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Okay, first off, that Chain Challenge for chapter 9/10 can **** itself.

With the introduction of Kaze into the summoning pool, I think this opens an opportunity for other limited units to be brought in. If I were to guess where some could land for their rates, I think it could land like this.

3/4*: Tobin (Bad skills, meh stat spread)

 Clive (Same with Tobin)

Finn (Alright stats but meh skills)

Canas (Same with Tobin, plus Red Owltome could finally be accessible without killing poor Katarina)

Gerome (Kinda iffy here considering he kinda outclasses Cherche with IVs, but I just can’t really justify him being a 5* with those skills)


Black Knight (Really odd spot for him; he’s powercreeped by Zelgius so having him share a rarity feels wrong, but his stats remain solid and Steady Stance is pretty nice, so this could be a decent compromise)

Arden (Not much to offer inheritance wise, but he’ll be a monster with IVs considering his spread)

Marisa (her spread isn't that bad, plus Infantry Pulse is awesome, but she’s not worthy of a 5* lock)


Joshua (Excellent/rare skills, nice spread, popular character, plus the other Fafetched characters got it so it’s only fair)

Masked Marth and the seasonals I omitted for their respective reasons. Masked Marth would be pointless to include because she’s exactly a neutral Lucina with no skills, and the Tempest Trials are better suited for her anyways. The seasonals are kinda boned because they just can’t be added to the summoning pool, and none of them sans maybe Eliwood are worth putting on a legendary banner (I’m looking at you, Corrin). What I hope is that someday the future season banners will only include other seasonals as pitybreakers instead of the regular pool, but thats another story.


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No matter that the Black Knight is powercrept by Zelgius, he is still probably way too strong to be made available at 4*. 

Plus, they haven't put any unit with DC there yet.

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Got a 400 orb stockpile, for the first time I think. Still a bit tempted to go for Nino but I'd rather keep saving for others.

I like the Arena Assault changes. Managed to do a full run with only on-element units, it's a fun restriction to help it further push your team to the limits.

Haven't figured out the new Lunatic CC yet.

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3 minutes ago, Vince777 said:

No matter that the Black Knight is powercrept by Zelgius, he is still probably way too strong to be made available at 4*. 

Plus, they haven't put any unit with DC there yet.

I mean, we kinda have some really good units in the 4* pool already (Soleil/Ares/Sothe/Reinhardt etc), so I don’t think BK would really shake things up too much. Now I’d never expect him to go as low to 3*, as that would be... insulting.

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21 minutes ago, SilvertheShadow said:

Okay, first off, that Chain Challenge for chapter 9/10 can **** itself.

Personally, I’d just say that Lene can go [expletive] herself more so than that entire CC. It is so easy for her to doom one of your teams on her second map it isn’t even funny.

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I've now finished building that +Atk Clair I pulled some time ago and she just helped me make a big mess of Michalis infernal on a flier team, woohoo. She rocks with her new weapon! I gave her Death Blow so she can maximize her cav/armor nuking abilities. With her, I used Kinshi Hinoka, Witch Nowi, and Gerome. Witch Nowi required an Atk seal to one-round Michalis himself, but that was the only adjustment I had to make.

I still would really like NY Azura someday or some other possible cool flying singer (herons, IS...), but this group might work well for me for the time being! I'd also like to still use Elincia, legend Ryoma, regular Hinoka, Summer Corrin, and Tana sometimes though, definitely in cases where one of them would be more preferred.

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8 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Personally, I’d just say that Lene can go [expletive] herself more so than that entire CC. It is so easy for her to doom one of your teams on her second map it isn’t even funny.

Don’t get me wrong, Lene was a serial pest. I hate AI dancers with a passion. What really burned my blood was that stupid Nino. She was always a death sentence to one of my units thanks to that asinine Aerobatics skill, especially on the third map (fifth one wasn’t quite as rage inducing)

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12 hours ago, r_n said:

Summer Anna because dang it, she's gotta get those photos no matter what.

*Slaps Silencing-Hexing-Inevitable End Enfeebling-Freezing-Stunning-Sleeping-Stoning Handcuffs on her* 

The rules of privacy are to be respected! To jail with her and Peri as the warden! (Seriously, that scene makes me regret 100% buying the Bonds DLC in Awakening- I hate what Awakening did to you Anna!)


