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4 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

I want to know how they came to the conclusion that this was something they should do. Did they actually gather data that some people were too dumb to figure out what the icons in the castle did without it telling them with a big, hideous brightly-colored banner?

Really, as if it was so difficult to, I dunno, tap on the icons like you are supposed to do in the actual gameplay.

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Wow. Karla is ridiculous. Quick math...

  • +3 damage per hit just for having 5 more Spd than the enemy. She'll then double said enemy (barring follow-up inhibiting effects) for a total of +6 damage.
  • Attack +3/Moonbow on a 27-29 Def enemy, or Heavy Blade/Luna on a 28 Def enemy each contribute +14 more damage.

That already about matches Regnal Astra. And she probably has more than a mere 5-Spd edge over most enemies, and plenty of meta threats are above 27-29 Def (and the ones that don't are probably dead in 2 hits).

I'm of the opinion that she's definitely better than Ayra when they're both set up.

Edit: That was with Desperation. I totally forgot she had Wrath at base.


Edited by LordFrigid
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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:



Didn't take ya very long to change your avi. It isn't bad, the injured version, it needs more groin exposed, but besides that not bad, helps he has always been shirtless. It's very bad boy, not that I really go for that at all. Still, he seemed to be an honorable guy at heart in FE7.

He was also very stupid if his Res was anything to go by, it's fun berserking him in the final chapter and watching Lloyd kill him on the counter. Any idea of his stats yet?


How could I not?

37 attack, 33 speed. I would have preferred a few points of defence into speed, but it's stukk giid,

1 hour ago, sirmola said:

THat being said, he will almost certainly have good fodder skills.


Brazen Atk/Spd. Not half bad.

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1 hour ago, Alexmender said:

It is a glitch (or IS deleted our data), you don't get the rewards again even if it says you do. RIP orbs.

We're getting compensation orbs instead, yay. Apparently confirmed on the Japanese Twitter, but I can read that about as well as Nino can.

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3 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

We're getting compensation orbs instead, yay. Apparently confirmed on the Japanese Twitter, but I can read that about as well as Nino can.

Did you see that google search Nino wrote in reddit?

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7 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

We're getting compensation orbs instead, yay. Apparently confirmed on the Japanese Twitter, but I can read that about as well as Nino can.


Continue to “Fire Emblem Heroes” thank you.

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After today's update I found my Tap battle stages reset. Although it's still the same Tap battle as before, but I when I complete them, I don't get the rewards (noticed my orbs are not changing)

Anyone else noticed this bug?

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I have to say I'm kind of disappointed in Linus. I mean, he's pretty good, and he has some sweet skills, but he's basically just an unmergable Raven in practice, who isn't exactly uncommon. Raven could run fury to mitigate the def gap some, or from everything I've seen, just be fine running L&D and taking one hit. Was kind of hoping they'd give him a niche to differentiate him, but I guess physically bulky axe users are already covered pretty heavily, and him being a mixed tank would be weird.

Banner units seem good, but don't have any real desire to pull. Karla is nice, but Lucina's seen me through this far and she'll continue to do her job just fine; Nino is nice in a lot of ways, but I have enough glass canons; and Legault seems fine, but nothing that would get me hopping to use dagger units.

Canas is just ugh. We've now gotten Oliver, Lyon, Arvis, Saias, Julius, and Canas who amount to mage tanks with decent attack and meh speed. At least Saias and Arvis had utility niches, Julius took mage tanking to an extreme, and Lyon had a legendary raven tome and a bunch of bulk, which even that seemed a bit disappointing IMO. Oliver wasn't especially noteworthy, but at least he didn't come after five other mages that fill basically the same role. Still glad Canas is in because I like him as a character, but he'll be hitting the bench pretty hard for the foreseeable future.

The refinements don't seem especially impressive—yay, another red dragon-slayer. Maybe it matters more for people who run dragon emblem—and I'll stand by accessories being completely pointless until proven otherwise. The menu changes, while nice from making things less cluttered, don't seem particularly great, and the castle changes, as many have said, are hideous.

Overall, have to say this is a pretty disappointing update.

@LordFrigid Ayra has the bulk to actually be effective with DC if she feels like it. I'm not saying Karla will be crap, but I would definitely hesitate to say she's better than Ayra.

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2 minutes ago, Garlyle said:

Anyone else noticed this bug?

Yes, it is a bug that the stages appear reset. IS has acknowledged the bug and will give compensation orbs sometime soon.

