steady Breath "wasted" on one unit. One of my biggest regrets is getting my B!ike to +3. I have plenty of fodder now thanks to really good luck on pity breakers, but I don't think I will ever be a big enough whale to +10 him. Steady Breath is just too good for most builds. Although, If I was whale enough, I would totally +10 a B!ike and run him the same way as my Lukas because he is just stupid good.

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1 minute ago, Hawk King said:

All of that Steady Breath "wasted" on one unit. One of my biggest regrets is getting my B!ike to +3. I have plenty of fodder now thanks to really good luck on pity breakers, but I don't think I will ever be a big enough whale to +10 him. Steady Breath is just too good for most builds. Although, If I was whale enough, I would totally +10 a B!ike and run him the same way as my Lukas because he is just stupid good.

The worst thing is not only that I'm not a whale, but the fact that I'm F2P xD (In fact, I haven't even bought the Black Knight pack)

As for what I said, I just misread the article, it was on ongoing summoning events, and technically it is ongoing yet, so my bad

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7 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

I thought it was Kysha who spoke like the coy woman? I hadn't heard Devdan did, too.

Kysha/Kyza was stereotypically gay in Japan as well, someone said he spoke in the "atatashi" style or something like that, which is normally used by young girls. The translator of the Kysha stuff mentioned Devdan, but didn't actually dissect his dialogue. However, if he did speak like a woman in Japan, I can perceive his Tormod support as originally him acting "motherly". Dunno how the Largo or Neph supports might have originally played out or what was up with Danved. I'd like to ask Kirokan or perhaps even Ice Dragon to do a quick look at him just to clarify, but I won't.

And yet despite these two, Heather's heavily implied lesbianism was left untouched. Maybe because, although she has a lady boner for every girl she meets in RD and there is little else about her other than man hate/disinterest, she isn't so offensive? I will say Heather does dress quite well though. That Calill-Micaiah fashion boutique somebody on this board been thinking of would certainly benefit from having Heather contribute her ideas.

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9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That Calill-Micaiah fashion boutique somebody on this board been thinking of would certainly benefit from having Heather contribute her ideas.

Said somebody likely being me, huh?

Heather is quite a stylish lady indeed. I do like her rogue outfit.

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4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Kysha/Kyza was stereotypically gay in Japan as well, someone said he spoke in the "atatashi" style or something like that, which is normally used by young girls. The translator of the Kysha stuff mentioned Devdan, but didn't actually dissect his dialogue. However, if he did speak like a woman in Japan, I can perceive his Tormod support as originally him acting "motherly". Dunno how the Largo or Neph supports might have originally played out or what was up with Danved. I'd like to ask Kirokan or perhaps even Ice Dragon to do a quick look at him just to clarify, but I won't.

And yet despite these two, Heather's heavily implied lesbianism was left untouched. Maybe because, although she has a lady boner for every girl she meets in RD and there is little else about her other than man hate/disinterest, she isn't so offensive? I will say Heather does dress quite well though. That Calill-Micaiah fashion boutique somebody on this board been thinking of would certainly benefit from having Heather contribute her ideas.

And that explains why I dislike Kyza

I like Heather's design and style, I would like to have her in Heroes xD

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4 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Said somebody likely being me, huh?

Heather is quite a stylish lady indeed. I do like her rogue outfit.

Probably me.  Much as I don't like Micaiah as a character, I think her design is superb.

Not as sold on Heather's design, though. The hair bothers me.

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