2 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Summer Brom when?

He does appear in plainclothes in his first scene in RD. White tee nasty! He has five sons and three daughters, eight kids total. So you know he has experience

Oh for the love of Ashera, am I actually self-deluding myself into DILFing Brom?! *Tries scrubbing brain clean* But being he's fat, it means I'm getting over the notion sexy is only applicable to those of idealized human forms and standards? Uhh... yay?

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31 minutes ago, SilvertheShadow said:

Don’t get me wrong, Lene was a serial pest. I hate AI dancers with a passion. What really burned my blood was that stupid Nino. She was always a death sentence to one of my units thanks to that asinine Aerobatics skill, especially on the third map (fifth one wasn’t quite as rage inducing)

Admittedly, I don’t recall Nino being particularly problematic during my clear but I can definitely see her causing hell for others such as yourself. And if anyone cares, my teams for that CC were: 

WE!Tharja, Effie, M!Grima, Genny; Grima ended up clutching through Lene’s second map after his armor buddies died

Leo, LL!Ephraim, Cecilia, Clarine; they made it to the final map, where I had them intentionally pull a Leeroy Jenkins and just have the last team clean up

Eirika, Nino, ToD!Jakob, Azura

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1 hour ago, Othin said:

I like the Arena Assault changes. Managed to do a full run with only on-element units, it's a fun restriction to help it further push your team to the limits.

Those changes aren't live yet, so it had no effect on the run you mentioned. It will start next season.

My apologies if you just meant to say that you generally like the upcoming changes, but then the next sentence referring to it wouldn't make sense to me.

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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

Personally, I’d just say that Lene can go [expletive] herself more so than that entire CC. It is so easy for her to doom one of your teams on her second map it isn’t even funny.

Dancers are cancer, no contest here.

Overall, so much cancer in these chapters. Trees, check. Stupidly bulky Helbindi, check. Enemy dancer, check. Single-file gauntlet in the fifth map that Helbindi’s Panic Ploy covers, check. Ishtar and the cavs out for blood danced by Lene, check.
More trees, check. Stupid untankable Legault, check. Overbloated Karla, check. FLYING NEEENOH, check. REINFORCEMENTS, HUGE FUCKING CHECK.

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11 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Dancers are cancer, no contest here.

Overall, so much cancer in these chapters. Trees, check. Stupidly bulky Helbindi, check. Enemy dancer, check. Single-file gauntlet in the fifth map that Helbindi’s Panic Ploy covers, check. Ishtar and the cavs out for blood danced by Lene, check.
More trees, check. Stupid untankable Legault, check. Overbloated Karla, check. FLYING NEEENOH, check. REINFORCEMENTS, HUGE FUCKING CHECK.

Yeah, all that shit adds up real quick. It would only become completely unbearable if it had the stupid turn limits that 11+12 had. That said, this one probably would’ve at least been just as bad as that one if my barracks looked like they did back when I cleared 11+12.

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I solved chapter 9/10 lunatic/10 CC, but I failed to do so with only one team. On map 5 would lose always 1 unit, even if I was able to solve the same map without loss in the normal story chapters (I know CCs and Squad Assault have boosted opponents). After I solved this CC with two teams, I tried Valters Infernal GHB with the same starting team and solved it in one try. So much for the increased difficulty. 

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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

Yeah, all that shit adds up real quick. It would only become completely unbearable if it had the stupid turn limits that 11+12 had. That said, this one probably would’ve at least been just as bad as that one if my barracks looked like they did back when I cleared 11+12.

Don’t remind me of those stupid turn limits. I’m so glad those have been phased out in future maps. 11/12 was the bane of my existence for the longest time, and while this recent one doesn’t quite trump the agony I had with that one, it comes dangerously close. Once upon a time I had issues with Ike’s maps (especially that fourth one), but now they can be cheesed much easier now.

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Finished the newest chain challenges. The long one was difficult. Took a lot of trial and error. Luckily Ike, Axezura, Fjorm and Genny beat the first eight maps. A tip for the final map. If you haven't attacked the top units with your second/third team and three Fangs spawn at the bottom near beginning then killing them won't result in the top enemies rushing you

Gonna do the newest squad assault tomorrow.

