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I never found Micaiah to be interesting in terms of looks. At least her standard outfit. Heather is alright, I especially like the color scheme for her. She'd be a welcome addition, though she's likely be pretty lame in terms of usage if we were account for her growths in RD. Plus daggers aren't sexy right now. 

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I think i finally assembled my second Team after Team Gunnthra!
Gunnthras Team: Saizo B!Ike Clair and Gunnthra

New Team Fjorm:
Fjorm: Leiptir, Repostion, Iceberg, Fury, Quick Riposte, Speed Tactics, Seal: Smoke Atk
Boey: Gronnblade+, Repostion, Bonfire, Close Counter, Quick Riposte, Defense Tactics, Seal: Fortress Defense
Caeda/Shiida: Wing Blade + (Special Refine), Repostion, Iceberg, Distant Counter, Guard, Attack Tactics, Distant Defense
Elise: Gravity+ (Dazzling Refine), Close Counter, Wrathfull Staff, Resist Tactics, Speed Seal.

Now i just need to bring Caeda/Shiida up to +10 to match the others
Gronnblade+ Boey with Tactic buffs and 49 Defense (without any weapon refine lulz) is kinda bonkers when you consider he gets +24 attacks from Gronnblade buff.... its insane ¬.¬

Next Team is up on the Horizon but needs some polish. Not sure of the members yet but so far:
Legendary Ike, Sanaki, Spring Camilla and Brave Lyn. I am not happy with Spring Camillas performance, but she is needed for the BLyn and Reinhardt counter. Considering to swap out Sanaki for Micaiah and Camilla for Amelia. This leaves them open for Dragons somewhat, But BLyn can cover that with Firesweep bow double Poison strike chip dmg. Not sure still haven found a good mix for this Team. Not fond of triple ranged to run in this Team. Tough i might also just change this Team to L!Ike + Raven + Bride Lyn + Axezura. for a full infantery blow up.

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8 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Wow, a Prologue map actually showed up in Training Tower! And this is in the 10th stratum!

I got that for the first time today as well, in the Ninth Stratum. Was briefly really confused.

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26 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Wow, a Prologue map actually showed up in Training Tower! And this is in the 10th stratum!

I find it really funny that they end up adding a map to the Tower, especially from the prologue which is so late at this point.  I do remember many maps getting cut from the cycle (thank god), such as Raven/Nino's and Ryoma's? Remember that?

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43 minutes ago, SilvertheShadow said:

I find it really funny that they end up adding a map to the Tower, especially from the prologue which is so late at this point.  I do remember many maps getting cut from the cycle (thank god), such as Raven/Nino's and Ryoma's? Remember that?

Probably this maps was here originally because it's outside of the typical Normal/Hard/Lunatics maps...

But like with the Nino's map and the Ryoma's; I guess they decided to make some elections to make training units easier.. because look, this map it's so easy with the isolated units.

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I just summoned Lene [+Atk, -HP] in the first summoning session (I got Soleil for free), so I guess I can save lots of Orbs now, but that is not the main point.

So I tapped her to listen to her lines, and dear Anna did it quickly turn dark:
"I really want to meet my mother someday. That's why I dance, even if I don't always like it."
"I hate dancing for strange men. I have no problem dancing for you, though!"

Hearing that sent chills down my spine, so I read up her bio on the wiki:
"When she refuses to become Bramsel's personal dancer, she is thrown into the dungeon of Darna Castle. It is believed that she may have been further abused by him."

And I clicked on Bramsel to read a little further:
Bramsel: What? It's you, Ares!? You... you traitor!!
Ares: Bramsel! Return Lene/Laylea!!
Bramsel: You're too late! Right about now, she's already... heheheh...
Ares: Y, you! I won't forgive this!!

... Oh my Naga! What the fuck am I reading? That is like netorare shit right there! At least Ares and Lene can get together at the end and Bramsel gets killed. Anyways, I guess Ribald Tales of the Faith War still manages to shock me from time to time. I really hope they do a remake now.

Edited by XRay
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59 minutes ago, XRay said:

... Oh my Naga! What the fuck am I reading?

Suguru Kamoshida's origin story, clearly.

Though really, this is the same game that also had this gem delivered from Lene's mother to Sigurd:

“Good little gi… You ever see a little girl with THESE before!? Grr… what a moron.”

Between stuff like this and the incest, it really does seem like Kaga had a lot of unresolved...let's just call them issues. Or at least, that's just my worthless opinion.

Edited by Tybrosion
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38 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Suguru Kamoshida's origin story, clearly.

Though really, this is the same game that also had this gem delivered from Lene's mother to Sigurd:

“Good little gi… You ever see a little girl with THESE before!? Grr… what a moron.”