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1 minute ago, Vaximillian said:

Yes, it is a bug that the stages appear reset. IS has acknowledged the bug and will give compensation orbs sometime soon.

Ok, I stopped complaining then. :D:

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I don't need these labels of what each button does on the Home menu, I've been playing this game for over a year, like most of the people here.

It's ugly to. It'd be one thing if the labels on each button matched the castle design, but they don't even match the Columned Castle all that well, the only castle design that has any amount of red in it.

Please please please, revert this ugly change or let us disable it, because most of us aren't beginners...

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Merric is actually pretty capable now. Too bad I started sending so many of him home. He is still pretty far down on my list of merge projects though.

Linde got a lot better, and I still don't have her... I can't wait for that new banner.

The Tikis' Breath of Fog is a big improvement in the 750+ meta where they don't need to counter from range because of the absence of ranged enemies. I wish Young Tiki was in the 4* pool because I would like to +10 her. Adult Tikis lower BST leaves me in no hurry to build her.


Karla gonna be broken as F***, and Flying Nino looks very nice.

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Compensation for the "loss" of content that anyone has probably finished ages ago? I mean I know why they did and .... I'll take it, but who cares, exactly?

Tiki's refinement is kinda cool, but not really worth the Dew if I lose out on DC. Don't care about Merric, and Linde is whatever - Nice Gimmick and all, but I never see a good reason to use these over Bladetomes.

Hector & Matthew BHB incoming makes me nervous. Hector DC has always eluded me and I wanted to save for the next legendary banner.... incoming huge disappointment for both, I guess....

New menus kinda suck, especially after being used to go to other parts for HM and the catalogue.

TT Seals are nice, now I only need Speed Tactics. Come to me, Lyn, come to the slaughtering table.

Canas is cool as a character, but he serves no purpose in my barracks. Linus is good fodder, at least.

How many simple stat seals do we really need? They mostly just make the list of available seals needlessly longer.

SPEEEEEEED for all new units, SPEEEEEEEED. (Stat distribution has become really ... monotonous)

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@bottlegnomes Ayra has more Def, but 65 one-hit neutral physical bulk and 64 one-hit neutral magical bulk is by no means unusable. I'll give you that Ayra is better in the physical defense department. But the end of the day, they're both angling to set up a devastating-special-every-round set*, and judging by the matchups I'm running now...Karla's is better.

*Edit: Actually, Karla's not even trying to do that, she's just trying to stack damage through the ceiling.


Edited by LordFrigid
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Ugh, Canas is disappointing. Why couldn’t they dump that extra bst in spd instead? I guess Raigh is better after all.

Everyone else looks great though. Linus may not have merges but is significantly bulkier than Raven so there’s that. Really tempted to pull for Karla since I don’t have Mia or Ayra. Really hope Legault drops down to 4* as I prefer him over Sothe. Still not that interested in new Nino.

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1 minute ago, Garlyle said:

What does Breath of Fog do? I have a 5* Dragon Scion, but I don't see the weapon refinery option for the new one.

You have to learn the regular Breath of Fog first via the normal Learn Skills menu, then you'll be able to see it in the refinement menu.

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Just now, Garlyle said:

What does Breath of Fog do? I have a 5* Dragon Scion, but I don't see the weapon refinery option for the new one.

Learn the base version first, otherwise you can't refine it. It adds +5 Att/Def if swordies or dragons are near her (2 spaces), next to being a Res-targeting Falchion breath.

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It is rather stupid that they gave Karla, who was a mediocre unit in her own game and not likely that well beloved by the fandom, a ridiculously good stat spread just because she's a pretty sword-wielding lady, while fucking over Canas who actually was a fan favorite.

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5 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:


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It is rather stupid that they gave Karla, who was a mediocre unit in her own game and not likely that well beloved by the fandom, a ridiculously good stat spread just because she's a pretty sword-wielding lady, while fucking over Canas who actually was a fan favorite.


Tits > nerd

Karla is probably the worst unit in FE7

6 minutes ago, Garlyle said:

I see, I though it's just a regular weapon refinery. Now I feel stupid.

Thanks anyway guys.

You can check the FEH subreddit's update megathread every time there's a new update. It'll have all the weapon refinements

Edited by silveraura25
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Yeah, but Canas was a popular nerd that most people were looking forward to and you'd think IS would make him good (and summonable) to appease people who wanted him. Was Karla even popular?

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