Edited by silveraura25
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Lene was massively annoying in chain challenge 9/10 it wasn't even funny. I was able to get her first map to a science where I could get through it without losing anyone, but I'm still not sure how I managed to survive her second map without losing anyone on my successful clear. Repositioning and a dancer of your own is your friend, though, I will tell you that.

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I also hate dancers on lunatic or infernal maps. Ugh.

On another note, since I managed to grab some good pieces for them recently and it's double SP time, I finally decided to make my armor team the best they can be at the moment...I think. I'm still not that good at using armors though, so I could use advice for the GHB infernal armor quests. Right now Michalis is the one going on and I've already managed to tackle him with fliers and infantry.




I know BK and Christmas Robin still need Vantage 3 and Lancebreaker 3 and the seals aren't fully upgraded atm, but I don't have the resources right now. But they all still got pretty decent skillsets, right? At least, Zombie Jakob rocks Close Counter, Count Henry pretty much destroys most mages and low-Res physical units, and holy fuck Christmas Robin's speed. lol Hone Armor makes that guy ridiculous.

The only things I'm wondering about are if Christmas Robin could have a better A skill and if Zombie Jakob would be better off running QR or Vantage rather than Wary Fighter. Though unfortunately, I don't have anymore fodder for those either. >_<

But as they are, could they do Michalis infernal somehow? Though I will say the Lunge/Drag Back on a couple of those enemies in the map seriously fuck things up. Ugh.

Edited by Anacybele
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3 hours ago, MonkeyCheez3K said:

Those changes aren't live yet, so it had no effect on the run you mentioned. It will start next season.

My apologies if you just meant to say that you generally like the upcoming changes, but then the next sentence referring to it wouldn't make sense to me.

Ahh, alright. I'll take it as a practice run then, lol.

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40 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I also hate dancers on lunatic or infernal maps. Ugh.

On another note, since I managed to grab some good pieces for them recently and it's double SP time, I finally decided to make my armor team the best they can be at the moment...I think. I'm still not that good at using armors though, so I could use advice for the GHB infernal armor quests. Right now Michalis is the one going on and I've already managed to tackle him with fliers and infantry.

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I know BK and Christmas Robin still need Vantage 3 and Lancebreaker 3 and the seals aren't fully upgraded atm, but I don't have the resources right now. But they all still got pretty decent skillsets, right? At least, Zombie Jakob rocks Close Counter, Count Henry pretty much destroys most mages and low-Res physical units, and holy fuck Christmas Robin's speed. lol Hone Armor makes that guy ridiculous.

The only things I'm wondering about are if Christmas Robin could have a better A skill and if Zombie Jakob would be better off running QR or Vantage rather than Wary Fighter. Though unfortunately, I don't have anymore fodder for those either. >_<

But as they are, could they do Michalis infernal somehow? Though I will say the Lunge/Drag Back on a couple of those enemies in the map seriously fuck things up. Ugh.

My setup for that wasn't very different. I'd suggest throw the QR seal onto BK and if you have some Draugs to spare, some Ward Armors can be invaluable. I recall my win ended with all 4 of my units crammed into the lower left corner and using Swap when someone was at risk. Bear in mind that none of the enemies use magic or bows, so you could probably give Jakob the boots or Close Def.

edit: Looking at the map now, yeah giving Jakob Close Def 3 seal and having Henry use either Ward Armor or Drive Def 2 seal would let him take 0 damage from the fliers. Keep Hone Armor on BK, because the Atk bonus gives Jakob enough to OHKO the sword fliers, and Henry enough to OHKO the lance infantry. Ideally you'll have BK face Michalis himself, though Henry and Jakob can do quite a bit to help (notably, the fliers are stacking buffs, so the panic effect will help if any are still alive).

Edited by Johann
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5 hours ago, mampfoid said:

The Nifl brother, a master of disguise, infiltrated Sutrs army. Could he possibly be 

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He spared also his little sister. 


no pls no i need my fanservice since Bruno is absent so they better bring a handsome face and some amazing abs...

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