Between stuff like this and the incest, it really does seem like Kaga had a lot of unresolved...let's just call them issues. Or at least, that's just my worthless opinion.

Sometimes you cannot make compelling stories without having a screw loose. His issues are still pretty relevant today unfortunately. I really hope Nintendo remakes Geneology of the Holy War and present these issues in a meaningful way. However, I am not so sure Nintendo wants to tackle mature themes these days, and if they do, I hope they have the sense to let 8-4 do the localization and not the incompetents from Treehouse.

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If they do one day remake Genealogy, I really hope it'll answer all those questions I have about the fate of those 1st gen characters that just disappeared. 

Perhaps even make some of them (like Lachesis) recruitable?

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4 minutes ago, Vince777 said:

Perhaps even make some of them (like Lachesis) recruitable?

Thanks but no thanks. Total party wipe is a total party wipe. Gen 2 is the kids’ story. Also keep Finn unique and don’t cheapen his badassitude.

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4 minutes ago, Vince777 said:

Any problem with their fate being made clearer though? Or even meeting them down the road?

No problem with their fate being made clear. Every problem with making them playable.

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You purist.

You make sure you mail them about it once the game is announced because I'd bet a little something that stuff like new playable, perhaps dlc-bound characters, or from side quests, will be a thing. 

They resurrected Michalis and gave Celica a semi plot-important new brother. 

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9 minutes ago, Vince777 said:

You make sure you mail them about it once the game is announced because I'd bet a little something that stuff like new playable, perhaps dlc-bound characters, or from side quests, will be a thing. 

They resurrected Michalis and gave Celica a semi plot-important new brother. 

DLC are fine because they aren’t canon to the main story. Michalis’ resurrection cheapened his redemption microarc, and Conrad was the most unnecessary addition to SoV that cheapened Celica’s character even more. Way to go, I guess?

4 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

can't forget spotpass can ya

I can.

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1 minute ago, Vince777 said:

You must have loved Awakening's late game Paralogues.

I didn’t take them. Gangrel is dead. Emmeryn is dead. Aversa is dead. Yen’fay is dead. Priam is an impostor with a fake bootleg Ragnell.

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Is it known which are finally the skills that Julius have in his vanilla set? I remember to hear here that there was people who said he would have Guard and Atk Ploy and other people which said that he would have distant defense and something else. 

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He'll actually be the first GHB I promote since Arvis... who's also a red mage...

I'm glad I didn't build my S!Leo as Julius essentially powercreeps him as a magic soak.

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51 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

Is it known which are finally the skills that Julius have in his vanilla set? I remember to hear here that there was people who said he would have Guard and Atk Ploy and other people which said that he would have distant defense and something else. 

I believe Guard, Atk Ploy, and Draconic Aura were confirmed from the datamine. I haven't heard anything about Distant Def or anything else, but those are the ones on Gamepedia, and it'd be pretty strange for his actual skill set to not get datamined by now.

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52 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

Is it known which are finally the skills that Julius have in his vanilla set? I remember to hear here that there was people who said he would have Guard and Atk Ploy and other people which said that he would have distant defense and something else. 

he comes with guard and atk ploy. distant defense was just an idea to help him tank a fully optimized reinhardt which it would

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Just want to point out that there's another "New Power" banner a little less than 30 days after the one we're about to get, which means more refines.

Gonna take a quick look at around 7 units of each color that need/ are most likely to get a refine.


  • Lon'Qu
  • Ogma
  • Hinata
  • Selena
  • Laslow
  • Palla
  • Raigh


  • Tana
  • Catria
  • Florina/Shanna
  • F!Corrin
  • Oboro
  • M!Robin
  • Odin


  • Beruka
  • Cherche
  • Bartre
  • Barst
  • F!Robin


  • Matthew
  • Saizo
  • Setsuna
  • Niles
  • Rebecca

Hopefully it's one of each of these at least. I'd rather not be bamboozled and see Eldigan getting Dark Mystletainn so quickly after his refine instead of a unit that's not already good getting a weapon of their own. I'd like another bulky refine update like the Raven+Falchion one. Lots of units got weapons that time, I'd like to see that again. Also I'll be pissed if Gaius gets a refine before Matthew. Any other dagger unit, even Kagero I'm somewhat ok with beating him to a new weapon but for some reason, the idea of Gaius getting one first pisses me off. Not sure why...

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@Zeo I'm curious as to who will get a refine next too.... There's a part of me that low-key hopes that maybe one of the staff units will get a pref staff. IDK what kind of staff it would be, it'd be cool to see it happen. XD

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Speaking of refines, how OP would it be if the trio got innate breakers over the type they are strong against? Axebreaker for Fólkvangr, Swordbreaker for Fensalir, Lancebreaker for Nóatún. With or without the changes to their existing effect.

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